首页my stupid heart歌词Part Two-2

Part Two-2

        S time before s into to pile in from took a prom card and t tart now.

        It came all of a sudden in a very queer ness.

        tood toget making    o till. None of tarted asking for proms like to do. tness got o enougies to knoed puncalking. t even if t look at tell to be popular or not. tness    ttery about theroom.

        After a o a girl named Delores Brown.

        As soon as o rus once. arted on a everytopped again. One irls got a couple of proms—and because sy to    was all.

        t he hall.

        tly flocked around tried to soget of laugo pretend like time. t about t about t all t came of it he room.

        It o notice z.    door and she had known him all her life.

        Altime to le and fig on t of grass by treet.    he

        did not look so muc bronig, and on track.

        It     made ice     ty    on one of o cock o see.    toucy as t    uck t into ell    bumping into people.    ask any girl to prom except     was y.

        All to take lemonade. Some of t pet out in t air. After t, brigumn in the darkness.

        t expected. Along treet te and Sucker ells and Baby and Spareribs—t started at belo on up to over t kno all o    s invited eito o ty and in plainss le-tailed knickers or old everyday dresses. t o cy. S of two feelings wher was a kind of warning.

        I got tz made out like    sten on it. o tle t meant t prom.

        Yeas get going.’

        tarted out to ill felt very ritzy. Look yo Mick Kelly! one of t        Spare-ribs, and some day soon sc along to treet turned doher block.


        Going on fourteen.’

        S    used to    six incall and a een. Every kid at ty    beside    er. No boy ed to prom aller t maybe cigarettes    t of h.

        I gre in last year, she said.

        Once I sa t and a    tall. But you probably    gro big.’

        opped beside a dark crepe myrtle bus. ook somet of    and started fooling ever it    was h his handkerchief.

        Pardon me,    on he deep.

        You ougo ime.’



        t    and dark. reet.

        tain young lady back at ty t ts sissy for a felloo ain person—oh well, maybe I am a------’

        finisigeps and sprang for a leaf about four feet above    could see t o

        it t time. t the dark.

        S up h him.

        As usual a song was in o herself.

        s t youre singing?’

        ?Its a piece by a fello’

        pretty good. epping    like a fast boxer. t sounds like a sort of German name.’

        I re so.’

        Fascist? he asked.


        I say is t Mozart a Fascist or a Nazi?’

        Mick t a minute. *No. time.’

        Its a good ted o ask why.

        I say its a good thing, he said again.


        Because I e Fascists. If I met o Id kill him.’

        S    treet liged.    you ever read ts thisway------’

        tion    he sidewalk. A heavy siess came in her belly.

        t time to explain unless    mind telling you s. Id like to tell about it.’

        t c to spielt to somebody. But s ime to listen.

        S    he mess she saw.

        tanding around in t y. Noer just five mihe place looked

        more like a crazy    of t into ty itself. te ells banging out of t door ed people —in thes.

        Baby ilson messed around on t porc more t to be eps o a time, o be    all. Mister Brannon    ime sed to. As soon as s    o see raig again like t to be. S up to Sucker ells. ood fart    ion, but s w had happened.

        So shake him.

        At first ig after a min- I ute eeto rattle. You go     invited.    ucked ail a.

        But    go all ter    to t docy w s see him.

        For a minute s good about s out of Sucker. And t aftered to let s t nerve she had ever seen.

        Drinking up ts and ruining ty into all tion. t door and

        o eac up to Pete ells because    of all. ball    and butted into people. Pete    of fourtee ill stu t up to    oo big to sold o go    her.

        I been in six different states. Florida, Alabama------ftMade out of silver cloth a sash------*

        ty alking at once.

        ted people from Vocational ill stood in separate bunc about gole puddle    lemon peels at ttom of ted too o anybody    him.

        Portia    into tes t one—a jelly kind he bread.

        Portia stayed in to cy.    oo good a time to leave, s o o go on urday Nig me. Everbody so excited o    ay.’

        Excitement—t    all t excited, too. It    just iful    oiara in    ion and all tional people and kids being jammed together.

        ?atch her run!’

        Ouc it out——’

        Act ye!’

        A bu,    be off t bushem.

        Fresional all dressed up for a real prom party

        and ag just like kids. It    all. A boy came up to icker and sarted running too.

        ty irely nular playing-out. But it    nig. tco ty made all t about    gro    before you take a baternoon    plenty dirty just for t befetting into tub. Everybody    on Saturday nig like t of all.

        S to try a.

        S s notice    enougo let ed to do.

        tcreet! tcch!’

        Sarted for it first. Do i and dug a sd red in t    to climb dole hen she jumped.

        itennis s —but tomac this pipe.

        opped. S h her eyes closed.

        ty------For a long time s it ional. And about ted to be    in t t somet like any ot    ty. But it    he end.

        Mick climbed out of tctle pots of flames. t on a doug in advance for    ty except her.

        S speak or look at tion in torn doy because everyone side. In took off torn and s so t soiara    some    too big to er ter t Not any more.

        Mick stood out on t porce    t. Sook a deep breat! ty is over!’

        In t, secret nig    late—yellos. Ss and o one side. For a long time s notig tion.

        t from eacrees in times in t    taken    o ted to be sure no person could see. t the side yard.

        tood by tc a table. Mick sat on t place. Close around    sely onig all ended in t    around ring of beads— one cigarette ced tte and put     even a feeling or t in her.

        One program came on after anot especially care. She smoked and picked

        a little buncer a ed talking. ioned Beet t musi— ed to do. to play hird symphony.

        Sened because sed to arted. Mick raised     up to .

        e? For a mio trutting in t. tside of    first part of t inside . S even    sounded after, but s ting and froze, s tiger a    o do ime and by    nig sun and in the real plain her.

        S listen good enougo    alL to o certain s and t later s fet—o and listen to eac t came    trying to remember? Golly! t listen    last t instruments bue like a ig t socked at    And t part was over.

        t take a long time or a s time. It did not o do ime going by at all. S iging y knee very    miges sened or . t    like t ruments played a sad and silver tuhe music rose up angry

        a underhe black march again.

        But maybe t part of t—glad and like test people in t    t enougo listen.

        It iff     only t in    remember any of t even t fees. Sried to remember, but no sound at all came to    it    like a rabbit and terrible .

        ts in turned off. t ing s. Srengtil tears came dohe bush were sharp.

        S until o t t.

        it ier. S grass, and after a wh came slow and easy again.

        t t t stars. t . t trying to t all o    part    as it ened in a quiet, slo tes out like a problem iry so s fet them.

        No    fe

        any real God.    of e s around — maybe t er Singer: Lord fivet w I do.’

        t of tiful and clear. S noo. Maybe later on, o s to add to imes, just four more times, s all. Maybe.

        Once again seo t of the music.

        tes gre and it he dark ground.

        Mick aurned c of tta Kelly aking all t------ sried to say. tars .

        S up in a    tell ed beating it for    like autumn. ter and faster on to the home block.

        B? Y OCtOBER t seersucker trousers for dark-blue serge ones.

        Beer of talled a mac made    ce. Mick ial to    ce, and simes a o drink a cup.    to ead of a dime ao give it to cood beer and roubled and sad. ed to reac oucousled    not as ouched

        a woman. In e sound.