首页on the shooting chargesDown into the earth went the plow

Down into the earth went the plow

        In the slave hands,

        In iured urous hands,

        turning t the plow in many hands

        t planted a fed

        And tton t clothed America.

        g against trees    to many hands

        t ops of America.

        Splaso t t-hulls

        t moved and transported America.

        Crack    t drove the horses

        Across the plains of America.

        Free hands and slave hands,

        Iured urous hands,

        e hands and black hands

        he plow handles,

        Ax handles, hammer handles,

        Laund whe horses

        t fed and housed and moved America.

        togethrough labor,

        All these hands made America.

        Labor! Out of labor came villages

        And to greies.

        Labor! Out of labor came ts

        And ts and teamboats,

        Came the coaches,

        Covered age coaches,

        Out of labor came tories,

        Came the railroads.

        Came ts and markets, sores,

        Came ty products moulded, manufactured,

        Sold in shop?99lib?s, piled in warehouses,

        She wide world over:

        Out of labor-we hands and black hands-

        Came trengthe will,

        And to build America.

        No is Me here.

        Nos Mantan, Chicago,

        Seattle, New Orleans,

        Boston and El Paso-

        Nos the U.S.A.

        A long time ago, but not too long ago, a man said:


        ENDOED BY tOR


        AMONG tY

        AND t OF hAPPINESS.


        But in ts too,