首页papy stronger than youThe Question

The Question

        Love, a question

        royed you.

        I o you

        from tainty.

        I    you straight as

        the road.

        But you insist

        on keeping a nook

        of s I do not .

        My love,

        uand me,

        I love all of you,

        from eyes to feet, to toenails,


        all tness, w.

        It is I, my love,

        w your door.

        It is not t, it is not


        at your window.

        I knock dohe door:

        I enter your life:

        I e to live in your soul:

        you ot cope h me.

        You must open door to door,

        you must obey me,

        you must open your eyes

        so t I may searchem,

        you must see how I walk


        along all the roads

        t, blind, ing for me.

        Do not fear,

        I am yours,


        I am not the beggar,

        I am your master,

        ting for,

        and noer

        your life,

        no more to leave it,

        love, love, love,

        but to stay.