

        "So tell me about Fort Lupton," Simon says to Dore.

        "Its beteville. Basically a ; s;But pretty wide. e even ;

        "Did you."

        "e    of try."


        "Some pioneer coter of fact I o one of t;


        "In t four more years before    probation."

        "Im sorry.

        "Im not. Guy cut me in time ;

        Simo uand ; ;

        ", from various jobs. Usually    fired t ting     getting fired. I tered    let any?body kno;

        "All of you been married?"

        "Not Anne. S guy."


        "ell . t;

        Veronica is fiddling    button. tting room.

        "    sexual experience, Simon?"

        . "I    ten. teaake little c of cardboard, ook it in to . It    i er tossed mi and used ;

        "t    sexual experience?"

        " to go?"

        " Sara;

        "Saraeen. tle so sing Im proud, proud, proud to be a cos sometreet."

        "Do you miss ;

        "Of course."

        " does your ?"

        "More fun."

        "s tter ?"

        "Not a t;

        " does s;

        "Sy mayor, at t."

        "You straig;

        "orically, straig;

        "Me too. N;


        "Great t out treets you    some of it?"

        "Only in principle."

        "You like young t, go after it. Ono t. You ever live and love in a garage apart?ment?"

        "Never ;

        "ts a trees."

        "Must be nice."

        "Depends upon pin. Six inceel."

        "to disce creeps and ;

        "You got it."

        "uybody ?"

        "Not ie. Ive been reading in t t;

        "tting closer."

        "You    to    ty like t;

        "Its a great city. e ;


        " mayor.    it d be better.    ."

        ts the smoke alarm.

        " t?"


        "s it trying to say? t;

        "telling us t tterys ;

        "ell disect it for Cs sake."

        anding on a cic be? feels like paper --

        "Youve got a good ass Simon."

        times is spread all over t.

        "t; Simon says. "Deat Calcuttas Streets, But teeming City t;

        "Uable," says Anne. Shes making a salad.



        "Slain U.S. Major ."

        "A one-exploit man."


        "t ex-Mex last nig;

        "Better tex-Mex at all."


        "s t ting in t;

        "ts Veian marigold. tastes like mint."


        "It does, it does."


        "Anyone ."

        "You mean t;

        "In any form. Land, sea, or in t;

        "ell I    take you. You ;

        "to be good. I guara. Let me ;


        "Extra-virgin. Just like me."