For strengtrut,
Illaudable, naugs but dispraise
And ignominie, yet to glorie aspires
Vain glorious, and through infamie seeks fame:
ternal silence be thir doome. [ 385 ]
And quelld, ttel swervd,
Enterd, and foul disorder; all the ground
itrown, and on a heap
d Cer lay overturnd [ 390 ]
And fierie foaming Steeds; ood, recoyld
Ore Satanic
Defensive scarse, or h pale fear surprisd,
t h fear surprisd and sense of paine
Fled ignominious, to suc [ 395 ]
By sin of disobedieill t hour
Not liable to fear or flight or paine.
Far ots
In Cubic P entire,
Invulnerable, impenitrably armd: [ 400 ]
Sucages thir innoce
Gave t to have sinnd,
Not to tood
Uno be paind
By hir place by violence movd. [ 405 ]
No her course began, and over heavn
Indug darkness, grateful truce imposd,
And silen the odious dinn of arr:
Under botird,
Victor and Vanquisen field [ 410 ]
Encamping, pla Guard tches round,
Satan h his rebellious disappeerd,
Far in t, [ 415 ]
eo cel calld by night;
And in t thus undismaid began.