to mee th assignd;
t to trie h mee
In Battel hey all,
Or I alone against trength [ 820 ]
ther excellence
Not emulous, nor care whem excells;
Nor otrife safe.
So spake to terrour gd
oo severe to be beheld [ 825 ]
And full of on his Enemies.
At oarrie wings
itiguous, and the Orbes
Of rohe sound
Of torrent Floods, or of a numerous . [ 830 ]
onward drove,
Gloomie as Night; under his burning heeles
tedfast Empyrean s,
All but t self of God. Full soon
Among t hand [ 835 ]
Before hir Soules infixd
Plagues; tonisance lost,
All ce; dohir idle ons dropd;
Ore Shields and helmes, and helmed heads he rode [ 840 ]
Of ty Seraprate,
t be again
ter from his ire.
Nor less oempestuous fell
he fourfold-visagd Foure, [ 845 ]
Distinct he living heels,
Distinct alike itude of eyes,
One Spirit in them ruld, and every eye
Glard lig forth pernicious fire
Among t, t rength, [ 850 ]
And of ted vigour left them draind,
Exed, spiritless, afflicted, falln.