s, repulse
Repeated, and i overthrow
Doubld, more despisd,
And to ter; for in view
Stood rankt of Serapher row
In posture to displode tire [ 605 ]
Of ted to return
tan be,
And to es thus in derision calld.
O Friends, ors proud?
Ere whey fierce were ing, and when wee, [ 610 ]
to eain t
And Brest, (erms
Of position, strait thir minds,
Flee vagaries fell,
As t for a dahey seemd [ 615 ]
Sant and wilde, perhaps
For joy of offerd peace: but I suppose
If our proposals once again were heard
e so a quick result.
to whus Belial in like gamesom mood, [ 620 ]
Leader, terms erms of ,
Of ents, and full of force urgd home,
Suc perceive amusd them all,
And stumbld many, w,
o foot and; [ 625 ]
Not uood, t they have besides,
t upright.
So t veine
Stood scoffing, s beyond
All doubt of victorie, eternal might [ 630 ]
to mats they presumd
So easie, and of hunder made a s,
And all derided, wood
A tood not long,
Rage prompted t lengthem arms [ 635 ]
Against suc to oppose.