首页paradise lost 简介10


        Needs must t now al bruise

        Expect al paine: say where and when

        t, roke sors heel [ 385 ].

        to ,

        As of a Duel, or the local wounds

        Of    the Son

        Mano Gto foil

        thy enemie; nor so is overe [ 390 ]

        Satan, whose fall from heavn, a deadlier bruise,

        Disabld not to give ths wound:

        hy Saviour, shall recure,

        Not by destroying Satan, but his works

        In this be, [ 395 ]

        But by fulfilling t ,

        Obedieo the Law of God, imposd

        Oie of death,

        tie tression due,

        And due to t of thine will grow: [ 400 ]

        So onely    ice rest appaid.

        t he shall fulfill

        Bothough love

        Alone fulfill t

        he Flesh [ 405 ]

        to a reproach,

        Proclaiming Life to all who shall believe

        In ion, and t his obedience

        Imputed bees ts

        to save t though legal works. [ 410 ]

        For ted, be blasphemd,

        Seisd on by force, judgd, and to death nd

        A s, naild to the Cross

        By ion, slaine fing Life;

        But to thy Enemies, [ 415 ]

        t is against the sins

        Of all mankinde, here crucifid,

        o    tly trust

        In tisfa; so he dies,

        But soon revives, Death over him no power [ 420 ]


        Returarres of Morn shall see him rise

        Out of ,

        th redeems,

        h for Man, as many as offerd Life [ 425 ]

        not, and t imbrace

        By Fait void of

        Annuls t have dyd,

        In sin for ever lost from life; t

        San, crusrength [ 430 ]

        Defeating Sin awo maine armes,

        And fix farr deeper in ings

        temporal deators heel,

        Or th like sleep,

        A gentle ing to immortal Life. [ 435 ]

        Nor after resurre say

        Longer oaiimes to appeer

        to his Disciples, Men who in his Life

        Still follohem shall leave in charge

        to teas w of hey learnd [ 440 ]

        And ion, them who shall beleeve

        Baptizing in t streame, the signe

        Of o Life

        Pure, and in mind prepard, if so befall,

        For deat whe redeemer dyd. [ 445 ]

        All Nations teac day

        Not oo the Sons of Abrahams Loines

        Salvation s, but to the Sons

        Of Abrahe world;

        So in ions s. [ 450 ]