首页paradise lost全文翻译1



        Of Satan done in Paradise, and how

        , ed Eve,

        o taste tall fruit,

        as knohe Eye [ 5 ]

        Of God All-seeing, or deceave

        Omnist, w,

        Satan to attempt the minde

        Of Maire, and free will armd,

        plete to    [ 10 ]

        ever wiles of Foe or seeming Friend.

        For still t to ill rememberd

        tion not to taste t Fruit,

        empted; w obeying,

        Incurrd, ie, [ 15 ]

        And manifold in sin, deservd to fall.

        Up into e

        te and sad

        For Man, for of ate by they knew,

        Muctle Fiend oln [ 20 ]

        Entranseen. Soon as th unwele news

        From Eart e, displeasd

        All were w spare

        t time Celestial visages, yet mixt

        itie, violated not thir bliss. [ 25 ]

        About titudes

        to hear and know

        ohrone Supream

        Atable made e to make appear

        iteous plea, tmost vigilance, [ 30 ]

        And easily approvd; w high

        Eternal Fat Cloud,

        Amidst ihus his voice.

        Assembld Angels, and ye Pournd

        From unsuccessful c dismaid, [ 35 ]

        Nor troubld at tidings from th,

        care could not prevent,

        Foretold so lately o pass,

        tempter crossd the Gulf from hell.