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        But still I see tenor of Mans woe

        o begin.

        From Mans effeminate slaess it begins,

        Said tter hold his place [ 635 ]

        By s receavd.

        But noher Se.

        erritorie spred

        Before oween,

        Cities of Men y Gates and towrs, [ 640 ]

        cours in Arms, fierce Faces tning arr,

        Giants of mightie Bone, and bould emprise;

        Part    courb teed,

        Single or in Array of Battel rangd

        Bot, nor idely mustring stood; [ 645 ]

        One    from fe drives

        A herd of Beeves, faire Oxen and faire Kine

        From a fat Meddow ground; or fleecy Flock,

        Eing Lambs over the Plaine,

        tie; scarce he Shepherds flye, [ 650 ]

        But call in aide, which makes a bloody Fray;

        itourhe Squadrons joine;

        tle pasturd late, noterd lies

        ithensanguind Field

        Deserted: Oto a Citie strong [ 655 ]

        Lay Seige, encampt; by Batterie, Scale, and Mine,

        Assaulting; othe all defend

        it and Javlin, Stones and sulfurous Fire;

        On eacer and gigantic deeds.

        In ot terd haralds call [ 660 ]

        to cil ies: anon


        Assemble, and    soon

        In factious opposition, till at last

        Of middle Age one rising, emi [ 665 ]

        In , spake mud rong,

        Of Justice, ion, truth and Peace,

        And Judgment from above: him old and young

        Exploded, and    hands,

        a Cloud desding snatce [ 670 ]

        Unseen amid throng: so violence

        Proceeded, and Oppression, and Sword-Law

        the Plain, and refuge none was found.