首页paradise lost 中文翻译3


        Best Image of my self and dearer half, [ 95 ]

        trouble of ts t in sleep

        Affects me equally; nor    I like

        th dream, of evil sprung I fear;

        Yet evil whee    harbour none,

        Created pure. But kno in the Soule [ 100 ]

        Are many lesser Faculties t serve

        Reason as c

        ernal things,


        Sions, Aerie shapes, [ 105 ]

        hich Reason joyning or disjoyning, frames

        All w we affirm or w deny, and call

        Our knoires

        Into e Cell s.

        Oft in her absence mimisie wakes [ 110 ]

        to imitate    misjoyning shapes,

        ilde , and most in dreams,

        Ill matc or late.

        Som suks I find

        Of our last Eevnings talk, in thy dream, [ 115 ]

        But ion strange; yet be not sad.

        Evil into the mind of God or Man

        May e and go, so unapprovd, and leave

        No spot or blame behind: hich gives me hope

        t    abo dream, [ 120 ]

        aking t sent to do.

        Be not disnd those looks

        t    to be more chearful and serene

        t smiles on the orld,

        A us to our fress rise [ 125 ]

        Among tains, and the Flours

        t open no bosomd smells

        Reservd from nig for tore.

        So cheard he his fair Spouse, and she was cheard,

        But silently a geear let fall [ 130 ]

        From eith her haire;

        t ready stood,

        Eacal sluce, hey fell

        Kissd as t remorse

        And pious a feard to have offended. [ 135 ]

        So all o te.