首页paradise lost 中文翻译8


        So saying, ce

        Surns, on able ts i

        co c,

        order, so trivd as not to mix

        tastes, not , but bring [ 335 ]

        taste after taste up ge,

        Bestirs ealk

        ever Earther yields

        In India East or est, or middle shoare

        In Pontus or t, or where [ 340 ]

        Alnd, fruit of all kindes, in coate,

        Rough rind, or bearded husk, or shell

        Sribute large, and on the board

        he Grape

        S, ahes [ 345 ]

        From many a berrie, and from s kernels prest

        Sempers dulcet creams, nor to hold

        ants    vessels pure, trehe ground

        ithe shrub unfumd.

        Mean    Sire, to meet [ 350 ]

        ,    more train


        Perfes; in ate,

        More solemn tedious pomp t s

        On Princes, winue long [ 355 ]

        Of h Gold

        Dazles ts them all agape.

        Neerer    awd,

        Yet h submiss approad reverence meek,

        As to a superior Nature, bowing low, [ 360 ]

        tive of her place

        None    tain;

        Since by desding from thrones above,

        t deignd a while

        to , and safe h us [ 365 ]

        t possess

        this spacious ground, in yonder shadie Bowre

        to rest, and    bears

        to sit and taste, till t

        Be over, and the Sun more coole dee. [ 370 ]