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        ter s lay by,

        Fal Scepter then no more shall need, [ 340 ]

        God s all ye Gods,

        Adore o pass all this dies,

        Adore the Son, and honour him as mee.

        No sooner y ceast, but all

        titude of Angels    [ 345 ]

        Loud as from numbers    number, s

        As from blest voices, uttering joy, heavn rung

        ith Jubilee, and loud hosannas filld

        ternal Regions: lo

        too the ground [ 350 ]

        ition do

        t and Gold,

        Immortal Amarant, a Flour whice

        In Paradise, fast by tree of Life

        Began to bloom, but soon for mans offence [ 355 ]

        to    it grehere grows,

        And flours aloft s of Life,

        And w of heavn

        Rowls ore Elisian Flours ream;

        it never fade ts elect [ 360 ]

        Bind t locks inh beams,


        Pavement t like a Sea of Jasper shon

        Impurpld ial Roses smild.

        took, [ 365 ]

        und, t glittering by thir side

        Like Quivers

        Of croduce

        tures high;

        No voice exempt, no voice but well could joine [ 370 ]

        Melodious part, such cord is in heavn.

        t tent,

        Immutable, Immortal, Infinite,

        Eternal King; thor of all being,

        Fountain of Lighy self invisible [ 375 ]

        Amidst tness

        t w

        through a cloud

        Dra t Shrine,

        Dark    ts appeer, [ 380 ]

        Yet dazle    brig Seraphim

        Approac, but hir eyes,

        t tion first,

        Begotten Son, Divine Similitude,

        In    cloud [ 385 ]

        Made visible, ty Father shines,

        ure    behee

        Impresst the effulgence of his Glorie abides,

        transfusd on t rests.