首页paradise lost主人公13


        Round , wood [ 555 ]

        So he cirg opie

        Of Nigended sern Point

        Of Libra to tarr t bears

        Andromeda farr off Atlantic Seas

        Beyond to Pole [ 560 ]

        longer pause

        Dion throws

        precipitant, and h ease

        the pure marble Air his oblique way

        Amongst innumerable Starrs, t shon [ 565 ]

        Stars distant, but nigher orlds,

        Or othey seemd, or happy Iles,

        Like those hesperian Gardens famd of old,

        Fortunate Fields, and Groves and flourie Vales,

        t w here [ 570 ]

        ayd not to enquire: above them all

        t heaven

        Allurd her his course he bends

        t; but up or downe

        By ter, or etric, o tell, [ 575 ]

        Or Longitude, w Luminarie

        Alooff tellations thick,

        t from ance due,

        Dispenses Lighey move

        tarry dan    pute [ 580 ]

        Days, montowards his all-chearing Lamp

        turn s tions, or are turnd

        By ic beam, t gently warms

        to eac

        itle peion, though unseen, [ 585 ]

        Ss invisible vertue even to the deep:

        So    atiht.

        t like which perhaps

        Astronomer in t Orbe

        tic tube yet never saw. [ 590 ]


        pard    oone;

        Not all parts like, but all alike informd

        it ligh fire;

        If mettal, part seemd Gold, part Silver cleer; [ 595 ]

        If stone, Carbuncle most or Ce,

        Rubie or topaz, to t shon

        In Aarons Brest-plate, and a stone besides

        Imagind rat then elsewhere seen,

        t stone, or like to t which here below [ 600 ]


        In vain, t they binde

        Volatil hermes, and call up unbound

        In various seus from the Sea,

        Draind to ive forme. [ 605 ]