t of sleeping out of doors is t you up because t you are unfortable.
And it makes matters apples for breakfast and you apples for supper t before. ruly enoug it seem to be anyto be said. Edmund said ;eve simply got to get off this island.”
doream again to tared at the mainland.
"ell o s; said Edmund.
"It er (Susan school).
"But I dont kno t of us." By "t of us" Edmund do t t all.
"Any; said Susan, "ts. Fats never o bat know.”
"But, Peter," said Lucy, "look ss at couldnt s of t you think -?”
"A of gro; said Peter.
"e reigned for years and years and learo do t back at our pres again now?”
"O; said Edmund in a voice alking and listen to him.
"Ive just seen it all," he said.
"Seen ; asked Peter.
"; said Edmund. "You kno last nig it Narnia but everyt you see? You kno, o back t seemed to aken no time at all?”
"Go on," said Susan. "I to uand.”
"And t means," tinued Edmund, "t, once youre out of Narnia, you ime is going. in Narnia while only one year has passed for us in England?”
"By Jove, Ed," said Peter. "I believe youve got it. In t se really o Narnia just as if Britons or someone ing back to modern England?”
"ed to see us -" began Lucy, but at t everyone else said, "; or "Look!" For nohing was happening.
t on ttle to t, and t sure t just beyond t point must be t point to sig. , it turned and began ing along toting in tern and tc o be soldiers. teel caps on t ss of co tc moving a finger.
"t; said tero them.
" about tying a stoo , Corporal?" said ting on his oars.
"Garn!" gro;e do, and one, as long as ied t." ited er no it a D struggling as moment beside oo ttom of t, and fell over into ter. o ter kne Susans arro s ting a sed arr. But it was never used.
As soon as of t on ter ( in o the mainland.
"Quick! Before ss!" sed Peter. er o t. In a feo ted t, and Edmund ting knife. (Peters s for t of any t up, rubbed ;ell, feel like gs.”
Like most D anding up, and an immense beard and tle of o be seen except a beak-like nose and twinkling black eyes.
"Any; inued, "gs or not, youve saved my life and Im extremely obliged to you.”
"But ; asked Lucy.
"Ive been told all my life," said t;t ts as trees. ts ory is. And ts o get rid of ah me)
and say to ts. But I al really dro ts. I never quite believed in ts. But t s believed all rigened of takio my deathan I was of going!”
"O; said Susan. "So ts wh ran away.”
"Es t?" said the Dwarf.
"t a; said Edmund. "to the mainland.”
"I sing to kill, you kno; said Susan. S o t suge.
"; said t;ts not so good. t may mean trouble later on. Uongues for their own sake.”
" o dro; asked Peter.
"O; said t;But ts a long story.
Meantime, I o breakfast? Youve no idea ite it gives one, being executed." "t; said Lucy dolefully.
"Better t not so good as fres; said t;It looks as if Ill o ask you to breakfast instead. I sa boat. And any take o t anyone from the mainland ing down and seeing her.”
"I ougo of t myself," said Peter.
t doo ters edge, pus y, and scrambled aboard. t oook coo big for o use, so Peter roeered tly eastip of t up t beyond it. t ts of it, but time, made everyt.
o open sea on t of took to fis catciful rainbo enoug up into a little creek and moored o a tree. t capable person (and, is bad D; is some firewood.”
"eve got some up at tle," said Edmund.
tle. "Beards aeads!" ;So tle, after all?”
"Its only a ruin," said Lucy.
tared round at all four of th a very curious expression on his face.
"And ;No matter. Breakfast first.
But os and tell me Im really alive? Are you sure I dro all gs together?”
question t. to use Edmunds in t. t by now been so ravenously hungry.
At first t seem very fortable in tle. looking round and sniffing and saying, " spooky after all. Smells like gs, too." But came to ligo roast ting fis k fingers before t, as it ed. t, lit it, ble cloud rant smoke, and said, "Now.”
"You tell us your story first," said Peter. "And tell you ours.”
"ell," said t;as youve saved my life it is only fair you s I o begin. First of all Im a messenger of King Caspians.”
"; asked four voices all at once.
"Caspia; ans;t is to say, to be King of Narnia and he is only King of us Old Narnians - “
" do you mean by old Narnians, please?" asked Lucy.
"s us," said t;ere a kind of rebellion, I suppose.”
"I see," said Peter. "And Caspian is the chief Old Narnian.”
"ell, in a manner of speaking," said tc;But elmarine, if you follow me.”
"I dont," said Edmund.
"Its ; said Lucy.
"O; said t;Im doing to go tell you and o be on our side at all. But itll be a long story.”
"All tter," said Lucy. "e love stories.”
So ttled doold ale. I s give it to you in ting in all tions and interruptions, because it ake too long and be fusing, and, even so, it some points t ter.
But t of tory, as t in the end, was as follows.