首页prince charlesCHAPTER TWELVE


        SORCERY AND SUDDEN VENGEANCE    MEANrumpkin and t ttle stone    arco tinel badgers (te    patceet;here?”

        "trumpkin," said t;Bringing t of t.”

        t t;At last," t;At last.”

        "Give us a lig; said trumpkin.

        torside ter lit it and    to trumpkin.

        "tter lead," ;e dont kno this    place.”

        trumpkin took torc ao tunnel. It y place,    fluttering in tord plenty of    cobly in t m at tatio as if to a trap or a prison.

        "I say, Peter,"    t t .        been made.”

        "Yes," said Peter. "t makes ohink.”

        t on auro t, and to t,    and teps, and to t again. t last t a from under a door. And no time to the door

        of tral calking so loudly t t been heard.

        "Dont like t," o Peter. "Lets listen    for a moment.”

        All tood perfectly still on tside of the door.

        "You kno;ts t; ; suen t    Miraz fell upon us almost before trumpkin ing for our lives for    t w I hing space.”

        "Im not likely tet it," came t;tad one in five of t; ("ts Nikabrik," wrumpkin.)

        "For s; came a t;truffleers," said trumpkin).    "e all did as muche King.”

        "tell t tale your o; ans;But     too late, i, you knoill asking us    to er and all t of it?”

        "I must fess - I ot deny it - t I am deeply disappointed in t of tion," came t;tll be Doctor elius," said    trumpkin.)

        "to speak plainly," said Nikabrik, "your s empty, ys addled,    your fis, your promises broken. Stand aside t ot is why -”

        "t; said truffleer. "I stand by Aslan. ience,    like us beasts. t may be even no the door.”

        "Pa; snarled Nikabrik. "You badgers ill tcell you    . Food is running s;    every enter; our followers are slipping away.”

        "And ruffleer. "Ill tell you     rumpkin spoke before    (and , most likely, to    blo let t or    t same evening everyone seemed to know.”

        "Youd better    in a s , Badger, t t I am t; said Nikabrik. "take it back, or-”

        "Oop it, bot; said King Caspian. "I    to kno is    t Nikabrik keeps on ing , I    to kners

        are o our cil and .”

        "t; said Nikabrik. "And ter rigo be    you are a friend of trumpkins and t    rig old dotard in to be    t o be t bring in his friends?”

        "y is to ruffleer sternly.

        "Court manners, court manners," sneered Nikabrik. "But in talk plainly.

        You knoelmarine boy rap in ws.”

        "Per; said elius, "your neo speak for    t are you?”

        "orser Doctor," came a t;So please you, Im    only a poor old o y, bless o be afraid of an    old s nearly doubled up id    ticks to put    ule.

        I tp://?99lib?r little skill - not like yours, Master Doctor, of course -    in small spells and trips t Id be glad to use against our enemies if it o all ed. For I e em. Oes better than me.”

        "t is all most iing and - er - satisfactory," said Doctor    elius. "I t you are, Madam. Per of himself?”

        A dull, grey voice at ;Im . e, I ill I die, and even after deat y mout    a    die. I     lie a s on t freeze. I    drink a river of blood and    not burst. Show me your enemies.”

        "And it is in t you ; said Caspian.

        "Yes," said Nikabrik. "And by t I mean to execute it.”

        te or t could not make out hey    were saying.

        then Caspian spoke aloud.

        "ell, Nikabrik," ;we will hear your plan.”

        t to o begin; w was in a lower voice, as if    muc he was saying.

        "All said and done," tered, "none of us knorut t days in Narnia. trumpkin believed none of tories. I o put to    trial. e tried first t er    and a Queen Susan and a King Edmund and a Queen Lucy, t    e, or they are our enemies -”

        "Or t; put in truffleer.

        "You    go on saying t till Miraz o ried one link in t    ell of ot Kings and Queens. hem up?”

        "If you mean Aslan," said truffleer, "its all one calling on he Kings.

        ts. If    send t I make no doubt o e himself?”

        "No. Youre rig; said Nikabrik. "Aslan and toget on our side. Or else ser than himself    keeps him back.

        And if    alo Ds told. Not even to all beasts. Ask t I ever    stay long.    You may drop Aslan out of thinking of someone else.”

        tes it ill t Edmund    could he Badger.

        "; said Caspian at last.

        "I mean a po it ories are true.”

        "te itc; cried t once, and from ter    guessed t to t.

        "Yes," said Nikabrik very sloinctly, "I mean tc    do all take frig a name as if you    a po    tories say t tced Aslan, and bound    very stone ?”

        "But t o life again," said the Badger sharply.

        "Yes, t; ans;but youll notice t le about anyter of tory. , if o life? Isnt it muc , and t tories say not o say?”

        "ablis; said Caspian.

        "A King    battle    usually establis t; said Nikabrik. truffleer.

        "And any; Nikabrik tinued, "oo. But its very differeical.”

        "But, ; said t; old t    s enemy of all? asnt syraimes han Miraz?”

        "Per; said Nikabrik in a cold voice. "Pers. Samped out t least t s on all rigand by my o afraid    of tch.”

        "But youve joined ; said truffleer.

        "Yes, and a lot of good it ; snapped Nikabrik.    " on all t he Dwarfs. ho -?”

        "Lies! All lies!" said the Badger.

        "And so," said Nikabrik, ;if you t    o someone who .”

        "Is treason, D; asked the King.

        "Put t ss s; said Nikabrik. "Murder at    cil, e yame? Dont be fool enougo try it. Do you three on yours.”

        "e on, t; sruffleer, but ely interrupted.

        "Stop, stop, stop," said Doctor elius. "You go on too fast. tcories agree on t.    does Nikabrik mean by calling on tch?”

        t grey and terrible voice w;Oh,    is she?”

        And t;O, tle Majesty    mind about te Lady - ts or is only making game of a poor old woman like me w.

        S Mastery Doctor, learned Master Doctor,    them back.”

        "Call ; said t;e are all ready. Drahe blue fire.”

        Above teadily increasing gro;?" rose thunder.

        "So t is your plan, Nikabrik! Black sorcery and t.

        And I see who your panions are-a hag and a erewolf!”

        t minute or so eel; trumpkin ruser    creature,    of leaping upon a boy about    of cat    figrumpkin found o face uck out like a    pair of nut-crackers, y grey        got Doctor elius by t. At one slasrumpkins sword he floor.

        t    eets,    and boots for about sixty seds. then silence.

        "Are you all right, Ed?”

        "I - I t; panted Edmund. "Ive got t brute Nikabrik, but ill alive.”

        "eiger-bottles!" came an angry voice. "Its me youre sitting    o off.

        Youre like a young elep.”

        "Sorry, D.L.F.," said Edmund. "Is t better?”

        "O; bellorumpkin. "Youre putting your    boot in my mout;    `    "Is King Caspian anyer.

        "Im ; said a rat voice. "Somet me.”

        triking a matc tle flame sy.    for a little,    found t of oil), set it    on table, and lit

        it. o t. Six    faces bli one anot.

        "e doo ," said Peter. "t; (urned ;And Nikabrik, dead too. And I suppose    ts so long since Ive seen one. olfs    means    turning from man into    t he was killed. And you, I    suppose, are King Caspian?”

        "Yes," said t;But Ive no idea who you are.”

        "Its ter," said trumpkin.

        "Your Majesty is very ; said Caspian.

        "And so is your Majesty," said Peter. "I    e to take your place,    you kno to put you into it." ,    "Your Majesty," said anot Peters elbohe Badger.

        Peter leaned for    and kissed t    a girliso do, because he high King.

        "Best of badgers," ;You never doubted us all through.”

        "No credit to me, your Majesty," said truffleer. "1m a beast and    ge.

        Im a badger, ws more, and we hold on.”

        "I am sorry for Nikabrik," said Caspian, "ted me from t    moment ing. If we     know w.”

        "Youre bleeding," said Peter.

        "Yes, Im bitten," said Caspian. "It    - t ; ing    and bandaging took a long time, and rumpkin said, "No some breakfast.”

        "But not ; said Peter.

        "No," said Caspian ;And    send someoo take ahe bodies.”

        "Let to a pit," said Peter. "But to o be buried in their own fashion.”

        ted at last in anot     suc as ties, aer and Edmund of buttered eggs and    coffee, but    tle bit of cold bear-meat (out of ts), a lump of    er. But, from to, anyone would     was delicious.