首页runaway第三十四话evPART 14


        EXt. StREEt/LANtIC EL - t NIGht

        Ike drives up and parks in front of tel as alks on his

        cell phone.

        I Ith:

        INt. FIS

        Ellies on ts nearby.


        Ikes going to get married.

        Fiso t and rolls himself


        ELLIE (td)

        ( turning to him)

        Fis Persian,

        Ill kill you.

        CUt tO:

        INt. BEAUtY SALON - NIGht DAY

        Maggie talks to Peggy, dy and Grandma Julia. Grandma Julia

        sits under a , ts in .


        I love    believe

        tening to you.


        his hair... any color.


        I like igt.

        Peggy laughs.




        (to dy)

        See, ture relationship.


        CUt tO:

        LOVE MONtAGE SS:

        EXt. O - DAY

        Ike and Maggie fishing.



        INt. MAGGIES hOUSE - DAY

        Ike and Maggie he game is slapjack.

        EXt. FIELD - DAY

        Maggie and Ike    on their horses

        amongst trees, "nuzzling". Ike reads as he pushes Maggie in a

        tire swing.


        Ike and Maggie open and close a s

        opposite ends ih. Grandma looks in.


        t as Ike

        se books. hes

        reading somets at t. they seem happy.

        EXt. ChE EDDING

        It is a media circus including FOUR REPORtERS, Midday h

        Meredit-s Vendor. Plus the

        reporters are intervieCh KENAN, a

        farmer and Grandma Julia. Reporter DINA NAPOLI he



        edding bells are ringing for the

        fourtime today in hale, Maryland.

        Maggie Carpenter, "Always a Bride --

        Never a Bridesmaid", tempting

        to plete h wedding ceremony.

        ell e ba the

        results are in. Back to you, Jessica.

        MereditV reporter, films himself

        pointing a cheap video camera himself.


        turnout for this ms wedding

        is usually reserved for royalty or

        ars, but Maggie Carpenter

        is ar and

        tizens of    in full

        force today.

        t-s Vendor pitches his wares.

        t-S VENDOR

        I got "Bye-bye Birdie". " part of

        I do dont you uand?"... Get

        your "Runa; t-ss here...

        Reporter JULIE MURPands near Grandma Julia and Mrs.


        JULIE MURPhY (el 6)

        t an

        being around in the beginning

        was never her problem. ell be here,

        she full wedding ceremony,

        we hope.

        Reporter JACKI and tIFFANY stand at the CROD


        JACKI/REPORtER #3 (BOC tV16)

        ill s s is on the

        minds of these several hundreds folks,

        wanding his m.

        Not to mention on the mind of Groom

        Number #4, ex-USA today nist, Ike



        I    the

        ival se. dy sits h Maggie as she leans forward,

        doubled over on a co

        sit hem.


        (moves to window)

        ing. atc



        No, no. I sa geese flying in a



        You and your lucky geese. You always

        see geese.




        And in a "V".


        Eig;V" could be Victory.

        tarting ter "V". Maggie

        is nervous.


        Rub your ears.


        Yes, rubbing your ears is very soothing.

        Cory does t to me when I


        Maggie rubs her ears.


        e do it t.


        Its ing.


        ell rub.

        After t:


        hes here! hes here!

        t ement.

        dy ruso Maggies wedding dress.


        Ill get the dress.


        hes here!... hes here!


        Noime for calm... If you dont

        calm do get your dress on...


        he one.

        Peggy moves to ands alo

        t. Soy horse.


        t a good sign.

        Maggie goes over to Peggy and dy, and starts to get into her

        bridal goio ad lib anding he

        letter "V".


        e o he Sunday School

        kids will be here soon.

        CUt tO:

        INt. IKES CAR - DAY

        Ike pulls up sloS peer the his car window and

        wave. Ike rubs his headache.

        JULIE MURPhY

        ell, t pulled up. there

        alk of a "no he is



        Ike Graham is here!


        akes it all in: a FAMILY eats a fast food piic

        on a neiged GUEStS flock by in ty

        best, and loES tEAMS block tAtE SENAtOR is

        making a speearyland. A large GROUP

        of reporters airs, heir

        equipment. ter treaming ihe

        church. Ike snaps.

        EXt. IKES CAR - tINUING

        Ike stops t is and jumps out, slamming the door in

        aERS s of the car.

        tio pound ions as o church

        steps. An OLDER LADY smacks h a

        neonis and tinues up the

        steps. airs and grabs Lee.


        S ours so sh an


        Mrs. Pressman stands, sing Ike h her video camera.

        IKE (td)


        Mrs. Pressman, please.


        Its okay. theres no microphone.

        Youre no fun.


        No, Im not.

        Ike retreats into to h his

        video camera: C Scorsese.

        INt. UING

        As Fis book, a LOCAL LADY stares at

        Ellie. Ellie stares back at il she leaves. Ike walks

        aurns smato Ellie and Fiss

        hem a big hug.


        Friends. thank you.

        Over Ellies shoulder, Ike sees Fishers grinning face.

        IKE (td)

        e are friends, arent we, Fisher?



        Of course we are. Of course.


        t man.


        ell, Im good, I dont know if Im



        Go talk to tor and ell

        you o do. And someone ell

        me o do.


        You al in t suit...

        And Ike?


        Im happy for you, honey.

        Ellie whispers in his ear.

        ELLIE (td)

        Ill o

        w of here if she runs.

        Ellie kisses he cheek and walks away.