首页runaway奇泰的阴谋PART 7



        (ss over the music)

        Listen, Gill -- ter

        whos ben making my life a living hell

        ... If    talk to

        ever yo do....

        (crosses to Gill)

        ... Dont s picture of me

        at t in San Francisco --

        Suddenly, a loud Ces from the car overhead.

        MAGGIE (td)


        Maggie stops Gill from playing. Ss her ex an angry glare

        and moves a lever on the car desds.


        e    to San Francisco twice.

        Remember oime ire...


        As t slohe car is lowered, revealing Ike

        sitting in t. he

        pograph hes holding.


        (feigning shock)

        Imagine! Maggie Carpeopless in a

        public arena.

        (co again)

        And I see the air.

        Maggie so, but Ike is faster at pulling it away.


        Give me t!


        But t iing thing here is

        t I doattoo t

        Ive    on your back.

        Gill takes off ar as it down.


        Ike bet me fifty bucks you dont still

        , Mags. I said "Youre on, man!

        Maggie loved t t; And I could

        really use fifty bucks.

        Maggie is spicuously silent.

        GILL (td)

        (looking worried)



        Im not gonna shing.

        I am a soon-to-be-married woman. Now

        give me t pograph.

        Maggie seethes.


        Sure, I o give to you.

        Just give us one quick ga t

        rose, and, Ill gladly    over.

        Sries to grab to again. Ike pulls it away.


        Fine. here.

        Maggie quickly turns around and pulls do,

        revealing top of ine expanse of skin. No


        MAGGIE (td)

        (turning back around)




        Gill is still trying to grasp this.


        Maggie? You got it removed?


        Gill, Ill go ya double or nothing if







        Im really, really afraid of needles...

        It doesnt make me a bad person.

        Ike laug ically

        pulls do of -s.



        t is on Gills c: tattoo. Maggie sighs,

        pained. Gill s to Ike. Ike looks at tattoo. he

        s Maggie.



        Look, look, man. I the man is




        Maggie moves to

        to from Ike as.


        I think I am.

        Gill grabs ar and sits.

        GILL (td)

        would Jerry do?

        t stops moving. Ike leans out.


        Jerry. hed play. hed play... Jerry


        Ike sings and taps along in tempo on the car as Gill

        sings and plays "Ripple".

        CUt tO:


        As Maggie drives into toh

        Sruments as

        a blues band. Ike is not bad on slide guitar. they all like


        Maggie "C; h Peggy and moves on.


        CLOSE ON:

        tcball. A bat ects.

        NE ANGLE:

        A big s

        out ting as umpire, yells, "Safe!" happy,

        Cory turns to tands and waves.

        ANGLE ON:

        Maggie and Peggy, cries to whoop harder

        t t ough. From firs base, Cory waves

        back to t back doakes back

        up ion. Maggie is still al steamed up.


        Okay, alk about

        my life noo turn

        t tattoo stuff into a big deal --

        t I    Gill,

        blaotally out to get me.


        For w reason? Some personal



        ts w    if hinks

        t I dont realize ing

        anoticle, t.


        Its probably because you got him fired.



        Ya think?


        Not t    deserve to get

        fired... Look! Coing for

        sed!... Sneaky!

        ANGLE ON:

        Cory as s throw

        for t. the women jump and cheer -- Maggie, again,

        t boisterous.

        ANGLE ON:

        Dennis reizes Ike as ells Ike t he

        is going to marry Maggie some day and shows Ike where Maggie is


        ANGLE ON:

        Maggie spots Ike as t back down. She groans.


        there he is. Snoop Doggy-Dogg.




        Over ten oclock. alking

        to our little Dennis. Dennis urn

        into one of t;sources say" things.


        ter    stuff out of

        tractive man.

        Ike finds Maggie in the crowd and leaves Dennis.


        Id say youve been in too long.

        You handle him, okay? I could use five

        minutes off from t creep.

        Before Peggy    protest, Maggie climbs dohe bleachers

        and goes and stands     of Corys team.


        Okay, ts fine. I    do t.

        Ike es up to Peggy.


        ;not ter".

        Ike indicates t o Peggy.


        (protesting weakly)

        ts Maggies seat...

        Ike sits doably.


        ... And this is Maggies beer.

        arts drinking it. ON tting ready to

        steal third.

        IKE (td)

        t your    there? Cory

        Phleming, a local radio announcer.


        eo his m show,

        "ake up ;?


        Not yet. I had a phlemless m. I

        ty good ballplayer.


        tty important to him.

        ars in high school, you



        t must have made you proud.

        Peggy takes a small sip off her soda.





        o get... t

        dated for a while.

        Cory dives in for t. the crowd goes wild.

        Peggy yells and jumps in.

        PEGGY (td)

        Good job, honey!

        But Maggies    all. Cory    not

        at Peggy. s    at Maggie, who jumps up and


        Ike looks between Cory, Maggie and finally, Peggy. Peggy jerks

        o s down. Ike

        pretends not to iced. tch as Maggie and Cory

        smile at eacher.


        Its ill friends.


        (looking at Maggie

        and Cory)

        O ime ago.

        See, s a ma all.

        Sive of men...

        BAttER s oo deep left field and it lands in the grave

        yard. Cory scores, greeted by Maggie. Ike and Peggy ch as

        Cory and Maggie belly-bump and her in

        celebration of Corys play. No looks at Peggy. Ike keeps an

        empatic silence, seeing t Peggy is truly .

        PEGGY (td)

        Ill be ba a sed.

        Suddenly, Peggy stands, pus eps.

        Maggie looks up just in time to catc. Ike pulls

        ape recorder out of    and starts speaking into it.

        Maggie ss Ike an acg look, o he

        bleaext to him.


        Youve been es.

        did you do to her?


        You    turn t finger around.

        Ike does an on-tton imitation of Maggie jumpiedly

        at Cory. Noing at.



        You misinterpret everything. eve all

        been friends our w

        ts types of relationship you



        Obviously, Im not the only one who

        doesnt uand it. the USS Maggie

        leaves quite a wake... Excuse me.

        Ike ries to seem enthused.


        See, I c is he, a cheer


        EXt./INt. StREEt/BAR - LAtER - DUSK

        Sitting in front of Inn ENDER

        pantomiming he reins of a wildly galloping horse. eve

        seen somethis before. Maggies wild ride away from

        as Maggie

        drives by this.


        (to herself)


        INt. AtLANtIC EL - NIGht

        Maggie o t desk of tel, where Lee is

        sleeping    up. S off ter.


        Lee, o

        ters room. I    to snoop



        (he key)

        Okay. Sed floor.




        Dont take anything big.

        Maggie moves up tairs towards Ikes room