首页run away 奇泰今天好反常PART 1


        FADE IN


        tles the

        freshly mown meadow of soybeans, and magically sways a copse of


        Its a Fall after-noon. A SUDDEN POUNDING OF GALLOPING hOOVES

        breaks t bethe rows

        of    into their lives.

        CLOSE ON:

        tiful woman dressed in a

        diss train tattered and flying like a

        knig beER.


        to look beerror. thing

        mingles h Maggies panicked gasps.

        e see a EDDING BOUQUEt fly into a ditders

        on. Maggie gs to though she is

        running from the devil himself.

        FADE tO BLACK



        CUt tO:


        EXt. NE YORK StREEt - DAY

        IKE (V.O.)

        hey, Fisher, pick up. I have some

        n ideas I    to bounce off you.

        Not ten Im thinking

        of ing about those mind-numbing

        informercials t are always on.

        Ike    of ment building talking on cell phone.

        IKE (td)

        do you t?

        B, doo deatless -- It


        Ike yells at a StRU ORKER.

        IKE (td)

        If you guys are here any longer,

        theyre gonna make you sign a lease.

        StRU ORKER

        Your n should be so funny.

        Ike turns a, talking into cell phone.


        Okay, I    e


        s a RIs of diamonds getting out of a

        Limousialking to a Co her.

        IKE (td)

        Excuse me. I hinking of doing an

        article on limousines.    would you

        say to people wo

        drive in a limo?

        to her DOORMAN.


        Im sorry, I dont knoeople like


        Ike are at him as he goes.

        EXt. A - DAY

        Ikes talking on to his friends mae again.


        (into phone)

        Fisher? e on -- I know youre

        sitting t me. Pick up.

        I    to run an idea past you.

        Ike tinues ers block.

        o his friends answering mae as he walks.

        IKE (td)

        (into phone)

        I just could use someoo toss it

        bad fortes,

        get the juice flowing, help me. I have

        an y-seven minutes and

        fifty-two seds. hello?

        -s table tohe

        Vendor calls out to him.

        t-S VENDOR

        o put me

        in an article?


        -ss stop shrinking.

        Ike e she was holding

        and -s Vendoes back

        to selling s.

        INt. NE YORK BAR - LAtE DAY

        Ike sits at to an attractive oman nearby, a

        MAN puts is USA today on tENDER.


        I see pos of a lot of dead ers

        on t any living ones?

        I ory to tell t could win

        one of tzer.


        Picture this, if you will. A small


        village,    a ore...

        tinues speaking as Ike and tiheir



        So ore for us in tomorrows



        I dont kno. Im kind of a last-

        minute man. Ideas dont floil an

        wo before deadline.

        ts up and begins ts.



        teresting. You get your

        ideas for your n from life. You

        start up a versation h a woman in

        a bar, attack her choice of reading

        material, try a a rise out of her

        e w

        sting on.


        No, I t    on you until I get an


        Sarts ts.


        ts flattering.


        No, you dont uand.

        to ool, gathering her bag and leaves a

        tip for tender.


        I tand. So my not

        responding to your baiting me will

        inspire one of tential bitter

        diatribes you love to e about women

        and all to drive men



        (taken aback)

        I doter diatribes about


        Shen shakes his hand.


        Only w flowing,

        o meet

        you, one-minute man.

        the bar.


        (as ss)

        ts last minute man.

        (then, louder)

        And its ty t ts.


        You know, food looking man, you

        strike out a lot.


        Ive seen much worse.

        te Bartender ans as Ike sits ba

        ool. Ike grabs t s on

        tarts glang at it. t the bar has heard


        MAN (td)

        I said, Ive seen much worse.

        Ike looks at tion. the Man is Gee



        Excuse me?


        the brush-off.

        Ike gets up and moves to t board. s.

        MAN (td)

        Ive nessed far more treacherous and

        nefarious exits t. At least

        sigated you in private.


        Not as private as I t.

        Ike turns slighe man his back.

        IKE (td)

        Kevin, youve got some napkins?


        riting or wiping?


        Give me a pen.

        tender gives ail napkins and a pen. Ike starts

        making notes. Ike looks up from ing. ts up

        and starts ts.


        (ts hard)

        A. they

        love you, te you, t,




        ... ts

        really fun making t h you,

        but Ive got a n to go e.





        But you dont have a really superb idea!

        ell, town

        you could e about.

        Ike moves to tender and pays him.


        (to Man)

        Excuse me,    need any new ideas.


        So dump gro the

        altar. t;the Runaway


        Boteurn and stare.


        Sravesty seven or

        eigimes. Rig tar she

        turns around and runs like hell.


        Ike turns and er him,

        getting up from ool    stopping ic


        MAN (td)

        Adios. Plohe aisle, knog

        old ladies out of he

        running of t Pamplona. And

        guess w?


        I give up.


        S victim all lined up.



        Ike stops in racks. urns back around in spite of



        (beginning ory)

        Imagine if you own in


        CUt tO:

        INt. IKES APARtMENt - DUSK

        Ike sits at er, cassette player h Miles Davis PLAYS

        o ypes away reading o himself.



        "today is a day of profound

        introspe, I have been accused

        of using to direct bitter

        diatribes at te sex! this

        unfortable accusation has plunged me

        into at least fifteen minutes of

        serious refle, from which I have

        emerged , yes

        -- I traffi female stereotypes."


        FIShe paper.


        "But how    one blame me when every

        time I step out my front door I meet

        fres types

        are alive ahe

        virgin, theyre


        your cabs, and overwh

        perfume iors."


        Elai o herself.


        "But pero the fairer

        sex, I do o broaden my horizon

        and add some he

        panto nominate for


        Fiso Elaine.


        "... the

        maer, t of which s me

        most today."

        Fisoday sign.

        CUt tO:

        INt. NE YORK BAR - DAY

        t of today,

        Kevin, tender, stands on the same




        "to be fair, ter isnt

        exactly ne Greece, this

        fearsome female was known as Erinys,

        th goddess. In India,

        so devour her

        boyfriend Srails while her

        yoni devour    dot dot, never

        mind. In Indonesia, the bloody-jawed

        maer is called Ragma..."

        te Man sits at to tender.


        You noticed tries




        "... And in hale, Maryland where she





        ".... AKA, t;

        CUt tO:


        ORKERS read ticle.


        PEGGY and MRS. PRESSMA troll dohe

        street. (lowers her paper and reads.)

        PEGGY (td)

        "... And in hale, Maryland where she


        (to the omen)

        e o go to Maggie. dy, mind

        the shop.

        (exits salon;

        tinues reading)

        "... She is known as Miss Maggie

        Carpenter, AKA, t;


        holy moly.

        tens h a pained expression

        as tio read the n aloud.

        heyre reading.



        " is unusual about Miss Carpenter

        is t so dress her men up

        as grooms before shem. She

        has already disemboweled six in a row

        by leaving t tar."... I

        t ready anymore.


        (takes paper from

        her, reads)

        "And ual feast tinues as she

        prepares to make a sacrifice out of the

        sevents are on and

        h Las Vegas odds makers

        because many predict t this girl is

        out of the race... before

        ts t;


        holy moly.

        Peggy and Mrs. Pressman step into a ore.

        INt. ORE - tINUOUS

        Peggy and Mrs. Pressmaer, worried.


        You tell Maggie.


        No, you tell her.


        No, no. Youre    friend.




        (holding her


        You knos just possible t she

        read t.




        Maybe s read the paper...

        Ooday opeo the

        article about Maggie.

        MRS. PRESSMAN (td)

        ... Or not!

        e folloairs ihe hale hardware

        Store, ttiest, most weling ss kind anywhere

        in small to of

        ter; botop and se brightness,

        cy. Maggie es doeps

        o an elderly er, MR. PAXtON.



        ique    er

        ;" still on it,

        guarao fit any Ameri Standard

        cast iron tub er

        made bether

        of the


        MR. PAXtON




        Alrigon, Ill put it on

        your at.

        Maggie rounds tomer, EARL, stands by the

        paint mae.




        ( er)

        You dont need an air ditioner, Earl,

        you just need an atti -- theres

        more in the back.

        Maggie steps be ter of tore and takes the

        at book out. rails off as she dour

        expression on the faces of her friends.

        MAGGIE (td)


        Peggy nervously mentions the neer.



        So -- Mag -- youve seen this, huh?



        Yes, Ive seen it. And I o say

        its t and most offensive...

        joke anybodys ever played on me!

        to t, Maggie starts smiling.

        MAGGIE (td)

        You guys! ake you?

        Maggie stays amused.

        MAGGIE (td)

        this done?


        You creeps! I se you!

        And his

        is four.


        Uold us to bacte

        jokes, so ...

        Maggie looks at tri face of her friends.


        holy moly.

        Peggy looks like so cry hy fgie.

        Maggie is starting to feel unfortable. She looks down,

        dubiously, at the paper.


        Um, you know, now would be a good

        moment to tell me this is fake.

        (no response)

        It    be funny if y it out.


        (no response)

        Okay, ...

        Real neers smear. Phoney papers


        S against her apron, leaving

        an INK SMEAR!!

        She nearly kneels over.

        MAGGIE (td)



        Peggy and Mrs. Pressman immediately spring to hey

        give o breathe in.



        CUt tO:


        e see Maggie kickboxing in ahe radio is on. She

        suddenly stops, yanks Ikes article off the wall, leaves her

        area and goes to her desk.


        Surns off to type ter.

        MAGGIE (V.O.)

        "Dear Editor..."

        EXt. MANtAN - DAY - EStABLIS

        As Maggies VOICE-OVER tio read ter, ake in

        a Mantan busy day. It is big, loud, and anonymous.

        MAGGIE (V.O.; td)

        "Greeting from ticks! Perhaps you

        believe t a rural education is

        focused mainly on hog calling and

        traaintehan reading.

        a piece of

        fi about me and call it fact?"

        te CAMERA FINDS Ike, striding across a busy street, dodging

        taxies. A OMAN smacks h a neer. he passes a OMAN

        tRAFFIC OFFICER, t dog stand. s and passes a

        FALAFEL VENDOR. to a USA today truck.

        MAGGIE (V.O.; td)

        "I suppose Mr. Graoo busy

        tatements about

        o both

        something silly like accura

        rep. andable,

        because ;maer" like me on

        time to cs?"


        he passes regular GUYS who cheer him.

        MAGGIE (V.O.; td)

        "Still, ic queens    get

        pretty ky whings in

        print t    our feelings, like t

        ely abandon fiances h

        malice aforet."


        ers to Ellies office.


        y room. tracts a

        lot of attention from tle

        surprised, but hes pleased.

        MAGGIE (V.O.; td)

        "ts wo find Mr.

        Graor was a woman. Call me a

        seal fool, but I sort of hoped

        er could stick toget;

        Ike ors office. ChUFFA

        Ike greets various o tors

        secretary, ELAINE. S smile.


        (to Elaine)

        Ill put in a good word for you.


        No, no, doion my name in there.



        A buzz.


        You    go in now.

        Ike goes into Ellies office. Elaine picks up her phone.

        CUt tO:


        ELLIE is t editor. Stylish and successful looking, shes

        about Ikes age. Ellie sits beh a scowl on

        ty face. s

        noncly on ters as Ellie reads

        Maggies letter.



        "Any dropping you big city

        folk ttle o say t I have

        t of a ritual sacrifice t would

        satisfy my current appetite: Ike

        Grater. Yours

        truly, Maggie Carpenter. P.S. -- I

        of the gross

        factual misrepresentations in your

        article. teen."

        Ike sits as Ellie puts tter doakes off her glasses.



        Fully. I like .


        I left four messages. You dourn

        my calls.


        So? I never returned your calls, even


        Fisher doing here anyway?

        Fiss and places a po of t on a bookshelf on his

        o the room.


        Ellie asked me to e doo offer

        moral support.


        Since when does Ellie need moral supp--


        -- Its for you, Ike.




        Journalism lesson number one. If you

        fabricate your facts, you get fired.

        Ellie pusoday later across the desk for him

        to read. Ike picks it up and skims tter. his face is as

        impassive as stone.


        Lesson wo. Never work for your

        former spouse.


        ts not noto do . You

        cooked tory up and you kno.


        I didnt cook up a story. I had a



        Someone reliable, Im sure. A booze-

        hound in a bar?


        In vias.


        Dont knock drunk guys in bars. Drunk

        guys in bars are good. It means

        t driving.

        Ike gets up and stands near Ellie, making .

        IKE (td)

        Besides, Im a nist. t

        nists are supposed to do. this is

        ch, we

        go out on a limo. ts w makes me



        No, ts w makes you unemployed.


        I merely e tuff. Youre the

        o serves it up.

        Ike puts doter and puts o his



        Not anymore. I o drahe line.

        (pushing a piece

        of paper)

        S us t. Our lawyers say

        its aable.

        Ellie .




        (gla list)

        I dont know, Ellie -- Firing me is

        going to be very tougs

        going to be o get over. there

        herapy bills for you.



        I already made an appoi for later



        (putting t


        See? You    custody of my job? ...

        just sider my    slapped

        and call me when you feel Ive served

        my time?


        Im sorry, Ike. t.

        Fis eacher

        for a sober moment.

        ELLIE (V.O.; td)

        If you go quietly, Ill get you

        severance pay.

        Ellie fidgets oy rake, the door.

        tle at truth of her words and walks

        out. Ellie collapses ba o her and

        rubs her shoulders.


        Ike rides sadly on t, gets off and walks


        EXt. IAL StREEt - ANOthER M


        A train goes by. A modest clapboard wo

        entrances. A PAPERBOY tosses a paper onto t of

        t door opens and Maggie appears fres of

        bed,    and panties. heedless of being seen

        t to to pick up her

        delivered paper: USA today. Sears off tic bag and

        rips into it, looking for ter. S. A smile on

        o the house.

        INt. MAGGIES    MOMENt

        Maggie skips bato her

        and Grandma. A cozy and eclectic place creatively furnished on

        a sring. So: KIt hERE BOB KELLY,

        fiance #4, is pag s into a backpack. Bob, 38, has a

        pleasant fad a body t is almost shogly buff. hes

        -s t reads: "Mountaineers Do It Against the

        all.", Maggie dances over, he paper and singing.


        She ed him, she ed him...

        Bob test t of te food.


        e ry this on.

        Maggie puts tcer and starts to read

        aloud, paying no mind to Bob, wig hrough

        traps of the backpack.


        Listen: "Dear Ms. Carpenter, I

        apologize to you for tunate

        matter. Ike Grahams n will no

        longer be appearing in this paper.

        Best of lu you uping marriage!"

        Bob tio    of traps

        it onto Maggies shoulders.


        t-a-girl! You sacked him.

        (cheg pack)

        t of the pack youre

        going to o carry in the himalayas.

        tell me if its too heavy.

        Bob lets go and Maggie FALLS BACKARD, disappearing behe

        ter, and ting t


        MAGGIE (o.s.)

        Its a little... Its a little heavy...

        help me, baby.

        Bob has no answer. he reaches a hand down. he yelps as Maggie

        pulls op of    of frame. e hem giggle

        and kiss.


        Fiso s featuring men and women

        in evening and formal wear from Escada f.Q. Fis

        actually sing t rat.

        Fiso attention. then

        o tage aions.


        Remember, ting t;fun" back

        into formal.

        (to Ike)

        I just say t for the agency guys. I

        dont even kno means. Now

        follow me.


        Elevator doors open. Ike and Fis and ohe

        coffee table.


        Ike, I really liked the Runaway Bride

        piece, and since I do freelauff

        f.Q., Im in a different position



        are y to say to me, Fish?

        top walking.


        Vindication. o get

        some? A co prove t, though

        your facts    entirely straight,

        your t.


        (hiding his hope)

        tory on Miss Carpenter.


        All tails.

        tart walking again.



        tomy of the black widow spider

        of Maryland.


        It    be a bad o get you

        bato iure pieces




        t is a good story,


        top at table and grab someto eat.



        If ss a cover story.

        All true. All accurate.



        Okay, you were riged my

        n, but I    do t.


        t it. If you leave

        tomorroerlands, youll

        y of time before



        "Paid vindication" ts w I call



        Justice, yes. Paid, I dont know.

        t my hands are

        tied    restraints.


        But Ill get my normal fee, right?

        he walks away.


        You    me to do it on spec?!

        he follows him.

        CUt tO:

        EXt. MARYLAND hIGhAY - DAY

        e see Ike driving doters a little

        as iion in voice-over. (If

        needed by tor.)

        FIShER (V.O.)

        Dont say "spec" like its a dirty word.

        Nobody ever paid So e a

        play! Plato never got a book advance...

        IKE (V.O.)

        Oo know from

        reliable sources t zc

        expenses and a rental car.

        e hear Fisher laugh.

        IKE (V.O.; td)

        Im going to make this work, Fish. Im

        going to do it!

        Ikes car drives into hale, passing a billboard reading,

        "ele to ;

        CUt tO:

        EXt. REEt - DAY

        Ike drives douresque Main Street. he passes hale

        ;At Curl. Be back soon."

        EXt. AtLANtIC EL - DAY

        A BARBERSEt is singing in front of tel in

        town. Ike pulls up and goes inside.

        INt. LOBBY/AtLANtIC EL - DAY

        Ike o tlantic el. the clerk, LEE, hands

        room servid taurant.

        An OLDER OMAN asks he

        stairs to his room.

        EXt. REEt - DAY

        Ike exits el as tet finishes singing


        ery of town, looking

        exactly like w    of

        on sunny Main Street, USA. KIDS ride by on bikes, streaming

        balloons bes Ike on the face. As he

        crosses treet, ters into ape recorder:


        I think Im in Maryberry.

        Flags orefronts and th

        udes as PEOPLE greet eacher familiarly. Ike

        es to beauty parlor called "Curl Up and Dye". the place is

        doing business and EN.

        INt. BEAUtY PARLOR - DAY

        dy, t, does Mrs. Pressmans nails. Maggie sits

        on t to Peggys salon che base of a

        barber cigisfied.

        dys dog is on the floor near Maggie.


        dy, you better 86 Sprout. he seems

        to be enjoying troleum


        dy rolls over in her chair, picks up her dog and rolls back

        to ation.


        ts it. Back to obedience school.


        (to Peggy)

        Okay -- ... gently,


        Peggy sits in the chair. Maggie spins her around and around.


        (delighted as

        she spins)

        Youre a goddess!


        I didnt eveo chis

        gasket, just put in a little hydraulic



        Stop it. alk like t, I

        get turned on and it frightens me.

        JUSt ters taking off his sunglasses.

        Peggy he chair.


        hello. Im looking fgie

        Carpe the

        ore across treet...


        Are you a reporter?

        Its a little early in to be thrown off guard.





        (eyeing his loafers)

        Its been our experie anyone

        of gewgaw on his loafers

        ends up being anoty reporter

        ing to interview Maggie.


        About her uping wedding and all.


        No, about ting t asshole from

        New York fired.

        Ike smiles do his loafers and shrugs.


        I am just sucer. And you are?


        Peggy P ter.

        Peggy steps aside. Ike moves toward dy and Mrs. Pressman.


        And whese lovely ladies?

        te ladies sroduce themselves.


        dy. Maggies unmarried cousin.


        Mrs. Pressman. ion.


        And you are?


        (turning toward her)

        Looking fgie.


        Yep. Maggie -- Someoo see you.

        Maggie looks over from ting position on the floor. She

        gives Ike the shoes.


        (yelling to Peggy)




        Ike crouco see Maggie on t as so her

        feet. Ike straig, hrown by her

        beauty and intelligent eyes.


        I    angle.

        Its pretty much all been covered.


        inality is my speciality.




        erviews Maggie in

        ting .


        She boss.


        Sorry, no. I just got one.


        (to Ike)

        Excuse me, sir. I ual fact

        for you.


        (steps to Mrs. Pressman)

        Yes, Mrs. Pressman.


        Its ime to tar, you

        kno seven like they said.


        I knoell me something. Do you

        to make it all the


        During t Ike.

        t    Peggy

        and bes o a copy of Ikes n affixed to a mirror.

        A goatee and ure.

        ;devilized". Peggy coughs as she reizes Ike in

        the neer clipping.


        She swallowed her gun.

        Mrs. Pressman tinues ory to Ike.


        Im not sure. Mr. Sche

        neand, hes our local bookie, you

        knoo one odds she

        . he says shes so famous now,

        maybe Vegas will give odds on her. Im

        going to    to    the pros say.


        Good fact. ell, you let me know.


        Oh, I will.

        ANGLE ON:

        Maggie indicates n to Peggy. S t of

        to wasool and a

        et affixed to the wall above sink, which holds various

        ss an idea. Maggie and Peggy

        step foroward Ike.


        ell, instead of a ,

        a    city

        grit out of it.


        Youll ansions?

        Maggie nods affirmatively.

        IKE (td)

        (removing )

        Fine. You washe




        Ike . A mystified Peggy leads Ike to the

        sink. his...


        . Peggy, w you give

        reatment t

        strengthe follicles.

        Ike sits in t a smock

        and puts it around Ike.

        MAGGIE (td)

        So,    to know?

        Ike leans as he sink. Peggy bends over him

        and s s.


        Getting nervous?


        Nervous? Not at all! No. Ive never

        been more certain in my life. Except

        -- I am having all kinds of weird


        Ike pulls th down from over his face.


        eird dreams? Yoing to tell me

        about them?





        Lets just put the


        Peggy recovers io fuss he hair

        c products. Maggie helps.

        INt. BEAUtY PARLOR - LAtER

        Ike sits owel over he back

        of o the mirror, his body faces Maggie.

        dy does ctery

        tickets. t, sits in is basket.


        In another one...

        PEtE,    door of the salon.


        e, Ill be righ you.

        Ike peeks out from under oinues.


        Im ihe church. Everyone I know

        is t really them.

        tein monsters, but

        ts ing out of their

        necks. Its all very "Nighe

        Living Dead". And

        part -- I look do my dress and

        its red. I mean, I

        it means. Reds not my color!

        Ike listens ily and stares steadily into her eyes. Peggy

        removes tos and

        dyed e and red.

        MAGGIE (td)

        So hink?

        Ike stares back at ickle of suspi creeping up his



        I think youd look good in red.


        No, salking about your hair.

        Maggie she mirror. Ike

        looks at ly colored hair.


        Youre all ready for football season,

        Mr. Graham.

        Ike stares at otal fusion. ith icy calm, Ike

        rises from he end of his hair as if giving

        it tou he sees his defaeer

        clipping and all bees clear. icle and

        s to everyone. Ike does a slow burn.


        Yes, I ty

        profile of the women of hale.

        Ike turns and puts the mirror.

        IKE (td)

        (to Peggy)

        My jacket, please.

        Peggy .

        IKE (td)


        thank you.

        Ike moves tos Pete.

        IKE (td)

        (putting on jacket;

        to Pete)

        Excuse me, Pete, do you knolace

        t sells srong shampoo?


        Docs Pell

        e sent you. ant my ?


        No thanks.

        Ike smiles at Maggie as.


        (to Peggy)

        he seems crabby.

        CUt tO:

        EXt. MAIN StREEt - DAY

        In front of beauty salon, Maggie follo.


        If youre looking for Elm Street, its

        t way.

        Ss on her sunglasses.


        thank you.

        her way.


        If you came down    of

        as well go back.

        Because you t make me feel bad.

        Sops urns to Ike.


        Im not o make you feel bad. Im

        ion. In my ...


        You have one?

        Ike o Maggie.


        I feel Im rig you. You got me

        fired, lady. You destroyed my

        reputation and you screwed up my hair.

        You c t and

        loved it. And Im doisfy

        myself on t point.

        PASSERSBY stare at Ikes hair and giggle.


        Did someto make you care

        about reality?


        Yes. vi. vi t Im

        onto truto do the

        same to "poor bastard number four"

        t you did to t three. Youre

        going to run again. And Im not

        leaving until you do.


        Yoing to be very disappointed.


        ell see.


        Id love to stay and c, but Ive got

        to get back to ill have my


        ares at , stung by her words.


        I o hide, Mr. Graham.

        talk to

        actually stumble upon a fact or two.

        Maggie eps and stops at a KID on

        a bike.


        en bucks for

        your .

        Kid agrees. Ike puts t on and starts to cross treet.

        An OLD OMAN walks by and s h a neer. Ike is



        Maggie pulls into truck. Shes in a fine

        mood as s in the house.


        Bob, alter, and Maggies GRANDMOt in the living

        room. Grandma is seer

        drinks wine, Ike wears a .


        You know, when I only see one dog, I

        know Ive oo muco drink.

        te family dog, Skipper, sits near a ceramic dog table. Maggie

        smiles as s door and puts down ool box

        and bag.


        Youll never guess who came crawling

        into toail between his


        IKE (o.s.)


        Maggie eo see Ike smiling evilly from

        on the couch.

        IKE (td)


        came by to

        apologize to your family.

        (looks to alter)

        hen Im wrong, Im wrong. I pushed a

        story. I made a mistake.


        In other words -- hes only human. An

        us a bottle of wine.

        Raises ttle to Maggie.


        t my    ba.


        O of



        Youve got to be kidding me.

        Maggie stares at th.


        (enjoying t)

        No, no, you should have seen Skipper.



        It    t funny.

        Maggie gives    says, "You are not absolved." She

        smiles stiffly, looking back at Ike. Ss on the arm

        of Bobs cs her arm on his shoulder.


        So, the forces of good and evil have

        already met.

        Maggie takes ttle from table o alter. She

        snaps a look to Bob, who follows her.


        Ill ake into t.


        Che crabs, Bob.

        e overones about the wedding

        plans as t... alter puts down his drink.


        Gee, I     out

        t t



        ell, his we



        You knoer seems...

        Ike notices t o the veil.




        ts okay, Grandma.

        Grandma cuts tes the veil from Ikes sleeve.

        IKE (td)

        (tinuing )

        ... Like such a lovely girl.

        alter points to a portrait painting on the wall.


        Like her.


        (seeing trait)


        (gets up to admire


        I just t see iple

        grooms in t like t.


        Oh, yes, you . Shes has em all on






        Yea tel videos wedding.

        I mean Maggie didnt know she was going

        to make the hundred-yard dash.

        alter gestures to a pile of video cassettes on the bookcase.

        Ike capes.


        Dads fisrip, Grandmas knee

        operation, Grandmas birthday...


        Gotta tell you t my daughter.

        My daugime, even

        in a long dress and heels. Maggie may

        not be    running joke, but

        sainly is test.

        alter cracks up.



        ha ha.

        CLOSE ON: A tape. It reads: "Maggie I, II, III." Ikes

        i is more t up. t up and

        go to the dining room.

        DISSOLVE tO:


        teals food from table. alter

        scolds er wh his hammer and Ike

        copies him.

        ALtER (td)

        Emma and I h one

        c for lag .


        t leave anything


        Ikes    of o pick it up.


        So Ive e to see it as a bonus,

        really, t o plan,

        and pay for, so many weddings.


        Not this ones on me.

        alter reacts.


        ts fair.


        Despite    do it

        on purpose. And I ention of

        doing it again.


        ts rig keep your

        eye on the ball.

        Ike raises ion. Bob explains.

        BOB (td)

        Sports psyc was my major in





        (false modesty)

        Im toness

        trainer. Big advocate of the mind and

        body bining for success. You could

        say or you    quote me, Im a glass

        half full king of guy.



        Bobs tment

        at the

        football team. And hes climbed


        to Maggies satisfa, Ike ss Bob a look of begrudging

        respeobody otal .



        Everest. Is t right?






        (stig it to Ike)

        it oxygen...


        My girl likes t about me.

        Bob and Maggie kiss Ike ttle love-birds.

        BOB (td)

        Im taking rekking on Annapurna on

        our honeymoon.

        Ike is highly amused.





        e think so.


        Notial bed

        wo Sherpas and a yak.

        alter cracks up, Maggie ss Ike a look. he smiles back.

        CUt tO:


        I tELEPION

        Fisher and Ellie are exerg. Fisher is on a cycle mae.

        Ellie does yoga stretcs ba ts on

        caped V

        s. Superimposed titles read "Brian Norris ;


        (to Fiso phone)

        You    believe ,

        Fisape of all train


        tV - CLOSE

        ter a crowded che

        groom, Brian, and    man    at tar.

        No tar.

        e see Maggie move a of the church.

        SS rise in his

        first he sed aisle as

        ss up to pick up te and

        ts back doo ch.

        tape fast-foro t wedding. Now Ike is looking

        at a muc says,

        "Gill C;. s t-forton

        (sometimes slowing down).

        ON tV:

        e see ters backyard. It is Gill and Maggies

        URE of hells

        Aypes, Deado;altar" is a band

        platfainst the back fence.

        Gill is ing on tform h a robo playing

        Grateful Dead-type music. roductory speech.

        Maggie steps out onto tiful in a

        ype wedding ensemble. So a

        trampoline. e    see attoo. Srampoline,

        to tch her and body surf her

        over to the back fence.

        As ss tage, s Peggy and Gill, then decides

        to go. Sage and runs up to a passing GUY on

        a dirt bike. Surns and waves as she rides

        a;Gill C;. Maggie

        goes off on dirt bike. tape fast-foro t of

        Maggies fiascoes.


        s outdoors, in a tree lined

        area, MUSIS plays. Ike laug Maggie

        approacar on e dress,




        As Maggie rides dohe horse whinnies!

        Maggie    in t rears and bolts,

        galloping off ape on an

        image of Maggie, ri,

        o sat single frame. As Ike

        stares at    looks at

        o see


        Ss to s a restless look on his face. he

        stares closely. the bar.



        CUt tO:

        EXt. tE tROUt BAKERY - t DAY

        Establis of a bakery in hale. Ike

        exits a neighe block. he pauses in

        front of to take a look at Maggies truck. As he

        does, a middle-aged BlaAN walks by and wh a

        neunned as surns to a MAN

        sitting on a bench.


        Did you see t?

        CUt tO:

        INt. tROUt BAKERY - tINUOUS

        CLOSE ON a group of plastis and brides on a ter top.

        MRS. tROUt is beer ion

        of grooms for

        on ter. All sizes and colors, some attaco brides,

        some solo, some tuxes, some in dinner jackets.

        MRS. tROUt

        t oh, youve

        used t I

        like te dinner jacket.


        No, oo blond.

        MRS. tROUt

        (picks up another)

        ell go otal traditional.


        too dark.

        ther groom.


        But    ters eyes.

        Maggie ges at the sound of Ikes voice.

        IKE (td)

        No -- ters eyes are closer set.

        Sinues her search.

        IKE (td)

        (to Mrs. trout)

        Could I wo coffees, please? And

        wonderful smell?

        (seeing the

        amon rolls)

        Ill hose delicious

        looking amon rolls.

        MRS. tROUt


        (pig up a

        miniature bride)


        best you.

        Mrs. trout steps ao get o ther

        side of Maggie and picks up the bride and groom figure.


        Lets see... Excuse me, isnt t cute?


        edly knock the groom figure in

        the head and run away screaming.

        IKE (td)

        Bam, bam, bam, bam, bam! Oh, help me!

        s .

        Mrs. trout just about bursts a gut laugakes the

        bride from Ike coldly.

        MRS. tROUt

        You must be t Mr. Graham fellow.

        Ike turns and goes to her.


        Yes, I am. And who are you?

        MRS. tROUt

        Betty trout. Five dollars.


        (as he pays)

        Oty. I take it yoing to

        be making they say

        youre throwing --

        MRS. tROUt


        -- the luau fgie.

        Sarts pig lint off tons his cuff.


        (all smiles for

        Mrs. trout)

        Grandma made me test outfit. I

        t    to s to you.


        (ical delight)

        A pre-wedding luau?

        MRS. tROUt

        Yes. My husband and I love luaus.

        Itll be fun.

        Mrs. trout turns and grabs Ikes bag taining two coffees.


        Fun? Fun isnt the word.

        Mrs. trout beams. Maggie uands tle better.

        Mrs. trout ems and he pays.

        MRS. tROUt

        If youre still in town, you should

        stop by.


        No, Im sure .


        (to Mrs. trout)

        Actually, I o e.

        (taps her service bell)

        thank you so much.

        Maggie steps over, carrying her bride and groom figure choices.



        Is t o do now?

        Follow me around everywhere I go?

        Ike smiles at Maggie enigmatically as he picks up his order and

        he door.



        arts to leave rout stops him.

        MRS. tROUt



        Your two amon rolls.


        Bye, Betty. thanks.

        he leaves.


        a nice person.

        Maggie rout her bride and broom figures. Maggie

        looks at Mrs. trout, suddenly nervous. S. Mrs.

        trout imitates Ike bamming the bride and groom, laughing.

        CUt tO:

        EXt. BALL FIELD - DAY

        Various S tEAMS practice. Maggie strides across

        tball field, a scowl on her face. A few hIGh SChOOL

        FOOtBALL PLAYERS job past Maggie, doing laps. A boy, KENDALL,

        calls out to ionately as shem,

        DENNIS, slows o run alongside Maggie.



        Maggie, dont marry Coach! Marry me.

        I love you.


        Youre jail bait, Dennis. Go away.

        Run your laps. Go. Go.

        Dennis runs on as Maggie tioward her goal: Bob and Ike,

        standing togethe field.


        tanding on ter wave of

        VARSItY FOOtBALL PLAYERS ram into t across

        top of it. Ike is mung on

        one of the KIDS.


        Drive! Drive! From your    low,

        get lo lo!

        Ike smiles broadly atop of the sled as he sees Maggie

        approacy peeved. s to

        Maggie. Bob lig t of her.

        BOB (td)

        Good job, gentlemen... Special teams.

        tball players move ao

        Maggie, leaves Ike alone.

        BOB (td)

        (to Maggie)

        hey, honey!

        Bob kisses and embraces Maggie. S see Ike immediately,



        (indig Ike)

        is o now?


        Ike just came by to c team.


        And talk about you.

        Ike grins and ses in .


        Bob -- are you making friends his



        Im just bragging about    you

        are. Im t man alive.

        Bob grabs Maggie around t and smooches her adly.

        Maggie sco Ike. he nods, all charm.


        ell -- Ive got to get moving -- lot

        of o do today! Ill see you two

        love-birds later.

        Ike leaves. Bob calls after him.


        See you at the wedding.


        You bet ya, Coach.

        Maggie is ag. Sares at Bob. Ike joins in behind a line

        of peppy cheerleaders.


        At te him? Bob,

        dont you realize ing another

        article about me?


        Sure I do. But t defense is a

        good offense, rig going

        to let your oppohrow you off



        You dont uand this guy.


        Let o the wedding. Youre

        not running, rig. "Im




        Im not running.


        So if youre not running and Ike Graham

        is to see it, ticle he

        es    to have a happy ending,


        lemon into lemonade.


        Ive got ne of

        sugar and er is going to turn like

        Grao somet to take

        on a piic.

        Bob gives Maggie a big hug.


        homemade sunshine?

        Bob blos Maggie on tball sled.

        BOB (td)

        I    you boys to take my princess on

        tell em

        where you parked your car.

        Maggie screams as tball field.


        Maggie kneels, ly. te opens

        before her.


        Bless me, Father, for I have sinned.

        My last fession was... ahh...

        Sries to recall.

        MAGGIE (td)

        ... Anyeical

        question here. Ive been having -- bad

        ts. I mean, really bad ts



        Of an impure nature?


        No -- like -- Im h

        t .

        I    revenge. I    to destroy this

        guys life, career, everythe

        sin scale, ? I mean,

        I "; my    of it?


        C is...



        t    this side

        of ten years ago t you had your

        tongue do. So dont call

        me "c;, Brian. It annoys me.

        PRIESt/ BRIAN


        Brian closes ts


        (still inside


        Brian, open up. Dont ignore me.

        Brian leans into eps out to join him.


        Youre not even Catholic, Maggie -- you

        really s e to fession.

        le man. ther for a



        Im sorry. Im just so stressed out

        about t slime-ball reporter being in

        town. I jus o e warn you he

        migart asking you

        all kinds of ridiculous questions.

        Brian moves as in a nearby pew.


        Actually, he only asked me one

        ridiculous question. t

        so bad.


        (sliding along

        the pew)

        ? You talked to ell

        ed before you ?


        Yes, yes, Im sure I only did you good,



        did he ask?

        A woman, MRS. MURPhY, rushes in.

        MRS. MURPhY

        Fatoo late?


        No, no.

        MRS. MURPhY

        It    take long. Jus two venials.

        to to .


        Only respectful t did we


        of music did you like... Did you ruin

        my life anding at



        And w did you say?


        you when

        clearly w o me is as

        God intended?



        Good ohanks.


        It o be how I feel.

        Brian sits o Maggie.


        God... Of course. Im sorry -- I mean,



        Brian -- Ive got to go. the mans a

        lunatic, but I knoly where hes



        God bless you, Maggie.

        Surns to rus, tops herself.


        O, my purse.

        So to Mrs. Murphy.

        MAGGIE (td)

        Excuse me, sorry, fot my purse.

        Good luck.

        Maggie closes tain and turns to Brian.

        MAGGIE (td)

        ait -- he ridiculous

        question he asked?

        Brian smiles mischievously.


        ed to know o like



        eird. Like after all those years you

        would remem--

        Sarts to go, tops in racks as she hears:



        -- Scrambled, , pepper and

        dill. Same as me.

        Maggie looks at Brian. Suddenly, soo.



        Im really sorry t I    you, Brian.


        Im o

        be. But if you ever bee a Catholic,

        may I ask you a favor, Maggie?


        Of course.


        Could your fess to Fatrick

        from now on?


        Of course.

        And s. Brian goes bato the fessional.


        Maggie drives up to an old brick fire is noo

        garage. t;Gills Garage".


        Maggie rus.

        Several cars, including a yellow jeep-like car up on a hydraulic

        lift, are in the funky garage.


        Gill? Lydia? Gill?

        A CRAStering

        in Spanis stumbles GILL ChAVEZ, 34, wearing a grease-

        stained Grateful Dead tie-dyed t-s. riumply,

        E tAPE in his hands.



        Maggie regards ient h.


        Found w?

        Gill looks up and gives Maggie a fond, hazy smile.


        Mags! ape from the

        Radio City Music    --

        Remember t nigrying to get

        Jerry to let me sit in on "Ripple"?

        tte from its case. Its broken. tape

        is dangling from tte.

        GILL (td)


        O for you.

        Gill picks up aric GUItAR and starts to play.


        (ss over the music)

        Listen, Gill -- ter

        whos ben making my life a living hell

        ... If    talk to

        ever yo do....

        (crosses to Gill)

        ... Dont s picture of me

        at t in San Francisco --

        Suddenly, a loud Ces from the car overhead.

        MAGGIE (td)


        Maggie stops Gill from playing. Ss her ex an angry glare

        and moves a lever on the car desds.


        e    to San Francisco twice.

        Remember oime ire...


        As t slohe car is lowered, revealing Ike

        sitting in t. he

        pograph hes holding.


        (feigning shock)

        Imagine! Maggie Carpeopless in a

        public arena.

        (co again)

        And I see the air.

        Maggie so, but Ike is faster at pulling it away.


        Give me t!


        But t iing thing here is

        t I doattoo t

        Ive    on your back.

        Gill takes off ar as it down.


        Ike bet me fifty bucks you dont still

        , Mags. I said "Youre on, man!

        Maggie loved t t; And I could

        really use fifty bucks.

        Maggie is spicuously silent.

        GILL (td)

        (looking worried)



        Im not gonna shing.

        I am a soon-to-be-married woman. Now

        give me t pograph.

        Maggie seethes.


        Sure, I o give to you.

        Just give us one quick ga t

        rose, and, Ill gladly    over.

        Sries to grab to again. Ike pulls it away.


        Fine. here.

        Maggie quickly turns around and pulls do,

        revealing top of ine expanse of skin. No


        MAGGIE (td)

        (turning back around)




        Gill is still trying to grasp this.


        Maggie? You got it removed?


        Gill, Ill go ya double or nothing if







        Im really, really afraid of needles...

        It doesnt make me a bad person.

        Ike laug ically

        pulls do of -s.



        t is on Gills c: tattoo. Maggie sighs,

        pained. Gill s to Ike. Ike looks at tattoo. he

        s Maggie.



        Look, look, man. I the man is




        Maggie moves to

        to from Ike as.


        I think I am.

        Gill grabs ar and sits.

        GILL (td)

        would Jerry do?

        t stops moving. Ike leans out.


        Jerry. hed play. hed play... Jerry


        Ike sings and taps along in tempo on the car as Gill

        sings and plays "Ripple".

        CUt tO:


        As Maggie drives into toh

        Sruments as

        a blues band. Ike is not bad on slide guitar. they all like


        Maggie "C; h Peggy and moves on.


        CLOSE ON:

        tcball. A bat ects.

        NE ANGLE:

        A big s

        out ting as umpire, yells, "Safe!" happy,

        Cory turns to tands and waves.

        ANGLE ON:

        Maggie and Peggy, cries to whoop harder

        t t ough. From firs base, Cory waves

        back to t back doakes back

        up ion. Maggie is still al steamed up.


        Okay, alk about

        my life noo turn

        t tattoo stuff into a big deal --

        t I    Gill,

        blaotally out to get me.


        For w reason? Some personal



        ts w    if hinks

        t I dont realize ing

        anoticle, t.


        Its probably because you got him fired.



        Ya think?


        Not t    deserve to get

        fired... Look! Coing for

        sed!... Sneaky!

        ANGLE ON:

        Cory as s throw

        for t. the women jump and cheer -- Maggie, again,

        t boisterous.

        ANGLE ON:

        Dennis reizes Ike as ells Ike t he

        is going to marry Maggie some day and shows Ike where Maggie is


        ANGLE ON:

        Maggie spots Ike as t back down. She groans.


        there he is. Snoop Doggy-Dogg.




        Over ten oclock. alking

        to our little Dennis. Dennis urn

        into one of t;sources say" things.


        ter    stuff out of

        tractive man.

        Ike finds Maggie in the crowd and leaves Dennis.


        Id say youve been in too long.

        You handle him, okay? I could use five

        minutes off from t creep.

        Before Peggy    protest, Maggie climbs dohe bleachers

        and goes and stands     of Corys team.


        Okay, ts fine. I    do t.

        Ike es up to Peggy.


        ;not ter".

        Ike indicates t o Peggy.


        (protesting weakly)

        ts Maggies seat...

        Ike sits doably.


        ... And this is Maggies beer.

        arts drinking it. ON tting ready to

        steal third.

        IKE (td)

        t your    there? Cory

        Phleming, a local radio announcer.


        eo his m show,

        "ake up ;?


        Not yet. I had a phlemless m. I

        ty good ballplayer.


        tty important to him.

        ars in high school, you



        t must have made you proud.

        Peggy takes a small sip off her soda.





        o get... t

        dated for a while.

        Cory dives in for t. the crowd goes wild.

        Peggy yells and jumps in.

        PEGGY (td)

        Good job, honey!

        But Maggies    all. Cory    not

        at Peggy. s    at Maggie, who jumps up and


        Ike looks between Cory, Maggie and finally, Peggy. Peggy jerks

        o s down. Ike

        pretends not to iced. tch as Maggie and Cory

        smile at eacher.


        Its ill friends.


        (looking at Maggie

        and Cory)

        O ime ago.

        See, s a ma all.

        Sive of men...

        BAttER s oo deep left field and it lands in the grave

        yard. Cory scores, greeted by Maggie. Ike and Peggy ch as

        Cory and Maggie belly-bump and her in

        celebration of Corys play. No looks at Peggy. Ike keeps an

        empatic silence, seeing t Peggy is truly .

        PEGGY (td)

        Ill be ba a sed.

        Suddenly, Peggy stands, pus eps.

        Maggie looks up just in time to catc. Ike pulls

        ape recorder out of    and starts speaking into it.

        Maggie ss Ike an acg look, o he

        bleaext to him.


        Youve been es.

        did you do to her?


        You    turn t finger around.

        Ike does an on-tton imitation of Maggie jumpiedly

        at Cory. Noing at.



        You misinterpret everything. eve all

        been friends our w

        ts types of relationship you



        Obviously, Im not the only one who

        doesnt uand it. the USS Maggie

        leaves quite a wake... Excuse me.

        Ike ries to seem enthused.


        See, I c is he, a cheer


        EXt./INt. StREEt/BAR - LAtER - DUSK

        Sitting in front of Inn ENDER

        pantomiming he reins of a wildly galloping horse. eve

        seen somethis before. Maggies wild ride away from

        as Maggie

        drives by this.


        (to herself)


        INt. AtLANtIC EL - NIGht

        Maggie o t desk of tel, where Lee is

        sleeping    up. S off ter.


        Lee, o

        ters room. I    to snoop



        (he key)

        Okay. Sed floor.




        Dont take anything big.

        Maggie moves up tairs towards Ikes room.

        INt. AtLANtIC EL - S LAtER

        Maggie owards Ikes room, o one sees her and



        Maggie lets    room and turns on ts

        on. Ss on audio cassette on the door. She

        te up to t to read tten

        label. It says "Miles Davis" on it. Ss tape. She

        o the living room.

        MAGGIES POV:

        Ike -its on a framed picture, using the frame as a

        bulletin board. Post-it notes lay out tion he has

        gats "Mot;

        deceased, sub;alter" and t;Brian",

        "Gill", and "Bob". Maggie smiles and shakes her head. She rips

        one post-it do to herself.



        " all to

        propose? S t beautiful."


        Bite me, paper boy.

        S-it off ture frame.

        MAGGIE (td)

        (as sakes post-its)


        S and furious, them in

        her shoulder bag.


        Ike es doo be shined.

        BASIDE thE ROOM

        Maggie, looking around, discovers the

        coffee table and grabs t, too.

        MAGGIE (td)



        ts and locks t as Ike enters,

        antly knohing

        is up. es gone and a glimpse of Maggie as she

        closes teaming. A BUMP sounds from

        to tries the handle.

        Its locked. arts to pound on the door.


        All righere...

        You steal my research... Youre messing

        ame now. Open up.

        Open up. You got no place to go.


        Ikes rying to open t

        bats stuck. Shtub,

        opens t arts to climb out.


        I    to have a very serious discussion

        o why youre such a pain in

        the ass.

        e    throom door.

        As Ike breaks in, o ter her.


        IKE (td)

        ts breaking aering. Ill call

        the sheriff.


        You do t. And remind him hes

        bringing to thanks.

        She building and runs off.

        Ikes neigs reading near his window.

        CUt tO:

        EXt. MAGGIES


        INt. MAGGIES

        CLOSE ON: A CASSEttE PLAYER. e see tten

        label: "Miles Davis." "Kind of Blue" plays as Maggie listens in

        a c-its she

        stole from Ikes room. e see as s;Fatwo-

        fisted drinker," "Peggy, best friend, but Peggy doesnt totally

        trust Maggie," "Bob" -- doesnt love him. Overwhelmed, she

        finis note, leans back, puts    up on

        table, deep in the melanusic.

        t note on t to her chair.

        It reads: "S;.

        FADE tO BLACK.

        FADE IN:


        Its early m. Mrs. Pressman hands Peggy a cup of coffee

        to go. Peggy o ty parlor, unlocks t door

        and goes in.

        INt. BEAUtY PARLOR - DAY

        Peggy enters and starts about ies. Surns on

        ts and turns and sees her friend, Maggie.


        Do you t h Cory?

        Peggy stops in rack. Maggie is sitting curled up in a salon

        c slept.


        Good m to you, too. You look good.


        t h




        Maggie looks miserable.


        I dont mean it.

        Peggy moves to th her cup of



        I knoimes you just

        sort of spaz-out h random excess

        flirtation energy and it just lands on

        anyt moves.


        On anyt moves? As

        opposed to anyt doesnt


        Peggy pours    of its Styrofoam cup into a ceramic mug.


        Like certain kinds of coral.

        Peggy sits in t to Maggie.


        Im going to kill myself.




        Because you t;hey

        man, c".



        No, I dont t;Im

        cerious in a

        even I dont uand and something

        about me is g out for prote

        from a big man like you". Very hard

        to pete o us

        married ery.


        But you    lost your mystery!

        Youre very mysterious!


        No. Im erious

        are t things.


        But Im weird.


        No. Youre quirky. Quirky and weird

        are t things.


        Peggy, tinct possibility

        t I might be profoundly and

        irreversibly scree t,

        I love you and I    promise t I

        h Cory, and I

        beg your fiveness.

        Maggie looks ready to cry.


        Im not    you and Cory or

        Cory and me or even t youre

        irreversibly scre, Maggie,

        youve been like this since we were

        kids. And I t you are

        a and t it s peoples

        feelings, maybe its time to move on

        to someone of

        your own, like Bob, if he one.


        I t.


        Is to make it

        up to you?


        Somet brings o my .


        Duckbill platypus.


        Its only funny at Camp Birc

        t a tick .

        Its not anymore.

        Maggie makes    laugh.


        Youre rigs not funny now.

        Maybe h grew up.


        thanks. ill you fix my hair?

        CUt tO:

        EXt. MAGGIES ER t M

        Maggie exits s on owards


        INt. IKES EL ROOM - LAtER t M

        Ike is still in bed. retches, and is

        about to the



        Freeze. o those covers -- I

        didnt e o see Ike Junior.

        Maggie smiles c Ike from t of the bed. he

        narrows    her.


        I take it the desk clerk is one of your

        many admirers.



        ? Im not t beautiful.

        Ike notices Maggie is wo coffees.


        Coffee. Now.

        Maggie    to him.


        Youre es made

        iiime reading -- if you

        like trasion. Your observations

        are distorted, ungrounded an inplete.

        You must be very proud.


        Im not a boastful man. s your


        Ike puts a s on as Maggie speaks.


        My point is t one again, youre

        getting it all

        improve your reputation any, and its

        not very flattering to me either. So,

        Im going to give you a co e




        Maggie turns away from him as he dresses.


        Ive decided to cooperate a you

        interview me.


        For a thousand bucks.

        Ike clears    as ands putting s on.

        MAGGIE (td)

        I    a big wedding and a killer dress

        and frand I will answer all your

        questions a you follow me around.

        Ike takes s

        to the window.


        My magazine doesnt pay because for

        stories. Its not hical.


        O making up ts as you go

        along is etually, I meant

        you. You probably got severance or

        expenses or botake your check.

        No credit cards.


        (to Maggie)

        Youve seen t-its. Ive already

        got more juicy material than I need.

        hy should I pay you dollar one?


        Because I ting on spec

        and    person interview, you

        migually sell t thing.

        Ike knows s.


        too much.




        Five hundred.





        Sco t to her. Maggie

        looks at it and smile sly.

        CUt tO:

        EXt. MAGGIES hOUSE - DAY

        Ike jogs alongside of Maggie on her bike. Maggie parks her bike

        and to the house.


        Maggie leads Ike upstairs to her workroom.


        Pardon t ed

        sih grade.


        I on a cappuae. e PULL BAd see Maggie and

        Ike standing at able. An automatic cappuaker

        stands on table. Its base is made from a used paint mixing

        mac looks very suristic. Maggies logo

        "MAG" is on t steams the

        cappuo. Ike notices anotable.

        IKE (td)

        s this over here?


        Its a birt for my cousin.

        Put your finger in.


        dy t.

        s he mae.


        No, ther one.

        s    urns it on. the




        this is wonderful. You refigure all

        trial parts and you do


        s some gadgets and lamps on anotable.

        o them.

        IKE (td)

        Amazing. Found industrial stuff.

        illoa lamp...

        er. Eacs a

        "MAG" logo.

        IKE (td)

        Is this your preferred logo?


        I think so.


        I like it. tty


        (studying a lamp)

        I this

        lamp idea in New York.


        Maybe someday.


        You afraid to try?


        (stares at him)

        No, Im not afraid. Just... Maybe



        ell, Im impressed. Absolutely



        I didnt expect pink and lacy, but this

        isly a womans room.


        an incredible cic



        Maggies s rings.


        ts Brians. ook me ut oeing

        on the ring in a

        velvet box.

        Ike snores. Maggie s him.

        MAGGIE (td)


        It was classic.

        Maggie he shape of a

        Grateful Dead rose.

        MAGGIE (td)

        Gill. Of course.    the

        tie-dye t-s stand at a Dead cert.

        It    until ed

        t t was a blood-sug

        space alien.


        Always a mood killer.


        Still s.

        Maggie s in tterfly

        and studded i-cems.

        MAGGIE (td)

        Gee.    a butterfly

        farm in St. the ring was

        inside a co.



        Its a little "Silence of t;

        for me. I t believe you ed for

        to run.


        omologist! I t it was

        very unique.

        No;#1" h

        a diamo into the number.

        MAGGIE (td)

        And    Bob. he proposed

        during tretch...

        Ike touco examihe ring more closely. her

        surprise at ouch shows on her face as she finishes her


        MAGGIE (td)

        ... At an Orioles game.

        Sakes eps away.


        ait. Dont tell me. the scoreboard

        lit up ;Mary me, Maggie."

        Ike picks up he couch.


        It    wonderful

        moments of my life. Cal Ripken even






        do you mean? It was incredibly



        Maybe its just me, but -- if you got

        to dress it up, it doesnt ring true.

        Ike moves back to the couch.

        IKE (td)

        I t anybody    ly

        say is, "Look..."

        (sits on the arm

        of the couch)

        "I guara well ough

        times. I guara at some point

        one or bot to get out

        of t I also guarantee

        t if I dont ask you to be mine,

        Ill regret it for t of my life.

        Because I know in my    -- youre


        Maggie stares at Ike for a beat. aken a little

        bit of h away. She covers.


        I like it.

        So a cs.

        MAGGIE (td)

        Id like it better on a scoreboard.


        Is t how you proposed when you asked

        your o marry you?

        Ike is taken aback.

        MAGGIE (td)

        Dont look so surprised, youve got

        divorce ten all over you.


        Im a work in progress.


        So? Is t o her?


        No. I t

        like, "So, uh -- maybe we should, ya



        Nos romantic. A proposal like

        t and you didnt fiernal bliss?


        Ike takes a swallow of cappuo.


        I dont know.


        You dont know.




        Maybe you sime.

        Ever t of t?

        Ike is restless. ands up.


        Call me crazy, but I believe t check

        I gave you entitles me to ask the

        questions for a while.

        Ike puts dos

        close to Maggie.


        Fair enough.



        Maggie move to tV. Solen post-it notes and

        op of tV, and goes to t door.

        MAGGIE (td)

        Ill just need one more day to make sure

        your check clears.



        DISSOLVE tO:

        EXt. REEt - t DAY

        Ike and Maggie drive in Maggies truck. t of

        a Bridal Shop.

        A spectacular dress fills ts beautiful,

        romantic, sexy. Maggie and Ike    be seen in tion.


        Even s happened

        Ive still never been married and I

        still deserve a beautiful dress.



        Maggie gives Ike a smile t lighey go inside.

        INt. BRIDAL ShOP - DAY


        go in tri-ty area. A little FLIRL, 10, is being

        fitted on tal in the room. A saleswoman,

        POLLY, aken th

        u eyes of a stern looking ENMEYER,



        (to ther)

        Stiest little flower

        girl in your daughters wedding.


        Mr. tenmeyer. hi, Polly!

        the flirl sees Maggie and runs and hides behind Polly.


        o excuse her,

        Maggie. Some of the children are

        afraid of you since yed t

        little boy up the aisle.


        I didnt drag.

        (to the girl)

        ripped on his shoelaces.

        Mrs. tenmeyer es freet Maggie.

        MRS. tENMEYER

        Youve e for your dress. Good!

        Ill get it from the back.

        Maggie leads o t window.



        Actually, I o get this dress.

        Ss to to Mrs. tenmeyer,

        expeg o stenmeyer darkens.

        MRS. tENMEYER

        (to Polly)

        Polly, take Leslie into ge.

        (to Maggie)

        But the one you have on hold is lovely.



        Yes. But Ive ged my mind.

        MRS. tENMEYER

        Its ohousand dollars.

        Maggie is keenly aening in.


        I housand dollars.

        MRS. tENMEYER


        three hundred


        Maggie loion of the



        Is this dress for sale?

        MRS. tENMEYER

        It just seems like an a of

        moo spend on one of your dresses,

        Maggie... You only

        ten minutes.

        Ike c as Maggies chusiasm

        drains aless assault of

        tarting to see t its no always easy

        being Maggie. tremor in her voice.


        Yeas a good point.


        ther dress is nice.

        Ike calls out to Mrs. tenmeyer.


        Mrs. tenmeyer. May I talk to you

        for a sed?

        So him.

        IKE (td)

        I dont knohis kind of

        t of town. Youre a


        sell wedding dresses.

        MRS. tENMEYER


        Yes. Ive been y years.


        Perfect. Because Miss Carpenter is

        o buy one. But not just any one.

        Ss t one.

        MRS. tENMEYER

        Its a thousand dollars!

        Ike goes over and takes t of the window. Mrs.

        tenmeyer catcs the mannequin under his


        IKE (td)

        Look, Aunt Bea, his

        beautiful dress and anything else she

        s or Im ing back h a

        squirt gun filled h India ink.

        Mrs. tenmeyer s under Ikes fierce gaze. Surns to


        MRS. tENMEYER

        ill ?

        Maggie gives her a look.

        MR. tENMEYER (td)

        (to Maggie)

        ell,    some

        accessories his ready,

        dear. Polly, will you e help me,


        Polly es to he mannequin away.




        Its a thousand dollars.

        MRS. tENMEYER

        She man has ink!

        Maggie looks gratefully at Ike.


        tougo spend money in town.

        tIME CUt: A FE MINUtES LAtER:

        Ike sits as he hears Maggies voice behind him.

        MAGGIE (o.s.)

        do you think?

        Ike turns around. Maggie is standing on tal, wearing

        the dress and looking unbelievably geous. She is overwhelming

        to bele to keep rol.



        You look... uh... You look fine.


        Fihe neers upside down.

        ts better than fine.


        Bob will be very happy.

        S bethem is broken as she

        suddenly remembers somethe veil off her head.


        Bob! I almost fot! I o meet


        INt. DINER - DAY

        t place -- a major he

        food is greasy and good, Mrs. Pressman is tress, and the

        CROD t is    a small town. Bob,

        Maggie and Ike sit on ter. Mrs. Pressman C

        the er.


        Mrs. Pressman, I to



        ere out the special because


        (indicates COOK h head)

        ... didnt order enough sausage.


        Let me te. Egg

        wes only.

        Ike looks at Maggie.    a t shed say



        Ill he same.


        (clears )

        Of course.


        ? I t order my eggs



        ral ers you the

        same team noing and

        its fifteen minutes in ty box.

        (gently, to Ike)

        Maggies t person youll ever

        meet. But s

        t to start fog

        more in here.

        (taps )

        ts wever

        you    to call it -- problems in the


        (to Maggie)

        ts w were w on -- focus.

        Right, Maggie? Foaggie. Focus

        on Bob.

        As Bob alking, Ike g Maggies face.

        to    of her.





        (to Ike)

        I lead Maggie tion

        exercise. All ts shrinks use

        tuff. Visualize the end

        zone, if you catc.

        Bob takes out a notepad and    to Maggie.

        BOB (td)

        odays mantra: "Its an open

        field to Big Bob."


        tell me.    to tar,



        You knoheres no...

        Before Maggie    finisercepts her.


        ell, Im off. A reporters work is

        never done.

        (o the door)

        Mrs. Pressman, thank you.



        INt. AtLANtIC EL - MOMENtS LAtER

        GRANDMA JULIA (V.O.)

        Id like to explain about the weddings.

        t e

        off. t;I dos". You

        t believe how much cake we were

        left hree

        think her

        father minded spending so much money on

        booze t nobody drank.

        e el doors,

        ts a bag from irud

        es iel o Grandma,



        Ike... hi, Grandma.


        Gram o give me the

        skinny on wal



        Rigta. Its

        not t she wedding,


        I girls are terrified of "the

        one-eyed snake".

        (getting into it)


        a knitting needle o the bed...

        Ike winces.


        Actually, Grandma, I che one-

        eyed snake awhile ago.


        O. Ill tell you one

        t fet t



        You    take your hands off your ears,

        a. Your teas getting cold.


        you excuse us a minute?

        (to Ike)

        May I h you, please?

        Maggie moves toward door.


        Bye, a... Bye, Grandam.

        eps over to Maggie in the doorway.


        I found t kno was


        Maggie ;Kind of Blue."



        Os Miles Davis. this

        is "King of Blue"! the

        inal rec. o find in

        good dition. here did you find




        It tic. It was jus

        sitting t.


        Its valuable. o it.


        No. You take it.

        Seps outside, leaving Ike he record.


        w kind of music

        I like and then finding me a rare album.

        Youre n to soften me up, are



        No -- Im ing an attic. I

        attempt the impossible.

        Surns and o the diner where Mrs. Pressman is

        outside ering plants. Ike looks after Maggie and then back

        do t makes him sad.

        CUt tO:

        INt. IKES CAR - LAtER t DAY

        Ike drives t food

        bag in hE INN hALE BAR, same dump of a

        tavern alked to barte.

        ANGLE ON: MAGGIES CAR parked a few cars down. he pulls over

        and parks. s out and speaks into ape recorder.

        I. thE INN hALE BAR -- DAY

        Ike approacheres a DRUNK MAN and a

        DOG sitting outside. Inside, he back,

        arms around eacely Maggie. ther is

        definitely not Bob.



        . Lets go.

        As Maggie    up,    its alter, Maggies

        father -- dead drunk.




        your drivers lise...

        tumble and lurg toward Maggies car.


        Im ly her...



        (to Dog)

        Good boy, Port hole.




        I c.

        (to Drunk)

        See you later, Mr. travis.

        (to Maggie)

        t guy has a problem... Maggie, you

        run everyones life but your own.

        Maggies rouble keeping eady as she car

        door. Ike is to er into the


        ALtER (td)

        Good daug thers pass


        alter passes out on t seat.


        ( difficulty)

        Ike... Please dont e anything

        about this --


        No. Fet about it. Dont even think

        about it.

        Maggie looks at itude. She car

        door s.


        atch y, Dad.

        (to Ike)

        Im so tired of this.


        you let    off in

        trunk. Ill take you for a ride.

        then well e back for him.

        (to Drunk on bench)

        Keep an eye on him.

        DRUNK MAN

        Im too loaded.


        I alking to the dog.

        (turning to Maggie)

        All right?

        Maggie t t. Sakes a deep breath.


        Okay... Ill just grab my jacket.

        CUt tO:

        EXt. ROAD - LAtE DUSK tO NIGht

        Establishing of Ikes car driving.

        INt. IKES CAR - LAtE DUSK tO NIGht

        Maggie and Ike ride along.


        My dad managed a business and two

        mistresses. ed me to be a

        . More?

        Maggie nods,

        IKE (td)

        My moted me to bee a

        musi. 0 for t at least

        Im a journalist and we all know

        journalism is literature in a hurry.

        EXt. IKES CAR - tRY ROAD - NIGht

        Ike and Maggie stare forh seem in melanoods.

        to serouble here. Suddenly,

        ters and jerks. It so a stop on the shoulder of

        the car backfires and smokes.

        EXt. IKES CAR - tRY ROAD - NIGht

        Ike and Maggie sit in teaming car for a moment.


        Your filters clogged. takes



        you fix it?


        First I o find some tools. I

        need a enth.


        (removing his glasses)

        Of w?


        (in amazement)


        Maggie slams the food closed.


        Kind of isolated.


        Yeas kind of nice.

        An unfortable silent pause. Ike breaks t.


        thing we New Yorkers know

        o do is heres no

        cab, we walk.

        Ike stares off does a building in

        taurns off ts.


        I    get some tools over there.... and

        save ttery... thing

        ry girls kno

        across a field. Its quicker.

        Maggie points diagonally across to ion

        sign glos from ter winkle.

        o the field.

        MAGGIE (td)

        Be careful of snakes.


        Snakes? Are you serious? I dont like

        snakes. Ive never even seen a snake.

        eps carefully into toward Maggie.

        MOMENtS LAtER

        Maggie leads Ike through a field.


        Do you t

        person for everybody?

        Ike chooses his words carefully.


        No. But I ttra is too

        often mistaken fhtness.

        Attra is very misleading. And if

        its mutual, its erribly



        Yes it is. And it doesnt mean


        Ike nods as to a wooden fence. Ss her hand on

        s s to give her a

        boost over top. e see tanding cross

        Maggies face at tial taeithem moves --

        for tricity is obvious.

        ANGLE ON: Ike. ed feelings are apparent. ith

        difficulty, Maggie straigh quickly remove

        their hands.

        MAGGIE (td)


        I suddenly fot o climb a fence.

        t eac, then:


        (breaking the

        moment jokingly)


        Shey see

        an old guy, LIONEL, wtling on a porch.

        MAGGIE (td)

        Lionel,    I borroools?


        Yeah, we need a half and nine-



        Gonna bust out of another wedding?


        Youre sure well known around here.

        EXt. FIS DAY


        INt. FIS (NYC) - DAY

        INt. IKES EL ROOM - DAY

        I BEtEEN tO LOCAtIONS:

        Ike sits on ing his

        breakfast. cape again. Fisher

        is cooking an elaborate breakfast. Ellie rusting

        ready for work. o Ike.


        (into phone)

        Yes,    she may

        be running because ss attention...

        ive attention is attention.


        because of your n, ts ive


        IKE (V.O.)

        t ive attention,

        not mine. Did you get the

        reimbursement for t?


        (into phone)

        No, Im paying for the dress. Do you

        till gonna run?

        IKE (V.O.)

        I dont know.

        Ellie e and shakes her head

        to    up.


        very o gloat. Fisher is annoying him.


        (into phone)

        Look -- Ill be ioday.

        Ill e by and tell you all about it.

        FIShER (V.O.)

        Youre ing here?


        (into phone)


        FIShER (V.O.)

        then e for dinner.


        (into phone)

        Okay, .

        FIShER (V.O.)

        Order out like a Pine, when you

        got t here?...

        Ike che Gee Swilling wedding


        INt. NE YORK BAR - DAY

        the same man

        Ike talked to before, is sitting on a stool, nursing his drink.

        ter. Ike enters. Gee looks up and reizes

        Ike, ool o him.


        Get this man a Kamikaze.


        Splendid disse of Maggie Carpenter,

        very professional job.

        Ike sits and leans over to Gee.



        You could old me you were fiance



        And end up in the papers? Ive been

        ed enougo last a

        lifetime, t

        you ed.






        ell, Im ing anoticle on

        the cacophony.


        A stay away from her,    you?

        Like a moto a flame.


        Guess youd kno t. Youre an

        entomologist, right? hows business?


        (taking a sip

        of his drink)

        Not bad. I raveling around

        studying tive and migratory

        patterns of locusts w me.



        er a locust, feed the world.


        Not t Afrid a.

        Ike his

        guy    under .

        GEE (td)

        You knohe only girl I

        ever met ula.

        On t date.

        IKE (td)

        So, tell me, Gee, whink

        she ran?


        Same as you said.    did you call

        ;maer", "a dev death



        I dont ts why she ran.


        hink she ran?

        Ike sips his drink before answering.


        I dont kno. I



        And you defending her?


        No. I call it like I see it. Im a

        journalist. Im a truteller.


        Unbelievable, s to you.


        Oh, please!


        Join the club.

        (passing him

        his drink)

        han me.

        Gee .


        (proteg, taking

        ape recorder

        out of )

        Im ing an article, Im getting

        paid to do ts going to be a

        cover story, its going to be published

        ... ts will be read someday.

        As Gee pauses in tape recorder.

        IKE (td)

        kind of eggs did she like?


        Poac like me.

        Gee exits.

        CUt tO:


        Ike reet toward Ellie and Fisher.

        CUt tO:

        INt. FISMENt (NYC) - NIGht

        Ellie is on ters s at

        the piano.



        Overpriice apartment and ese

        takeout. ts New York living.


        (into phone)

        ... Just call me w.

        (o Fisher)

        Ike, ory ing? Is she a



        Or a vegetarian?


        Or does s;NGBS" -- "Nice Guys,

        But..." Nice guys, but Im cheap.

        Nice guys, but h his mom...

        Nice guys, but    out of prison.


        No... teresting guys. Each

        one of thing going

        for .

        Anot. Ones a

        pretty good guitar player. And this

        guy today tried to end world hunger, if

        you    believe t...


        ting a plex, buddy?


        Fis alk.



        But one of t one of

        t all. Eae was

        vi s for them,

        but t see her. And she never

        s see her.

        Its a very symbolic thing happening.

        S sed

        to be.

        Fis like t Ellie, who

        is looking very ied.


        (in shock)

        Ike is turniive and I t

        bear to ake a

        fres of tea.

        ts. Ike goes to the piano as Ellie

        picks up the phone.


        (into phone)

        Yeah... Oh, Jay... Okay... Bye.

        (o Fisher)

        Fis fet tune


        S ts serious.


        Is t o you? Is t




        No. No, you didnt.

        he hugs her.



        ell -- Im sorry, Im really sorry,



        Im sorry, too.


        o only took us between years

        to say.

        Ellie blinks back seal tears.

        CUt tO:

        EXt. tROUtS BARN - t NIGht

        e ruck S drive up and


        INt. tROUtS BARN - NIGht

        Its a small barn ts been verted into a luau h a bar.

        A BAND plays for ts ed it

        as a little slice of iki lights, numerous

        rented plastic palm trees and fiberglass copies of hawaiian

        statuary. Strings of colored lighe ceiling.

        It looks like a .

        Maggies family, Mrs. trout and people , and

        more, are    tropical drinks garnished

        ic leis abound and most people have

        mao find ts.

        As heir applause and Mrs.

        trout announces. op.

        LOU tROUt

        ele to our annual try luau. As

        you knoty and I got married on

        ter, Diamond head.

        MRS. tROUt

        (grabbing the


        ting our first

        dao to-be nehe

        King and Queen of hawaii, Maggie and


        ters. Bob is a goody bronzed god in his King

        Kamafit. Maggie is spectacular in ic

        looking -up. But s none

        of tivities around hen, she looks up

        and glances around for Ike, ing .

        MRS. tROUt (td)

        King and Queen, dance.

        Maggie and Bob start to dance as ter sings "Alo;

        MRS. tROUt (td)

        Everybody dance.

        Everybody dances.

        tIMES OUt:

        Maggie and Bob pose for pictures s.

        MRS. tROUt

        Pictures of the King and Queen.

        Dennis poses rout runs

        out of film and goes to get more, leaving Peggy and Maggie alone.

        Peggy wo Maggie.


        Lighten up, wahine.




        ty is for you and Bob. Get

        your mind off ter.


        I    seen y-four hours.

        It just gives me ttle bit.

        Id feel better if I knew where he was.


        (nods to door)

        ould it?

        ANGLE ON: Ike just entering ty. At least ried.

        a tropical s ed around s and s.

        o ted s

        very flustered.

        PEGGY (td)

        are you doing?


        (after a beat)

        Im going to go dance h Bob.

        Because he man.

        (referring to her headdress)

        I like those grapes.

        Maggie dances affeately rout, tending

        bar, greets Ike.

        LOU tROUt

        o our luau.

        I get you?


        You got somet a toy in it?

        tIME CUt:

        A LIttLE LAtER - CLOSE ON

        A pair of expressive pantomime "A Little Grass S;.


        Mrs. trout is on stage, introdug estants. Grandma

        judges ty is at full tilt -- a

        little tle goofy. Some guests (Bob, dy, Cory, Lee

        and ted) do ter, Mrs. Pressma turn as

        she hears him.


        Alos a very fetg

        headdress youre wearing.

        Ike leans into Maggie, enjoying the smell of her hair. She

        notices, but acts casual.




        Missed me bad, huh?

        tIME CUt:

        All ts start banding ter rises

        unsteadily, lifting his pineapple.

        MRS. tROUt

        Attention. Listen to alter. Listen

        close, he slurs.


        S up, wahines!


        In tradition t hrough

        t is nooast time! First

        up, our , "A ;,

        Lou trout..

        Lou trout stands h his glass raised.

        LOUt tROUt

        May t be filled h

        be filled

        h lead!

        ts of "; alter roars.

        MRS. tROUt

        May tter-patter of little feet

        not be Maggies.


        May ts be returned!


        May tty

        as t!

        ter ser.

        ANGLE ON:

        Ike cakes t, raising her glass along

        he is.

        Ike t believe it.


        You kno;Youre not

        losing a daug; ell, Id like to!

        alter gets a bit laugh. he goes again.

        ALtER (td)

        Maggie may not be

        running joke...

        (under h)

        Maggie finisher.


        -- But sainly test.

        Uproarious laugerribly pained. Ikes had

        enougo . alter is thrilled. he

        she CROD.

        ALtER (td)

        O a toast?


        I dont knoe.

        (to Maggie)

        Are you all righis?


        Excuse me?


        Are you all righink

        this is funny?




        I dont and I dont think you should...


        Its a joke. theyre kidding.

        ALtER AND CROD


        e on and give us a toast.


        You    me to make a toast? Okay...

        Ill give you a toast. to Maggies

        family and friends. May you find

        yourselves the bulls eye of an easy

        target. May you be publicly flogged

        for all of your bad choices and may

        your o rubbed in all of your


        Ike . the

        guests stare at Maggie. Mortified, sears.

        MRS. tROUt

        t was funny.

        (a pause)

        But enougoasts, lets s

        start the music up.

        Ss everyone up to    tune. Maggie

        eps and outside. Ike

        follo Peggy grabs a coat for ches her go as

        Cory approaches.


        ty dollars bet on--


        Not now.

        Bob ruser Maggie.


        (calling after her)

        Maggie. Maggie.

        (to Ike, )

        s not

        really hawaii.

        Ike exits. then, Bob es over.


        hered Maggie go?


        O    to get me something

        from the car.

        Cory es over o Bob and Peggy. BOB/PEGGY/CORY/

        DENNIS C Bart Starr and football. (hich keeps Bob

        from going outside to follo it.

        EXt. tROUtS BARN - NIGht

        Ike runs after Maggie. urns o him.


        Im there

        pulling for you.


        You ed me!


        No, Maggie, I defended you.

        ing you is w everyone else

        is doing. Its ty.


        I    under trol. Nohey feel

        sorry for me.


        ell, theyre

        about to ch you hang yourself again.

        Maggie has no response.

        IKE (td)

        -- tell me something, do you really

        care about Mount Everest?


        Its fun! Its high.


        Or ts of locusts?


        t eresting research

        Gee was doing!


        kind of Dead s a temporary



        I already explained about t.


        And wo run

        the leper y in Molokai?



        Brian told you t?


        Or maybe you just ed to he



        Every one of times I was being

        supportive. Somet



        Supportive? You    being

        supportive. You were being scared.

        Just like no lost

        woman I have ever laid eyes on.




        ts rig you dont

        even know how you like ys.




        it, you liked them

        scrambled. ithe Dead head, fried.


        egg hank you very much.


        ts called ging your mind.


        No, ts called not having a mind of

        your own.    are you doing, Maggie?

        You really    to let t man drag

        you up Annapuma on your honeymoon? You

        dont    to climb Annapuma.


        Yes I do!


        No you dont. You    a man who will

        lead you doh his head

        over your eyes just so you    discover


        You    a guy o a

        cave    to

        read you a poem. You    a man to

        dawn because hes

        burning to talk to you and

        ao find out w

        youll say. Am I right?

        . Maggie t speak.

        IKE (td)

        Am I right?

        Ss bagry tears.


        Stop. Stop it! Im getting married on

        Sunday, and youre just trying to make

        me run! hy? Because youre a ical,

        exploitative, mean-ed creep who

        kno bit him

        in t! And all you do is tear


        ticize hey do,

        because youre too afraid to do

        anything yourself! I read your n.

        You never e one about you. Im not

        t and you kno!

        Am I rig?

        ANGLE ON: Bob es outside.


        Mag.    here. Green Bay.

        Right guard.

        Boto Maggie

        and gives Ike a very s his arm around his


        BOB (td)

        You kno Starr, cre

        ... Are you okay?

        Maggie adjusts    she .




        Let me take you baside, okay?

        Ss him lead her away.


        Jerry Kramer.

        Ike looks at her drooped shoulder and he shakes his head and

        o his car.

        EXt.    C DAY

        Peggy and dy arrive for they leave dys

        dog in Peggys car and o the church.


        tell me, wher

        wedding rewo days before



        Bob is making he


        CUt tO:

        INt.    C

        ts in a pew as Bob

        leads Maggie and Ike up teps of the church.


        (to Maggie)

        Okay,    me to have Ike

        leave now?

        Maggie turns on Ike ;c; ility.


        No. No -- Actually, lets make Ike the



        Id rat.



        e on, itll give you a great view.

        Its perfect.

        (seeing Peggy)


        Maggie smiles at Bob. Ike sig. Bob pulls Ike

        to the aisle and places him. Peggy follows Maggie

        into to get ready. dy sits ed at the an.


        team effort, Pastor Ike... dy, ready?

        (after no response)

        dy, e on.

        dy leaves to join the foyer.

        INt. ENt

        On talk.


        o be tor?


        Yep. I    o be front aer

        and to g.


        the luau?



        ... I dont even    to talk about

        the luau.

        (then seeing a hanging rope)

        s this?


        Its for the bell.

        dy joins them.


        Bobs in a hurry.


        Dont be nervous, Maggie. Let us

        visualize. Remember w Bob said?

        "Be t;


        "Sink tt."


        "Make t."


        "Not ."


        "Never say die."

        Maggie puts her hands up.



        Peggy and dy exit. Maggie pulls the bell rope and sways back

        and forthe bell.

        INt. ENt

        It is Maggies turn to eurn expetly. too

        mucime passes. ted plays tops. Maggie

        she foyer doorway.


        honey, are you okay?

        Maggie sting together. She

        o ttle sakes a few

        tremulous steps sloh her eyes closed, peeking

        occasionally h one eye.


        (taking off )

        At t could be an evening



        ! ! I think were

        taking too fast.

        o pace.

        BOB (td)

        e o limber you up a little.

        Youre tensing.


        to Ike, moving him

        to grooms spot)

        You stand here and be me so she knows

        o go.

        (to Maggie)

        Im going to h you.

        Bob goes to Maggie and walks behind her.

        BOB (td)

        Visualize! Visualize! Its game time.

        ANGLE ON:

        Maggie walking.

        BOB (td)

        You are tball. Youre spiraling

        tohe hands of

        the groom.

        She aisle. Bob behind her.


        (eyes down)

        Yes, Im spiraling the air.

        ANGLE ON:

        Maggie raises    of her as groom.

        Ike and Maggie lock gazes. If to, t look

        aed -- the love,

        the longing.

        MAGGIE (td)

        I streak tohe goal line.

        Maggies pace quis.

        MAGGIE (td)

        And I land on the goal line.

        ANGLE ON:

        Bob beams to see Maggies eager arrival at Ikes side. he

        sco be the



        Okay, Im tor. Dearly beloved,


        Ra ta ta ta. Yabada dabada. I now

        pronounan and he

        bride, badum dum.


        e    leads to us

        rig the...

        Ike kisses Maggie. It is a    is a

        kiss t    back. It is

        a kiss you only get on your life.

        NE ANGLE:

        Bobs smile dies. dys mouthe kiss goes on

        and on. Peggy loses trol and screams.

        BOB (td)


        Like a bucket of er two dogs, Ike and Maggie are

        startled out of t and smile at each


        ANGLE ON: Bob.

        BOB (td)


        If you .

        (to Ike)

        the hell were you doing?


        (eyes on Maggie)

        Im sorry, Bob. She kissed me back.


        (dazed but happy)

        I kissed him back.


        Yea t. ant to tell me

        his has been going on?

        Maggie looks at Ike, wondrous, fused.


        About a minute...?


        A little longer for me.




        do you expect me to say to this?


        -- "I hope youll be very


        Bob he face. Ike drops.


        I ogether.

        Bob storms do of the church.


        (to Peggy)

        take care of him.

        Maggie leaves.

        CUt tO:

        EXt. ENt

        Bob is    the church door

        and calls after him.


        Bob, Im sorry!

        (o herself)

        At least I backed out before the

        s progress!

        to Maggie. Maggie

        calls again.

        MAGGIE (td)

        Some o make you a lot

        han I ever could...

        t of    the

        door, rag after Bob at a full sprint.

        MAGGIE (td)



        ell, Maggie -- in the words of Mrs.

        Pressman: ";. Call me later.

        Peggy goes to her car. dy joins her as Bob speeds off in his

        car. Noakes Peggys plaext to Maggie. Maggie turns

        to face Ike. t red, stammering and uo

        look at eag to aal.


        Okay. So...

        nohen? In



        I dont know. I, u

        even    to talk about it.


        Me, either.

        Ike GRABS Maggie and BOOM -- ther,

        kissing frantically, tongues, .

        Blathering fools.



        I love you. I love you.



        I love you, too.

        they e up for air.


        ait. e o talk. e o do

        some talking now. Pull up a railing.

        Maggie sits on ts on the

        opposite railing.

        IKE (td)

        You o go do;I

        do". You o get married.


        to who? Are you asking me?



        Ike backs up to opposite railing and sits fag Maggie.


        Yes, you!



        ell, you do he dress.


        And the church.



        of us.


        So, you to

        go doh somebody you

        love and who love you back.


        Im okay .


        So am I.


        So, well...

        t t of. t, ted,

        closes the church door.


        Good night.

        Ike pulls ape recorder out of    and quietly speaks

        into it.


        Im getting married.

        IDE S:

        t eag. then, silence.

        CUt tO:

        EXt. StREEt/LANtIC EL - t NIGht

        Ike drives up and parks in front of tel as alks on his

        cell phone.

        I Ith:

        INt. FIS

        Ellies on ts nearby.


        Ikes going to get married.

        Fiso t and rolls himself


        ELLIE (td)

        ( turning to him)

        Fis Persian,

        Ill kill you.

        CUt tO:

        INt. BEAUtY SALON - NIGht DAY

        Maggie talks to Peggy, dy and Grandma Julia. Grandma Julia

        sits under a , ts in .


        I love    believe

        tening to you.


        his hair... any color.


        I like igt.

        Peggy laughs.




        (to dy)

        See, ture relationship.


        CUt tO:

        LOVE MONtAGE SS:

        EXt. O - DAY

        Ike and Maggie fishing.



        INt. MAGGIES hOUSE - DAY

        Ike and Maggie he game is slapjack.

        EXt. FIELD - DAY

        Maggie and Ike    on their horses

        amongst trees, "nuzzling". Ike reads as he pushes Maggie in a

        tire swing.


        Ike and Maggie open and close a s

        opposite ends ih. Grandma looks in.


        t as Ike

        se books. hes

        reading somets at t. they seem happy.

        EXt. ChE EDDING

        It is a media circus including FOUR REPORtERS, Midday h

        Meredit-s Vendor. Plus the

        reporters are intervieCh KENAN, a

        farmer and Grandma Julia. Reporter DINA NAPOLI he



        edding bells are ringing for the

        fourtime today in hale, Maryland.

        Maggie Carpenter, "Always a Bride --

        Never a Bridesmaid", tempting

        to plete h wedding ceremony.

        ell e ba the

        results are in. Back to you, Jessica.

        MereditV reporter, films himself

        pointing a cheap video camera himself.


        turnout for this ms wedding

        is usually reserved for royalty or

        ars, but Maggie Carpenter

        is ar and

        tizens of    in full

        force today.

        t-s Vendor pitches his wares.

        t-S VENDOR

        I got "Bye-bye Birdie". " part of

        I do dont you uand?"... Get

        your "Runa; t-ss here...

        Reporter JULIE MURPands near Grandma Julia and Mrs.


        JULIE MURPhY (el 6)

        t an

        being around in the beginning

        was never her problem. ell be here,

        she full wedding ceremony,

        we hope.

        Reporter JACKI and tIFFANY stand at the CROD


        JACKI/REPORtER #3 (BOC tV16)

        ill s s is on the

        minds of these several hundreds folks,

        wanding his m.

        Not to mention on the mind of Groom

        Number #4, ex-USA today nist, Ike



        I    the

        ival se. dy sits h Maggie as she leans forward,

        doubled over on a co

        sit hem.


        (moves to window)

        ing. atc



        No, no. I sa geese flying in a



        You and your lucky geese. You always

        see geese.




        And in a "V".


        Eig;V" could be Victory.

        tarting ter "V". Maggie

        is nervous.


        Rub your ears.


        Yes, rubbing your ears is very soothing.

        Cory does t to me when I


        Maggie rubs her ears.


        e do it t.


        Its ing.


        ell rub.

        After t:


        hes here! hes here!

        t ement.

        dy ruso Maggies wedding dress.


        Ill get the dress.


        hes here!... hes here!


        Noime for calm... If you dont

        calm do get your dress on...


        he one.

        Peggy moves to ands alo

        t. Soy horse.


        t a good sign.

        Maggie goes over to Peggy and dy, and starts to get into her

        bridal goio ad lib anding he

        letter "V".


        e o he Sunday School

        kids will be here soon.

        CUt tO:

        INt. IKES CAR - DAY

        Ike pulls up sloS peer the his car window and

        wave. Ike rubs his headache.

        JULIE MURPhY

        ell, t pulled up. there

        alk of a "no he is



        Ike Graham is here!


        akes it all in: a FAMILY eats a fast food piic

        on a neiged GUEStS flock by in ty

        best, and loES tEAMS block tAtE SENAtOR is

        making a speearyland. A large GROUP

        of reporters airs, heir

        equipment. ter treaming ihe

        church. Ike snaps.

        EXt. IKES CAR - tINUING

        Ike stops t is and jumps out, slamming the door in

        aERS s of the car.

        tio pound ions as o church

        steps. An OLDER LADY smacks h a

        neonis and tinues up the

        steps. airs and grabs Lee.


        S ours so sh an


        Mrs. Pressman stands, sing Ike h her video camera.

        IKE (td)


        Mrs. Pressman, please.


        Its okay. theres no microphone.

        Youre no fun.


        No, Im not.

        Ike retreats into to h his

        video camera: C Scorsese.

        INt. UING

        As Fis book, a LOCAL LADY stares at

        Ellie. Ellie stares back at il she leaves. Ike walks

        aurns smato Ellie and Fiss

        hem a big hug.


        Friends. thank you.

        Over Ellies shoulder, Ike sees Fishers grinning face.

        IKE (td)

        e are friends, arent we, Fisher?



        Of course we are. Of course.


        t man.


        ell, Im good, I dont know if Im



        Go talk to tor and ell

        you o do. And someone ell

        me o do.


        You al in t suit...

        And Ike?


        Im happy for you, honey.

        Ellie whispers in his ear.

        ELLIE (td)

        Ill o

        w of here if she runs.

        Ellie kisses he cheek and walks away.

        ANGLE ON:

        Bob es up to Ike. o pun

        abruptly    a rose boutonniere.


        You look awful.



        thank you.

        Bob o Ike. Ike is schis

        and looks up to Ike. It is a moment of    y bethe



        Ike. Need help?

        akes tonniere and puts it on Ikes lapel.

        BOB (td)

        Im glad its you.




        I didnt    to find out I    for



        Got any last minute advice?


        (motioning to their eyes)

        Maintain eye tact.

        Bob turns and leaves, going doaircase.


        (to himself)

        Eye tact. Eye tact.

        Out of tures of    the

        ure and whispers.

        IKE (td)

        Cover me.

        o the chapel.

        INt. UING

        Ike steps up and stands o Fisher.


        (to Ike)

        I    Im doing.


        Your job is... the ring.

        (to Fisher)

        Do you he ring?!


        I just found out Im best man! Im

        lucky I ... s wrong?

        Ike gives to Fisor approaches Ike. Ike

        turns a over ts.

        IKESPOV: t of tONSPEOPLE o

        knotle ponytails.

        Armani s. t of

        smirking, c tories for

        cocktail hour. Elaine is in back all dressed in black, m

        Ike. Mrs. trout approaches Ike.

        MRS. tROUt

        You she

        wedding car -- a 63 Buick.


        thank you.

        MRS. tROUt

        Oically family.

        Mrs. trout starts pig lint off Fis.


        hello. Im Fisher.

        MRS. tROUt

        t    to e out.


        You just pull a hair from my neck.


        Mrs. trout, go back to your seat!

        INt. ChURCh FOYER - DAY

        Peggy joins Maggie, who is blowing bubblegum and swaying in

        front of an oscillating fan. Grandma and alter e in.

        Grandma gives he cheek.


        Good luck, Maggie.


        thank you, Grandma.

        Grandma leaves. alter steps up.


        (quietly to Maggie)

        Im really rooting for this one.


        thank you, Dad.

        Peggy turns off takes the bag from Maggie.



        Maggie spits o the bag. Peggy hands Maggie her



        Lets go.


        No sauntering do

        make time. Lets just get there.

        dy and Peggy nod and leave. the door closes.

        INt. UING

        Botends o Elaine.


        hi, Im Elaine from New York.





        Im sorry.


        ts okay. theres a lid for every

        pot. Besides, Im fortable h Ike.

        I mean, Jack Dempsey lost his

        title to a New Yorker.


        I knounney.

        to play. t is ted. Grandma, alter,

        Mrs. Pressman and trouts crout picks lint off of


        ANGLE ON:

        dy and Peggy enter    air of people who have

        doo too

        quickly. Peggy gives Ike a wink and an encing smile.

        INt. UING

        ticks his head in.


        theyre ready, Maggie.


        Just a sed.

        Dennis closes to the

        c alone. S back door as

        possible escape route, the

        start of the door.

        INt. UOUS

        Immediately, Cory and Dennis open trance.

        All ts stand as Maggie ehe chapel smiling.

        MAGGIES POV:

        tretfinity. Faces goggle at

        ion. tiny figure of Ike stands like a

        bea a long way off.

        NE ANGLE:

        Sation step.

        ANGLE ON:

        Ike rocks imperceptibly, urging her on. Peggy and dy make

        little "e on" motions. It seems to be w. Maggie

        approaed from skepticism to

        looks and noises of encement.


        But t gradually begin to slow.

        ANGLE ON:

        Fistle "darn, so close" look.

        ANGLE ON:

        But Ike is too busy maintaining eye tact. his eyes urge

        Maggie closer -- loving her, willing her on.

        CLOSE ON:

        Maggie stops easing smile, and then

        resumes oward him. his face. her face. his

        face. her face.

        CLOSE ON:

        incher follows.

        NE ANGLE:

        A sigS as Maggie closes in on Ike. he

        smiles at     there... Shes

        t Ike. testures to ts to sit

        dohey do.

        ANGLE ON:

        Ike sneezes. S

        splitting apart. And ss like a bat out of hell! In a

        flurry of we, she aisle before Ike knows

        w s him.

        ANGLE ON:

        Ike stands to

        a, cer her.


        (yelling out)

        Block the doors!

        Like a general, s to Dennis and Cory in the bad

        sends to a. t in Maggies face. But

        so the

        tONSPEOPLE stand so Ike    he pew. Ike climbs

        on tohe aisle, blog his

        pato the side aisle and scampers

        down and away. Fiss on his cell phone. Ike charges from

        one of the pews

        aircase to cut

        es off in eps of the

        c. Ike fumble he

        railing, landing on Dennis toe. airs

        after er exey.

        CUt tO:

        INt. C - tINUING

        Maggie es doeps aers the church childrens Sunday

        sc of KIDS And tEAChERS are doing religious

        arts and crafts. As Maggie runs through:



        s of dy in s. If

        you tickle him, hell give dy.

        S to a little GIRL as she goes by. Ike es




        ts. Ike fights his way

        through KIDS.

        ANGLE ON:

        Maggie as scer and

        the window is wide enough.

        ANGLE ON:

        Ike as s to t Maggie is out in driveway.

        EXt. UING

        Maggie flies toruck at     leaving.


        Shers her dress and jumps in as Ike yells from window,

        t onto truck starts to

        pull away.



        Maggie looks bace, tearful aful, and disappears

        iruck. truck races off.

        tOGRAPurn their cameras on Ike, en masse. he is

        enveloped by a barrage s.

        Ellie and Fisepped outside on c

        steps, are looking around as Ike turns around the er and

        past the church.


        Look, er her.


        Look, ty good shape.


        Poor Ike.

        ter trud cruck

        dohe church.


        (running; yells)



        hink shes going?


        is, sen-

        ty tomorrow.

        dy, Cory, Peggy and Meredit of the churd

        ent on Maggies runaill

        cruck, yelling:



        As truck rounds the road and disappears, Ike

        stops and stares aloer truck. A swarm of

        REPORtERS catco ures and asking

        questions. Anot to:


        Of Ikes stunned fa today. tion

        reads: " and Run: Runarikes again". And we see

        her papers.


        "S AND BOLtS"


        "BRIDE tAKES    IKE"

        "BRIDE tAKE RIDE"

        "MAGGIE SAYS I DONt"


        INt. NE YORK BAR - DAY

        Kevin, tender, reads Jays n, in today

        entitled "Maggies Mad Das;.

        CUt tO:


        Various nehe USA

        today entitled "Maggie Mad Das; and "s

        and Bolts" in another neer.

        FADE IN

        EXt. MAIN StREEt/ (1-5 MONtER)

        Its a nighe regular order of

        tored on its quaint streets. Quartet sings

        in front of tel. LEE AND CORY C where Peggy


        INt. ORE - NIGht

        Maggie is sitting, end of a long day. Peggy sticks her head in

        entrance door.


        You okay? Im closing.


        Im just finisoo.


        ant to go to Butchs for a drink or




        No, Im just going to head home.



        Peggy starts to go, to Maggie.

        PEGGY (td)

        (stepping closer

        and making a "V"

        h her fingers)

        You kno t

        t geese t;V" was

        ;". A "" for...


        are you talking about?


        edding. edding.

        (holding Maggies face)

        You just o get t of your

        ducks in a row.


        till t he



        Quick. Very quick.

        Peggy exits. Maggie stares, losing . then a

        VOICE startles her.



        Marry me, Maggie.

        Maggie jumps and turns to see: DENNIS -- the high

        scball team, popping up from a loiohe




        hi, Dennis.


        I am going to propose, you know. I

        mean, t urn



        Youre s, Dennis. But youve got

        to go. Im closing up. heres a dy

        bar and one for your brother.

        Dennis takes tarts to go.


        Im not giving up. A person s

        give up.

        Dens. Maggie is alone. Surns out the lamp she

        desigurns off the

        ter as. e hold on Maggies designed lamp.

        CUt tO:

        INt. IKES MENt - NIGht

        Ike o his door, carrying his mail and a bag of

        carryout. o ment. he

        pets Italics, aking off his

        coat, o o

        about marriage and divorce.

        CUt tO:

        INt. MAGGIES hOUSE - DAY

        Dad and Grandma Julia are there. Grandma is making lunch.

        alter is juggling es. the



        ts Maggie. home for lunch.



        ts good.

        Maggie he cheek.


        s for lunch?


        turkey and cheese.


        her and I were

        t opening a


        alter laughs.



        alter looks at er in surprise. hes never heard a

        tone like this in her voice before.




        (quiet fury)

        Just stop it. Dont say another word

        like t.


        (putting dohe es)

        Maggie, its just a joke...


        No. Its my life.


        A harmless joke.


        No, its ing and youve been

        doing it since I

        like it. Stop. You may not like


        guess    like having a

        fatime. Ill

        eat in my room.

        Maggie takes a plate as.


        t o be said. You know --

        youre al her,

        so t make jokes about your


        alter reacts.

        CUt tO:

        INt. IKES APARtMENt - DAY

        Ike goes out on errace. ball. It

        doesnt bounce. s on teps of tio an stares.

        CUt tO:


        Maggie is kickboxing.

        CUt tO:


        Maggie is a bit melancholy as she works on her lamps.

        CUt tO:


        Ike quietly sits in bed ing and staring into space thinking.

        sits on the windowsill.

        CUt tO:


        Maggie jumps rope barefooted late at night.


        I need a plan... A plan to life...

        would Bruce Lee do? hed kie


        CUt tO:

        INt. MAGGIES KIt - DAY

        Maggie in front of plates full of all sorts of types of eggs --

        scrambled, poac, soft boiled, etc

        -- sits on tcer. Sies them all.

        EXt. NE YORK StREEt - DAY

        Establis. try to fix taxi

        outside taurant.

        CUt tO:

        EXt. NE YORK StREEt - DUSK

        Eke -s Vendoes into a subation.

        EXt. A - DUSK

        Ike crosses a busy street wed. Ike is

        passing t;Millennium ore".

        tops and looks again. the window

        display is made up of an assortment of Maggies lamps. Logo

        "MAG" is on them. he smiles and walks on.


        Ike stares out at er as he walks.


        Ike reet, enters his building.

        INt. IKES APARtMENt - NIGht

        Ike opens to ment and flicks on ts. he

        crosses to    in t. In t mirror, he

        sees and is stuo find: MAGGIE, sitting on the couch

        alics, t.


        hello, Ike.

        and crosses to his desk.


        Dont tell me. My doorman is one of

        your many admires... I knew I should

        ter Cmas gift.

        Maggie smiles tenuously. Stle terrified.


        Ive been making friends .


        Is it okay t Im here?


        I dont ter

        no I t speak for


        (to Cat)


        o t.


        I dont blame you for being mad...

        Ike looks at ly t;mad" is an uatement.

        MAGGIE (td)

        ... Or... furious.

        Ike looks at her again.

        MAGGIE (td)

        ... Irate? Livid? ?

        arts putting cat food in a bo leaves Maggies

        side and starts to east.


        Livid is good. So , Maggie?

        You here on business? I saw your lamps.



        Its someted to do.

        Ike leaves ts on ts aers

        the baly.


        You actually could make breaking and

        entering into a new career.

        (after opening

        the glass doors)

        So, w are you doing here?


        I ed to talk to you about why I run

        or ride ahings.

        Ike moves aeps he baly



        (after sitting)

        Does it matter?


        I think so... hen I was walking down


        somebody w have any idea who I

        really    was only he

        ot, because I had

        done everyto vince    I

        ly    was

        good t I didnt go t

        because it would

        you -- you knehe real me.


        Yes, I did.


        I didnt. And you being t the

        end of t just fix t.

        Ike takes t the defenses

        go back up. urns to her.


        No, I couldnt fix anything...

        (as s up)

        But I still ended up cruck.

        Ike moves out to ter a moment, Maggie follows him.


        tral Park. twinkling lighe

        city stretc across tiful nig at

        to Maggie as she speaks.


        I uand wruck.

        Let me explain somet is,

        youve see my , most

        embarrassing, deviously plotting,

        potentially but not certifiably,

        psycic state. And if you liked me

        t imagine...

        (crosses to him)


        Ike has no response.

        MAGGIE (td)

        I love eggs Be. I e all the

        other kinds.


        MAGGIE (td)

        ... I e big h everybody

        staring. I o get married

        on a weekday w work.

        If I ride off into t, I

        my own horse.


        Sing this down?

        Surns to the box.

        IKE (td)

        s this?


        these are for you.

        . Its her running shoes.




        turning in my

        running so you.


        tting serious.

        Now s he full force of her.


        And one more ts hard

        to believe there could be more. Um...

        Maggie glances around and spots a DECK s so

        it is fag ty ligly says:

        MAGGIE (td)

        If you could , please.

        Ike sits. Maggie takes ts it aide. And

        ts down on one knee.



        Oh my God. No.

        Maggie smiles up at ips his head bad covers his

        eyes h his hand.


        No, no -- dont his

        only ime. Its

        definitely a first to me, and youre

        not going to    to miss it.


        MAGGIE (td)

        I love you, homer Eisenhraham.

        ill you marry me?

        Ike swallows, overwless.


        Maggie, I gotta t this a

        little bit.

        Maggie o .




        Ss off ands.

        MAGGIE (td)

        I was .



        You .


        I ;yes&quht

        a get to say t

        part. And Ive been practig it.

        (pulling up a chair

        and sitting)



        Im listening.



        "I guara well ough

        times. I guara at some point

        one or bot to get out.

        But I also guara if I dont

        ask you to be mine, Ill regret it for

        t of my life. Because I know in

        my    -- youre t;.

        Ike takes ionately.


        Pretty good speech, Maggie.


        I borro from this guy I know.


        Ike looks into Maggies ss up and

        motions o stay seated. he goes inside and

        turns on some music. t is sitting by the radio. he

        returns to takes Maggies hand.


        Dance h me.

        tart to dance a slow dance.

        DISSOLVE tO:


        e see a op of it is a Pastor marrying Maggie and

        Ike, iiful tire. e see Maggie walk down a

        leaf-lined aisle to a ing Ike. the vows

        and ;I do". twirling, whirling

        kiss, a circular kiss. e    ty

        people. Sloy people e over t of


        old grooms. twos, like a love Noahs ark.

        e see ot the news.

        INt. ChURCh - DAY

        Priest Brian    Maggies wedding.

        INt. BAKERY - DAY

        Mrs. trout    Maggies wedding.

        INt. NE YORK BAR - DAY

        Gee, Groom #3,    Maggies wedding.


        Ellie and Fis Maggies wedding.

        EXt. FIELD - DAY


        Maggie and Ike finally break takes her hand and

        wo wo horses, ride

        off he group cheers,

        Maggie t. e see it float in the air.

        FADE tO BLACK.

        thE END