首页runaway软件下载PART 6


        EXt. BALL FIELD - DAY

        Various S tEAMS practice. Maggie strides across

        tball field, a scowl on her face. A few hIGh SChOOL

        FOOtBALL PLAYERS job past Maggie, doing laps. A boy, KENDALL,

        calls out to ionately as shem,

        DENNIS, slows o run alongside Maggie.



        Maggie, dont marry Coach! Marry me.

        I love you.


        Youre jail bait, Dennis. Go away.

        Run your laps. Go. Go.

        Dennis runs on as Maggie tioward her goal: Bob and Ike,

        standing togethe field.


        tanding on ter wave of

        VARSItY FOOtBALL PLAYERS ram into t across

        top of it. Ike is mung on

        one of the KIDS.


        Drive! Drive! From your    low,

        get lo lo!

        Ike smiles broadly atop of the sled as he sees Maggie

        approacy peeved. s to

        Maggie. Bob lig t of her.

        BOB (td)

        Good job, gentlemen... Special teams.

        tball players move ao

        Maggie, leaves Ike alone.

        BOB (td)

        (to Maggie)

        hey, honey!

        Bob kisses and embraces Maggie. S see Ike immediately,



        (indig Ike)

        is o now?


        Ike just came by to c team.


        And talk about you.

        Ike grins and ses in .


        Bob -- are you making friends his



        Im just bragging about    you

        are. Im t man alive.

        Bob grabs Maggie around t and smooches her adly.

        Maggie sco Ike. he nods, all charm.


        ell -- Ive got to get moving -- lot

        of o do today! Ill see you two

        love-birds later.

        Ike leaves. Bob calls after him.


        See you at the wedding.


        You bet ya, Coach.

        Maggie is ag. Sares at Bob. Ike joins in behind a line

        of peppy cheerleaders.


        At te him? Bob,

        dont you realize ing another

        article about me?


        Sure I do. But t defense is a

        good offense, rig going

        to let your oppohrow you off



        You dont uand this guy.


        Let o the wedding. Youre

        not running, rig. "Im




        Im not running.


        So if youre not running and Ike Graham

        is to see it, ticle he

        es    to have a happy ending,


        lemon into lemonade.


        Ive got ne of

        sugar and er is going to turn like

        Grao somet to take

        on a piic.

        Bob gives Maggie a big hug.


        homemade sunshine?

        Bob blos Maggie on tball sled.

        BOB (td)

        I    you boys to take my princess on

        tell em

        where you parked your car.

        Maggie screams as tball field.


        Maggie kneels, ly. te opens

        before her.


        Bless me, Father, for I have sinned.

        My last fession was... ahh...

        Sries to recall.

        MAGGIE (td)

        ... Anyeical

        question here. Ive been having -- bad

        ts. I mean, really bad ts



        Of an impure nature?


        No -- like -- Im h

        t .

        I    revenge. I    to destroy this

        guys life, career, everythe

        sin scale, ? I mean,

        I "; my    of it?


        C is...



        t    this side

        of ten years ago t you had your

        tongue do. So dont call

        me "c;, Brian. It annoys me.

        PRIESt/ BRIAN


        Brian closes ts


        (still inside


        Brian, open up. Dont ignore me.

        Brian leans into eps out to join him.


        Youre not even Catholic, Maggie -- you

        really s e to fession.

        le man. ther for a



        Im sorry. Im just so stressed out

        about t slime-ball reporter being in

        town. I jus o e warn you he

        migart asking you

        all kinds of ridiculous questions.

        Brian moves as in a nearby pew.


        Actually, he only asked me one

        ridiculous question. t

        so bad.


        (sliding along

        the pew)

        ? You talked to ell

        ed before you ?


        Yes, yes, Im sure I only did you good,



        did he ask?

        A woman, MRS. MURPhY, rushes in.

        MRS. MURPhY

        Fatoo late?


        No, no.

        MRS. MURPhY

        It    take long. Jus two venials.

        to to .


        Only respectful t did we


        of music did you like... Did you ruin

        my life anding at



        And w did you say?


        you when

        clearly w o me is as

        God intended?



        Good ohanks.


        It o be how I feel.

        Brian sits o Maggie.


        God... Of course. Im sorry -- I mean,



        Brian -- Ive got to go. the mans a

        lunatic, but I knoly where hes



        God bless you, Maggie.

        Surns to rus, tops herself.


        O, my purse.

        So to Mrs. Murphy.

        MAGGIE (td)

        Excuse me, sorry, fot my purse.

        Good luck.

        Maggie closes tain and turns to Brian.

        MAGGIE (td)

        ait -- he ridiculous

        question he asked?

        Brian smiles mischievously.


        ed to know o like



        eird. Like after all those years you

        would remem--

        Sarts to go, tops in racks as she hears:



        -- Scrambled, , pepper and

        dill. Same as me.

        Maggie looks at Brian. Suddenly, soo.



        Im really sorry t I    you, Brian.


        Im o

        be. But if you ever bee a Catholic,

        may I ask you a favor, Maggie?


        Of course.


        Could your fess to Fatrick

        from now on?


        Of course.

        And s. Brian goes bato the fessional.


        Maggie drives up to an old brick fire is noo

        garage. t;Gills Garage".


        Maggie rus.

        Several cars, including a yellow jeep-like car up on a hydraulic

        lift, are in the funky garage.


        Gill? Lydia? Gill?

        A CRAStering

        in Spanis stumbles GILL ChAVEZ, 34, wearing a grease-

        stained Grateful Dead tie-dyed t-s. riumply,

        E tAPE in his hands.



        Maggie regards ient h.


        Found w?

        Gill looks up and gives Maggie a fond, hazy smile.


        Mags! ape from the

        Radio City Music    --

        Remember t nigrying to get

        Jerry to let me sit in on "Ripple"?

        tte from its case. Its broken. tape

        is dangling from tte.

        GILL (td)


        O for you.

        Gill picks up aric GUItAR and starts to play