首页赛罗为什么叫zeroPART THREE - EMBER TO EMBER chapter 9


        It AS COLD IN tering line of bircrees betes of tate, but even so t picked up.

        t niger. It e, c of riding from Ferraut toed, but Alessan o slotle as t tle at t of times.

        Devin ions and trated on keeping up.

        tibar border in darkness and arrived at t after dawn.

        tet a o t, and to t. Devin dozed off at intervals trange and crisp and lovely    around mid-afternoon t    beautiful at all. It    an hour before.

        triad, for once, , alternatively, to give to do sometally ras as o t ground of t of Catriana and tered accio in Ferraut.

        A pany of about a dozen Barbadian meraries materialized out of terous exuberae puffs of smoke in t in tc breatopped at tes of    siions of ted and strode to tes. it dree .

        "First pany," Alessan murmured under    words in ;he chose Karalius.

        Sandre said he would.”

        tces ser t man locked tes behind him.

        Baerd and Alessan ed anots to t. Devin stood up as    iff .

        "ell o find tavern in t; Baerd said,    Devin glanced s ures were unreadable.

        "Not to go i; Alessan said. " we do here, we do unknown.”

        Baerd nodded.    of . "Sart h Rovigos man?”

        Rovigos man turned out to be a retired mariner . old tavern    of a knoold ts.

        Baerd killed trangling avern. It oes and    in the gully.

        Baerd didnt speak, and Devin could to say. t look especially evil. o his

        favorite tavern. Devin    t;    as .

        t tcavern from there.

        it speakio a large dun-colored etside t o    again, prone and che road.

        Devin realized    cold anymore, or tired;    ime to t sugs.

        Later t nige gaze of Vidomni in ter sky Alessan killed ting for. By time Devin    jingle of t ly aplished.

        Devin    sound, more like a couged in alarm, and Deviedly rose up to try to deal    Baerd    beside    of tco trol. ty, from tly been on o t. t t.

        to tes. t pany singing loudly from tillness of try air. tars out no one of te pillars. Alessan and Devin claimed t etance off the road.

        Some distance, but not too far. t to be found later.

        Alessan toucaug seemed several lifetimes ago—Devin picked te locks. o be able to make a tribution. t not difficult. t Nievolene    respassers.

        Alessan and Baerd eaces silently s and tered t to t lead to the barns.

        trouble. t barn ed silently, o a spill of torc t she presence of a guard.

        ted by Vidomnis glow, a single small window open, ern side.

        Devin looked from Alessan to Baerd and to t two men already dead.

        ed to to himself.

        After a long moment Alessan nodded his head.

        In silence, listening to ter    and by feel    rising in t.

        o t. Beloening. tive iously forward and looked down.

        ttoned and tern on the floor by

        ed ay flask of , to ed sly on guard against notraw.

        do a sound. And in t of t barn, amid t man, plunging o t as t. It    t deeds his.

        It took    to fig follos tried to tell    two.

        "ell done," Baerd said, taking in the se. he briefly laid a hand on Devins shoulder.

        Alessan said not by t Devin read a disquieting passion in his eyes.

        Baerd    about doing o do.

        t to be burobuildings. Baerd studied tuation carefully for a fes, refusing to be rusicular    of t    Devin assumed er appear to be a dislodged beam.

        t o a single voice drunkenly caroling a melanc love lost long ago. Finally t voice, too, fell silent.

        aneously set fire to tra outbuildings, including trapped.

        time ty the Nievolene barns were an inferno of flame.

        horses were screaming.

        t. t expected any. Alessan and Sandre    out very carefully ba Ferraut. t pany he obvious clusion.

        t. t t outside again in taking turns on c    seemed to ly as planned. Devin ful dreams in the snow.

        In t a cart from a farmer    and Baerd bargaier for a load of fres logs. transit duty and sold t t fort across t some er o carry to Ferraut tohers.

        t, Alessan said, in missing a c a profit. ties to tners.

        In fact, a discerting number of untos ern Palm in tumn a folloed to very mucively ttled and irritated Alberico of Barbadior to t y yrant.

        For a man noted for y—even ba Barbadior emper er long.

        It    eacer traitor, tomasso,    o ting in ts, errifyingly enraged. Eaced. Including tain of t before. Siferval o Astibar from Certando for a

        private sessio erwards.

        Albericos fury o border on tional. tled by ainly    look    one of    follo became ma, as t in ts, t Astibar to believe—or c to believe—t anyt, t t all.

        Certainly not    certainly not led by tomasso bar Sandre. People ing ically all over ty, too many of treds t divided too many kneories about Sandres middle son, t.    kidnap a boy from a temple of Morian, Astibar    plot against a tyrant? ith Nievole and Scalvaia?

        No, ty oo sopicated to fall for t. A sense of geograp ;t" from t landorada, Alberig a sleek cover for an otherwise naked land grab.

        It    tates ral, to t along t border, and Scalvaias vineyards    belt in t grapes for t spiracy, all taverns and khav rooms agreed.

        And every single spirator ice! Su of evidence against t    unfortunately, was dead.

        Led by Astibar itself all four provinces of tern Palm reacted ter, sardonic disbelief.

        t t been deprived of telligence or rendered blind. tyrants sc.

        tomasso bar Sandre as a skilled, deadly plotter? Astibar, reeling u of tions, and tions, still found itself able to mock. And t of t—from Cself— ten by Brandin s    court. Verses lampooning Alberico as seeing plots co seize foable gardens all over tern Palm. t very subtle sexual innu- endos thrown in food measure.

        ted on y—and tregea aando and Ferraut—orn do as fast as t up. Unfortu o read or han once . . .

        Alberico er aoo     trol a little.    in a great deal of emmed from a fierdignation ah of fear.

        t ming Sandreni. t cursed    in the woods.

        tellirutense or deception. i     ness, or any evide all. omasso. ed tomasso alive.    first nig tripped and curved invitingly backhe maes.

        Is inexplicable deathe unanimous word from all four provinces

        t no one believed a .

        t in addition all t aibar.    expected to be quite so many, actually, encime on t made it difficult to trate on business in tate offices above the Grand Square.

        axes in Astibar and introduced, for t time, transit duties for mercs crossing from one of o anoting tariff levied for crossing from tern to tern Palm. Let terally—if t to believe w o    .

        ly so Barbadior. For an a ceived in anger    oo be inspired. It     a rivals tered in Barbadior.

        At time, ibar    in mrain tando and Ferraut, and ies Alberico o rake a    of t inflated price as well.

        cs of all t    t small t happening.

        For one, o groless. itension; more is of frontation occurred. Especially in tregea ation. Under greater stress tably— to to soak up virtually everyt gain from tions and ties.

        a letter o t request iibar blue es in t reiteration of o be broug a subsidy for reasury in Barbadior, or even Imperial troops under ressed t    adventurer,    urn of p as an older, wiser man o bind igo han ever before.

        As f to be Emperor, and ing tion tedly— into a letter?

        s, and polite regret t circumsta ing of    for finang. As usual. ed to sail o all suitable iresome problems of t far land overseas to a ial expert appointed by the Emperor.

        t, too, urn your ory over to to a parade or ting and your money on bribes and ing gear. ait for to die    naming a successor. to succeed him.

        Alberico sent back sis, and another case of wine.

        Sly ter, at tled, out-of-favor took late-season s and Sed used t same o formally present—purely ce of course—to casually remind    promises of land for tarting, it was

        suggested delicately, heir anders.

        ed to order ttled. ed to fry t of     afford to do it; added to rain so soon after ter in t had nearly killed him.

        ter t no one in taken place.

        t    portion of t out of t of    t would be a c while and would announce his decision in due course.

        ly, .

        truly, ood t under ically loers s be of great moment to men of good will.

        Sooer, ly.

        Alberico o let    a little of s.

        Sooner    o see to ting, Grancial explained ily. A little ruffled, as he should be.

        Per is so, Alberico tally. I    to this.

        "By t; ;Karalius,    very petent young captain of yours? tial task t needs a man of    qualities." Karalius had blinked, and nodded.

        It ant, very important, not to let too fident, ed after to calm    time, only a genuine fool antagonized roops. timate plans to lead tation of t not necessarily. Not, to be sure, necessarily.

        On furtion, triggered by t line of t, axes in tregea, Certando, and Ferraut to matcibar.    a courier to Siferval of tandan     province quiet.

        You lasiced t tunes could be made if you liked t ter of balance.

        Unfortunately, small tio go ern Palm as autumn turned into er in t followed.

        Some cursed poet in Astibar k and rainy season to begin posting a series of elegies to tibar. t of ly treasonous.

        It    ter broug sime to prepare—every er in to ten the verses.

        Some advisers suggested peremptory    Alberico    to a larger issue. to ts vied for access to Brandin, quivering like puppies at test ation to tyrant and obse, scattacks on Alberico at request. er in tern Palm seemed to be a potential rabble-rouser. An enemy of tate.

        Alberico ss of poets go free. Not before suggesting,    he would enjoy reading verses

        as ed on one of tiric possibility o do o read sucers y airs could take a .

        None did. Instead, a er. It    tomasso bar Sandre. A lament about    y ely caped land, for tuation of Astibar uyranny.

        er t, once ood     boters pulled at random out of t same afternoon, and ted, and sky-ors before sundown. h. No more verses appeared.

        In Astibar. But taxes    Square in tregea, a black-ed to leap to est against t beo possession of te s;Sandreni Elegies" from Astibar. No one kne ly in tregea, out of tains to tern sea.

        t provinigo Certando and sout before t er began to fall.

        Brandin of Ygrat aly fur-clad courier to Astibar ly pe lauding t det creative erritory.    gratulations.

        Alberico sent a polite ao of timents and offered to ission one of ent verse-makers to do a tle of Prince Valentin di tigana.

        Because of to read t last    only Brandin mattered.

        one, but for some reasea left oo edgy to be pleased. It oo intense an a, o t year after    for so long, ay—of very publitensity— never boded    t oo mucure of benevolence. Besides, ill he army.

        Back    t en. Alberiew o keep his meraries happy.

        In ter o rehe former Nievolene lands.

        t after t roops first, tibar—tbuildings of tate o the ground.

        e iigation by Karalius, ter, t . It seemed t trapped by a falle had barred a door.

        One    of an informer lio Grancial and the Sed pany.

        Karalius promptly co a duel at any time and place of tters choosing.

        Grancial immediately named a date and place. Alberico quickly made it clear t t ing t, but topped speaking to eac point on. tregea, t    so small, leaving fifteen soldiers slain and twice as many


        ts distrada, stretts justice. t evealiate—t    the men had been informers.

        Iando, t absent from duty, disappearing into te tryside, t time t ed t local    appear to be involved. tremely close friends. thesis.

        Late in ter Brandin of Ygrat anotter. In it ed to read ted six Certandan o take from tern Palm some years ago, to be added to ter someion.

        Laughter was deadly.

        to quell it, Alberico erand a doe bets at Sinave and Forese. tacter to one of to ao of resses.

        Let te hey feared.

        On t from t, ip and found toget an abandoned farm. ted on te, e one, Siferval ed— castrated first, so t    ions.

        It tlio be o ead of moving to a measure ated. Late at nig otimes as uroant rumor of spring, Alberico found    t no o trolled, t across the bay. Senzio.

        t    deal of sense. Even as antly agreeing tocio alk in tions and, triad kneibar and Ferraut toopped io indulge t tenor of tion as merely an excess of springtime energy. Ettocios lise    glang nervously tohe door.

        "Double taxation no; tterly as ;After ter    er    t tes of a town, and w?”

        trut murmurs of agreement all around tavern full of mer t able. It tocio, p drinks,    ty roll and ry co give edly sympatic look.

        "Profit?" a    said sarcastically. "?”

        "Exactly!" t. "t, all s to do is soak tion frab at tiara ba Barbadior!”

        "S; Ettouttered under o stop ook a quick, rare pull at a mug of o close t was a she spring

        day side, but tting out of hand.

        "; trader ; g of our land like arted to do in Astibar. Any s or slaves hin five years?”

        One mans ptuous laugriggered by t. tly silent as everyouro front to find tion diverting. Expressions toervously op in front of him.

        tinued laugime, seemingly oblivious to tares ed, black features registered genuine amusement.

        "," said t;is so very funny, old man?”

        "You are," said t;All of you. Never seen so many blind men in one room before.”

        "You care to explaily    means?" t wool-merc rasped.

        "You    explained?" t;ell, noo enslave you?" orader ed all t;If ried t my guess is till enougern Palm—barely —t you migake offense. Mig;    last in an exaggerated parody of a secretive whisper.

        . No one else did. Ettocio looked nervously at the door.

        "On t; t on, still c;if    sloaxes and duties and fiscations    to exactly t making anyone mad enougo do anyt it. I tell you, gentlemen," ook a long pull at ;Alberico of Barbadiors a smart man.”

        "And you," said table, bristling ;are an arrogant, i fner!”

        ttocio he bar.

        "Ive been y years," tly. "About as long as youve been alive, Id rains on tting your bed at nig time I inquired, Kry. e beat back our invader, whe Palm    say!”

        "You ; t t out, over traged din t ensued.

        "e didnt! ts the only reason!”

        turo face tempt. "You    to rock yourself to sleep at nigs t atle man. Maybe itll make you feel better about paying your taxes t going    if you    to knorut to you free of charge.”

        ted as    a number of men , glaring at the Khardhu.

        Looking around t ttention, ;e beat back Brandin of Ygrat as a try. As a    your border spats    or priestess , or er and lefield    t so pieces like co t; o ;t a    best .”

        tocio for another drink.

        "Damn your i K; trangled voice. Ettocio turned from to look at ;Damn you forever to Morians darkness for being right!”

        Ettocio    expected t, arospective. Aocio realized, more dangerous as irely at odds ness of tside, turned sun.

        "But ; t tively, to no one in particular.

        "Curse and drink and pay our taxes," said t bitterly.

        "I must say, I do sympat of you," said trader from Senzio smugly. It tocio, notoriously sloo rouse, ated.

        t tively enraged.

        " believe it!    rig;    fury. to have.

        &qu; turo t;Last time I looked, Senzio traders all s paying tribute mo and    t t eve out to please their wives!”

        A raucous, ba. Even thinly.

        "Last / looked," said t;t someone sh or Barbadior!”

        " o t; t merapped. "Senzio ed o Governor so as not to upset tyrants. Are you proud of t?”

        "Proud?" t mocked. " no time to be proud of anytoo busy looking boto see    o!”

        Again, coarse, bitter laughter.

        "Youve a mean tongue for a quered man," ter stopped. " youre so quick to cut at other mens ce.”

        &quea," said tly.

        "Occupied tregea," ted viciously. "quered tregea. its Barbadian Governor.”

        "e    to fall," tregean said a little too defiantly. "Borifort    lohan anywhere else.”

        "But it fell," tly, sure of age no;I    be so quick to talk about ot after tories    most of your    t uno be—”

        "S your filt; tregean snarled, leaping to . "S it, or Ill close it for you permaly, you lying Senzian scum!”

        A babble of noise erupted, louder ttocio fougo restore order.

        "Enoug; ;Enoug of    no; A dire t, and it quelled them.

        Eo be audible again. t. able to pay , and surveyed till c .

        "See ; ;All tick-like little fingers jabbing and poking a eac,    you? Guess you alil t

        Barbadior and Ygrath.”

        o to claim his sword.

        "You," said tregean suddenly, as Ettocio urned slowly.

        "You kno t; tregean asked.

        ted in a mirt;Its been reddened once or twice.”

        "Are you    now?”

        Ily, appraisingly, t;here are you going?”

        "Ive just c; t;to be made up in Ferraut town.

        Not ies to be paid. I re Ill o go fartes to guard me souto tandan highlands.”

        &qury t; tively.

        tregeans face tc. " you?" he asked.

        After a moment turned. "; the warrior said.

        &quone," tregean replied, rising and paying .    s toget.

        Ettocio alk tle doer t. It didnt. ter at t uniting in a on front—a remark t    so dangerous. Unfortunately—from Ettocios point of vie any rate—t rader, and t t    die.

        It    on all afternoon, even after t as    nigirely different crotocio s about aral primacy betibarian    tall K nine spindly fi . t made seo    sounded intelligent in iced men nodding sl response—meion to Ettocio except avern.

        ion. In t folloy arose. For t time in tocio began to get a reputation as a tful man.

        Unfortunately, one evening in summer anding outside t take aed Ettocio and executed side avern, uffed in h.

        A great many men    by t many .

        Devin joi a mile souty road leading to Certando. ting for riana    cart but Devin climbed up beside Baerd in the sed.

        "Bubbling like a pot of k; o a quizzical eyebro be and imes in six monto see just     afternoon.

        "I take it you stirred t a little after ?”

        Devin grinned. "Didnt need mucirring. tine down like professional

        players by now.”

        "So do you," said tering up on t. "I particularly admired your spluttering aime. I t you    to t me.”

        Devin smiled up at eete the improbable black of his skin.

        Dont expect tnize us, Baerd ed in t, but not enough.

        Baerds oransformation ing but relatively mild:    beard and removed t.    as big a man as Devin    t.

        yelloo    blue of before.

        o Sandre dAstibar irely. Even Alessan,    used to t of tle ing man from Kype t Devin kney or ty years ago in ts    no outlaws.

        Somee inted a dark grey, Sandres gaunt, black fad deep-set, fierce eyes ly those of a Khardhu merary.

        t ticed about t. It her prehensive disguise.

        "But ; Devin remembered gasping.

        "Lotions and potions," Alessan had laughed.

        It turned out, as Baerd explained later, t    a number of years in Quileia after tiganas fall. Disguises of t—cs for skin and ints for eyes—ed, important art soutains. tral role in teries of t rites of ter, and tal, plex parts in tumultuion-torn ory of Quileia.

        Baerd did not say    craft or possess ts of it.

        Catriana didnt ker. ternoon, and    time, an ans o bee routier.

        In told t deal oance, but to    until t going to discuss it no Astibar—tregea—Ferraut loop and ando. And at t point, Ales-san    many t ced.

        smiled, saying any of th an easy smile.

        Devin remembered riana ossed    an angry look in her blue eyes.

        "Its Alienor, isnt it?" sually an accusation. "Its t    Castle Borso.”

        Alessans mouted in surprise and t. "Not so, my dear," ;ell stop at Borso, but to do    all. If I didnt knoter, if I didnt knoo Devin, Id say you sounded jealous, my darling.”

        tirely t. Catriana ormed off, and Devin, almost as embarrassed . Alessan    to you. Behe deep,

        effortless courtesy and ted a lio try to cross. If s— al measure of trol—could sting memorably. Even t it    not to press Alessan oain subjects. Including t emerged:    w would happen e spring.

        t it, as fall gave o er and t Alessan    tle more h each passing day.

        Uances,    t t trespass upon but, ratually go before reac lay hin.

        One of to learn during t long er ience. augo ions for t time, or to restrain tirely and try to he answers for himself.

        If fuller kno for spring, t. In time ed passion, into hey were doing.

        A blade ed in    starry autumn nighe Sandreni oods.

        to expect    five days later    and t toriad.

        taccio ten Rovigo t ibarian religious carvings at a serious profit to mercs from tern Palm. Especially because, as Devin learned, duty    levied on triad-related artifacts: part of a successful attempt by boto keep ted aralized.

        Devin learned a great deal about trade t fall and er, and about certain othings as well.

        itien in silence as Alessan and tossed ideas bad f t into t nigo liberate tigana and storm to uand—on t to be a roach.

        , , not t, and doing all ttering diamonds of Alessan and Sandres plans—to ule triana fided to ever reason, so—t Alessan , moving muc joied it migriana    t    of it, but t t uand.

        ell find out in t ed by y.

        It ria aggressive ter began: tregea. Along    t young poet ten about tedly subdued: t of ts Rovigo ed as being randomly deataliation for tedly disturbed by t news.

        tion in tter fro, aside from tails.

        It avern in nea t served as a mail drop for many of ts in t. t rumors t u amo report suggested, for time, t an increase in taxes mig, to cover t pay demands. Sandre, yrants mind astonishingly well, agreed.

        After dinner, regea and ters belo

        er by then, growing colder every day.

        Alessan, still upset by tibar, and evidently of toed tly. Catriana pointed out t s up by tter ster them knew.

        t—as Alessan knely    seamlessly into everytrying to a Palm.

        "t," Devin remembered Sandre saying after a silence, "is true, Im sorry to say.”

        Alessan antly agreed to go tea itself for a closer look at the bridges.

        Four evenings later Devin and Baerd o a point t seemed to Devin terribly far ariana er, in tly gatly rag ers t hem, deep and blad cold.

        ed, ried, unsuccessfully, to sort out ure of feelings about Catriana. oo anxious too cold.

        ripled jun of relief and admiration and envy ly    be tangled up some into tas so t rollably, almost blue eettering—    replaced it ride.

        Sigana, and so    k, but togetically—t it back.

        ts tled out of to to Ferraut again ain k snoate of massive ferment and turmoil because of trada    i Devin    increasingly o be sty riana.

        Most of time. Sio indulge om of deg t he was invisible every on a while.

        It    for o viually made love toget     on o her.

        t, of course.    avoid     seek : oo uably,    response . A    man,    o ride a cart or sit before a tavern fire ed to. Simes.

        In Ferraut to er for time, after tregea, till in raptures over t accios io display a particularly solicitous affe for tail easing Sandre about und, red-faced taccio copiously hem all.

        t ing fro in As-tibar. o taiime, one of s time in transit—araordinary effusion of st.

        Alessan, ely arced tion to Devin e suggestiveness. Ingonida croure doubtless meant to signify romantic rapture. taccio, beaming, poured Devin another drink.

        takably, ious possession of t riana giggle suddenly.    to

        look at her.

        Selvenas missive    induced o dee    peruse ion.

        In fact, to admit t erest    by t lines Alais taco ter. In a small, businesslike ed t s of t;Lament for Adaon" at one of temples in Astibar and t so s    came east. S ial only.

        In tter Rovigo reported t Astibar    sis ed among tors in t till going up, t ain at current prices, t Alberico ed to announce, very soon, a beneficiary among er part of ted Nievolene lands, and t    information    Senzian linens ill underpriced in Astibar but migo rise.

        It    t triggered t stage of spark-to-spark discussiohe Duke.

        And to the blaze.

        t run along tained o Senzio ifacts. t green    on tatuettes, bargained successfully for a quantity of linens—Baerd, someiator in sucters— and doubled quickly back to taccio, paying ties at bots and ty-walls.

        tter ing. Amo an annou on ted by tter ten five days before.

        t nigaccio—old ions—and    out on to tibar border and to a gully by t led to tes.

        ter    and a load of unspun try accio to sell. ord of ted. tavern bra to and Sed panies.

        t t accio aed, ea. t s. tners in a modest ercial ve slig taxes and duties t trammeled talked about taxes and duties a great deal, often in publietimes more frankly teners omed to hearing.

        Alessan quarreled    inns and taverns on t times. Sometimes Devin played a role, sometimes Baerd did. t to repeat tria a precise log of    s es heless.

        In public t;tomaz." "Sandre" ly odd to be a risk. Devin remembered groful    it o o kill o outlive o kno tantly related to ried to imagine    would feel.

        Life, t it did to you, seemed to Devin to gro fall and er. Often    of Marra, arbitrarily cut off on to urity, to o bee.    could groo somet at times. So talk to about suc    to burden t Alais bren Rovigo, if sood tling    too sered, too secluded a life for sucs to trouble    of    tedly intense series of images. t m riana in t, unedly quiet, stirred and uled by ter landscape.

        Sometimes    about t a roll of did carried a jug of o a lonely place a slit t.    soldier been born into to bee a rite of passage for Devin di tigana?

        t errible t. Eventually, mulling it over ter rides, Devin    rue. teracted less, and    of    he Empire of Barbadior.

        It    to sort out tevan of Ygrat    ru of a small provind its people and tin di tigana been born only to s caused to    about    son then?

        And    t son of t became Stevaruly, it hrough.

        In Senzio one m,    elusive s of spring softening ted    , beautifully balanced sword for Devin.

        t. ion, but Devin kne o do     did noto ans it he road.

        Devin    Baerd, in part because    Alessan did.

        impression in tly imidatingly cool and petent. But Baerd ually large at all and, tence ran to suis it could still be intimidating after six mont really cool.

        Only guarded, careful. Closed tig ime.

        In some emporary release in talk, in laug of all, and almost alo    all;    around t tigana was gone.

        It    nigimes, a up by a road.

        ly, quietly, and go out into the darkness alone.

        Devin cc away.

        "I kneavern for a fog-ser nigregean . "o o go away by o figo kill.”

        "t    of it," Alessan had said.

        ts of er, mood of a ers night.

        But it o t so did Devin feel ing to tir and quiing of they rode.

        ait for springtime, Alessan umn trees and ted vines. And spring    and at last—at long last—tando and    quell and did not    to quell t o o begin to happen soon.

        In t beside Baerd    gloriously, importantly alive. A of afternoon sunligrianas range and o iny, and caug care. he was even glad. Baerd was his friend.

        Devin began a song. A very old ballad of t;t;: Im a long    anotrail, But ale . . .

        Alessan,    alo join in a song and, sure enean pipes    a hem.

        Catriana glanced back at t o a ation. Catriana tried and failed to suppress a smile. So t song.

        Later, in t image of t he memory would make him feel very old.

        day. In a one voice, reborn into ity, o his long, unfading dream.

        Devin took triana, a o lead t, rail to Certando, to tle Borso, o     Alessan o find in the highlands.

        First took a traveler on the road.

        In itself t    unusual. till in Ferraut, in ted try nort Cioro tary travelers, on tly rare for Devin to join Baerd in sing to see if others were hidden in ambush.

        A routine precaution, but try    ill dayligroubadour. Devin gri always good pany.

        turned and ing for to cata as s to a    beside ly grace it almost looked like a parody on the lonely road.

        "Ive been enjoying t mile,&qu;I must say Im enjoying t of you even more." all, no longer young, riana t of smile for orious. eete and even in a leathery face.

        "; sely at tery. "te?”

        "I am indeed," ;te at time. And Id e to tell someone as young aiful as you .”

        Devin jumped dorolled closer to to firm somet;I could probably guess," ;because I think I remember you. e did a wedding season in

        Certando toget di Corte two years ago?”

        t;I did," troubadour admitted after a moment. "Im Erlein di Senzio and I    for a season all riged me of my hose were professional voices behind me. You are?”

        "Devin dAsoli." t;I    for a few years.”

        "And o otter t; Erlein said, glang at ts. "Is Menico still ohan he was?”

        "Yes to bot; Devin said, cealing t t still assailed    of roupe-leader. "So is Bur last I heard.”

        "Rot ; Erlein said mildly. "he owes me money.”

        "ell," Alessan said, looking do do anyt t but if you like o Ciorone and a bed before curfe;    ty seat beside Catriana.

        "I    profoundly grateful—" Erlein began.

        "I dont like Fort Ciorone," Sandre broke in suddenly. "t you too many people learn s a mild nigter off out here.”

        Devin glanced over at t time hed offered any such opinion.

        "ell, really tomaz, I dont see w; Alessan began.

        "You ," Sandre gro;You ed me to do a job for you and Im doing it.

        You dont    to listen, pay me now and Ill find someone w; he hollows of his blaed face.

        And one    none of take. ever it was, Sandre    he was doing.

        "A little courtesy if you please," Alessan surning o face t;Or I urn you a you carry your old bones back to find someone else idiot enougo put up ; o Erlein, "to find t arrogant Khe Palm.”

        "t," troubadour replied ;es he curved swords.”

        Alessan laugoo, follo left," Baerd said in a plaining voice. "e    make t easy. he ground?”

        Alessan sig;I kno; ;But Im sorry. ere omaz isnt. I suppose en to ing    ;    Erlein and shrugged.

        "to Ciorone.”

        "t lose roubadour smiled. "Ill manage.”

        "Youre o s; Devin interjected, trusting t ly. ill    sure w Sandre was doing.

        Surprisingly, Erlein flus embarrassed. "As to t, I t Ive not to table or h.”

        "You ime," Sandre said in a quieter voice. "I     ps a lost tradition, t one.”

        "You    you?" Catriana said, at just t moment and i voice. Sly at Erlein for an instant, then demurely lowered her eyes again.

        "I do," said troubadour after a moment, affirming triana h

        his gaze.

        "ty-; Alessan said crisply. "Devin and my sister bottle bit. A le after dinner uars.”

        "Say no more," said Erlein. "Youll be better pany by a long go talking o hear.”

        Alessan laughed again.

        "trees over , and a stream beyond tly," Sandre said. "A good plap.”

        Before anyone else could say a led    Catrianas side. Devin,    quickly at Sandres    gesture.

        Catriana pulled    off to lead torees ted out. Devin    sometroubadour said.

        Sahough. So were Baerd and Alessan.

        t Erlein     Alessan deliberately and to triana.

        Devin didnt uand. An oat, fused.

        Sandre lowered    hem. Alessan had suddenly gone pale.

        And in t moment Devin uood.

        "O; Baerd    beside ;I do not believe this!”

        her did Devin.

        Sandre elling te plainly,    Erlein di Senzio he Palm.

        And Alessan bar Valentin igana. , if tale of Adaon and Micaela rue, t o    believed it ba t.

        But now he challenge in his gaze.

        A c least t as uro Baerd. "Follo; ly. "I ; Only later o reflect her.

        For o speak so to Baerd, speak and be listeo ...

        tream, as Sandre    far from its banks ted ts. triana seeing to to    they carried.

        Baerd took o trees. y minutes, no more t, s and a plump, wingless grele.

        "Im impressed," Erlein said from beside Catriana and t;Im very impressed.”

        "Im buying your music for later," Baerd said    town fairs.

        Devin crusively as o focus on troubadours left o be still for more tant—to be an odd blurring, an occluding of air around it.

        ing for Baerd to e baow ed no longer.

        "You,"    turning er, "look like somet sed yourself.

        Yoing to terrify every civilized merc . You need a    before you are fit for society, my friend.”

        Baerd was very quick.

        "I    talk, scamp,"    back, tossing o Sandre by t;Not tely trying to be scruffy to scare a Borso?”

        Alessan laughed. So did Erlein.

        "Not; troubadour d t one is exactly t age for her.”

        &qu; Alessan grinned slyly. "Over t yet buried suits her fine.”

        "I dont like t," Catriana said primly as the five men laughed.

        "Sorry," Alessan said trying to keep a straigepped in front of him, hands firmly on her hips.

        "You are not at all sorry, but you s; Catriana snapped. "You kno like t kind of talk.    makes me look? And you only do it w Devins han usual.”

        "Me?" Devin squeaked in protest. "My    do you mean? Its Baerd, not me!    about him?

        he one who—”

        "You all need a ," Catriana pronounced    finality t admitted of al. ied critically on Erleins sated, t, in a brilliant miming of polite restraint. Erlein flus    uneasily to tug at rands.

        opped playilessly ream.

        "I t; Devin said spitefully, "t youve just insulted uest. t should make him feel properly wele here.”

        "I didnt say a ; she flared.

        "You didnt o," Erlein said ruefully. "t eyes    they saw.”

        "My sisters eyes are almost never pleased    t; Alessan grunted. er a moments rummaging pulled out a scissors and a b. "I am fairly obviously being ordered to duty    left.    victim?”

        "Me," said Baerd quickly. "You arent touc much.”

        Erlei as Alessan led Baerd over to a rock by tream and proceeded—quite petently, in fact—to trim triana    back to t before    Erlein anotic glance. Saacked ts and tunelessly to himself.

        "More ; ly to Devin,    looking up. , of course.

        O, a ement and pride rag they are all so good.

        "Later,"    enoug h Alessan.”

        "No youre not," Alessan called from by t. "Get the wood, Devin.

        t enoug to do t yours tomorroriana

        o endure you looking fearsome for one more night.”

        "As if a s going to c!" she clearing. Erlein and Baerd laughed.

        Grumbling, Devin stood up and ambled off torees.

        Behind him he heard Erleins voice.

        "Id be grateful to you," troubadour o Alessan. "Id e to    me ter just did.”

        "Ignore ; Devin rode back tohe fire.

        "So ignore," Erlein said in a voice pitco carry to ood up and o t do of Alessan. tering beyond tream.

        Carrying an armful of ly around in to ood among t tinued brus the river.

        ing into tting sun it seemed to roubadour imeless landscape. tural clarity in t of t.

        " done for you?" angles of Erleins hair.

        "I dont even remember," troubadour fessed.

        "ell," Alessan laugo    ream, "oly o keep up    fasilt a little t across in front or straight back?”

        "Back, by preference.”

        "Fine." Alessans o t t of t;ts an old-fas troubadours are supposed to look old-fas t of tigana, and wizard you are mine!”

        Devin took an involuntary step foro jerk a t before, ant and an instant was enough.

        "Rot your fles; Erlein screamed as Alessan released epped back. tone as if scalded, and orted h rage.

        Fearing for Alessan, Devin began moving to Baerd co rained on Erleins . Devin slo—t be absolutely sure in tain lig he read fear.

        urned back to tly on tood still,     h was ing quickly.

        Erlein erally s    ain red and terror vied for dominatio at Alessan in a gesture of violeion.

        And Devin sae clearly no    mark of a o he Palm.

        "Alessan?" Baerd said.

        "It is all rig do anyt my ; Alessans voice , almost detaeone else entirely. Only t ture tempt to cast a spell. Magic.    to be so near it in    t because of t breeze.

        Sloopped. "triad curse you," ;And curse tors and blig you o me." It ally, grievously.

        Alessan did not flin a;I    een years ago, and my aors o undo    alloo me.”

        terrible in Erleins face. "Every true Prince of tigana," tter iy, " t; o stop, rol of ;Do you even know    has been used.”

        "t; Alessan said calmly. "to my kno so, the books have been burned now.”

        "t; Erleiretco t even a land to rule    casually—viciously—set your hands upon my life!”

        "Not casually. And only because I igana is dying and    if I do not do something.”

        "And    of t little speecs over my life ah?”

        "I y," Alessan replied gravely. "I must use ools e to hand.”

        "I am not a tool!" Erlein cried from t. "I am a free and living soul iny!”

        atc cry sed into    to eadying    anot joio t added to the price of his blood.

        "I    lie and say t I am sorry," Alessan said finally, c;I    of finding a oo many years. I rue—t I uand ell you t I grieve for y demands.”

        "It demands not; Erlein replied, sing in eousness. "e are free men.

        there is always a choice.”

        "Some e of us." It was, surprisingly, Sandre.

        o stand a little in front of Devin. "And some men must make c,    rusream. "Just as o slay trying to kill our c to bind a wizard w be needed by his people. his children.

        rue alternative for anyone h honor.”

        "; Erlein spat t;And o tiganas fate?    Prinpels a free man to a sure deat ; ;Call it naked power and have done.”

        "I ," t e dark noars , across tream, t    of crimson along the horizon.

        "I ," Sandre said again. "ty, lies in    is true measure. And t of t, es     ; ly, "as tigana    doo you.”

        But Erleins voice s back, unpersuaded, ptuous. "And ; ;does a bougo use to speak about t; ed to , Devin could see, but ions of    and afraid.

        t ing Erleins taut rage and Sandres gaunt, dark face, t moved at all.

        Sandre said, "t I    for t. Be not deceived: I am no Kibar, once Duke of t province. I knotle about power.”

        Erleins mouth fell open.

        "I am also a ; Sandre added matter-of-factly. "o mask your hand.”

        Erlein closed ared fixedly at to pee ion in t against his will.

        Sandre already    hand spread wide. All five fingers.

        "I never made t; ;I ibar. I made my ed my baagid embraced times in my life. Or six," he amended.

        "Once, very retly.”

        "t t; Erlein murmured, emporarily set aside as led ;And t did you do? Kill your son in the dungeon?”

        "I did." t all.

        "You could    two fingers and broug.”


        Devin looked over s t, startled.

        "I dont kno o e visible at t.

        Erlein forced a corrosive laug;And a fine c ; ;Noo an arrogant tiganese.    be!”

        "Not so," said Alessan quickly from by the river.

        "I am ; Sandre said softly. "Because tiganas cause is Astibars and Senzios and C is tims or o be free? Do o palm—for on to them away?”

        Devin irred. t dark like a co t. But whey heard was Erlein di Senzio clapping sardonically.

        "onderful," emptuously. "You really must remember t for o rally. You onight. Before

        t down I was a free man on an open road. I am now a slave.”

        "You    free," Devin burst out.

        "And I say I ; Erlein snapped, rounding fiercely on ;t strained me, and one gover ruling ibar or t ones fatigana—and I carried my life o go. You ivity if I say t Brandin of Ygratigana    t and last t of my days!”

        "e ; Alessan said turally flat voice. "e . Nor o persuade you to cell you tiganas name is    is my    you ime, but until t t ion ing for freedom. I    lived so bitterly or striven so long to tle ttering of a people and tage.”

        "Co; Erlein exclaimed. "Rot you, yant pring!     it?”

        "Only ; Alessan replied, grimly no;Safer roads, you said. One gover ep too break. "You    t of tyrants. Your idea of freedom is exactly hen hold us.

        You called yourself free? You o o soil your breecrackers came en miles of your little sing spell. You o    deatting on to turn your bad tinue on your way.

        Not anymore, Erlein di Senzio. By triad, you are in it no as deep as any man in t and: you are to use yic to ceal your fingers exactly as before.”

        "No," said Erlein flatly.

        Alessan said noted. Devin saake a ep toop    Sandre    believed t this ossible.

        Noars and the fire Baerd had made.

        Erlein fougandio not all t aking place    could be read in raining stand ted teetening breatig his sides.

        "No," Erlein gasped, ond t eacime. "No, no, no!" o ree.    sl assault. to sic spasms. rembling.

        "No,"    against t aring agony. S poured do in t. h suddenly gaped open.

        Devin looked ay and terror just before t apart. In t Catriana took teps and buried    Devins shoulder.

        t cry of pain, tormented animal, ars for ime.

        Afterensity of t murmur, and Erlein di Senzios g.

        it speaking Catriana straig

        s meet urned back to the wizard.

        Erlein ill on ill s ed racks of tears and s and taining mud from    ared at it as if it    didnt even belong to     had happened.

        Five fingers.    the spell.

        An oo trees. Devin became a, .

        Glig, and wis.

        "; Erlein di Senzio said, scarcely audible.

        Alessan    moved since giving ly, "I did not enjoy t, but I suppose o go t. Once will be enough, I hope.


        Devin and triana to    ion, Devin sahe searg look Baerd gave Alessan.

        urned ba time to see Sandre reac a o help Erlein rise.

        For a long moment Erlein ignored .

        Devin folloriana back toer them.

        Dinner passed in near silence. Erlein took e and glass and    to sit alone on tream at t extent of t line, Sandre murmured t a younger man . " one," the Duke added.

        "Any o be.”

        "ill    t; Catriana asked softly. "ith us?”

        "I t; Sandre anso Alessan. "ry to run aonighough.”

        "I kno; the Prince said.

        "Do op ; It was Baerd.

        Alessan s;Not you. I     return.

        I eto my mind. It is a queer feeling.”

        Queer indeed, Devin t. o t even imagine    feel like. Or rat imagi, and tion disturbed him.

        Catriana    uro ime s loe; Devin realized s be feeling ty t     time ered t, so i ried to smile reassuringly, but    t.

        "troubadour, you promised us ; Sandre called out abruptly. t respond. Devin ten about t.    feel muc triana did either.

        So, in t, o make music alone beside the fire.

        ifully, ly offered t

        Devin, in    mood, could almost imagine Eannas stars and t of ts over to o w music.

        t ly, as if o cry. ill, to keep trol, and    the flames.

        Alessans eyes o to pour, as from a votive temple bo drove    Devi of    t    it, t     to cry: Every song t Alessan une, ac, breakingly clear, oer another, was a song from Senzio.

        A song for Erlein di Senzio, cloaked in bitterness and t by the riverbank alone.

        I    say I am sorry, Alessan old t. But I    tell you t I grieve.

        And t, listening to tigana made upon     to o. o tain pipes. Grief for Alessan and overmastered Erlein. For Baerd and ed nigen fingers and riana and ion, rootless and cut off from    a ions of loss and o seek redress.

        Catriana    to ttle of        closer to ime. c a. tars overs of fire and the wine and as far away as freedom, or a home.

        Devin finis it do time in a long time.

        A fes later Catriana lay do far a to to kno tain kind of rea onig even mark a co begin t lay badly bet oo draio knoo do or say among all ted sorrows.

        to ly, but s reply.    sure if s    say it again.    later o look at Sandre across teadily into t     really    to knoed o look for Baerd, but Baerd o .

        Alessan    moved, or opened ill playing, lonely and high and sorrowful, when Devin fell asleep.

        o Baerds firm    ill dark and quite cold noo die to ember and asriana and till asleep, but Alessan anding be posed. Devin    all.

        "I need your ; Baerd murmured. "e.”

        S of s and began pulling on s. t but t ill. Sleepily o

        t Alais    accio in Ferraut.    time it was.

        to relieve rees by ty air. Spring    it    quite , not in t. tly clear and full of stars. It iful day later w ns of his breeches.

        t    seen Erlein anywhere.

        " ; o Alessan as uro t;You said you could call him back.”

        "I did," tly. Standing closer Devin could see no so     just no; ured sout.

        "e on," Baerd said again. &qu your sword.”

        to cross tream. ter drove all t of Devin. .

        "Im sorry," Baerd said. "Id    alone, but I dont kno ry. Alessan s    made seo wo men.”

        "No, no, ts fine," Devin protested. eettering.

        "I suppose I could . Or Catriana could have helped me.”

        "? No, really, Baerd. Im fine. Im—”

        opped, because Baerd easing. It    time    alone in t o see it as anotrust, of tle by little o feel more of a part of all as    into the darkness.

        t ter of olive trees on a slope, about an    led softly bet    a pretty sight.

        Erleirunks and appeared to ted t least a dozen times. Bending do y: Erlein s to tigogete dista of reach.

        tangled. It looked as if a number of knots    five or six still held.

        "Look at ; Baerd said grimly. ting the rope.

        Erleins o rarips. Dried blood covered bot ally clear o make it impossible for o yield to Alessans summons.     t about him?

        Devin doubted, in fact, if ional t. It    even grudgingly—ty of it.    t of t s ating, Devin realized, en to    screams t his wild and lonely place.

        an aure of resped pity and anger as    the grey-haired

        troubadour. o shoulder so much more pain of his own?

        Unfortunately, o t, and t f.

        "ill ry to kill ; ly.

        "I dont t to run oo test ts of ed. "I didnt expect though.”

        Devin took Erleins pad gear and Baerds bo and tarted back east. It was sloing back.

        On t of tream t grey of false daars.

        ting for t burning again. Devin dropped t back to ter. urned Catriana and t and turned up t truggle to be free.

        Or is t back grimly. asnt truggle to be free?    Erlein. ely nothe Princes expression.

        tly after t Erlein woke.

        ter where he was.

        "K; Sandre asked ting by ting breakfast, drinking from steaming mugs. t from t e    glinted and sparkled on ter of tream and turrees. trout in tream.

        Erlein sat up slo the bandages on his hands.

        Erlein glanced over at ts, packed and ready for the road.

        eadied on Alessans face. t eac speaking. t opened ern face to    te-grey of his eyes.

        "; Alessan said, "t you ed tregean pipes quite t mucly    hem.”

        A moment later, o laug sound, notious, noto be s and tears    of them, p down his face.

        No one else spoke or moved. It lasted for a long time.    Alessan again.    to speak, and t again.

        "I kno; Alessan said quietly to ;I do know.”

        "K; Sandre said again, after a moment.

        time Erlein accepted a mug, cradling it a long after tarted south again.