首页上海梦想房价Chapter 39

Chapter 39

        t of tes of t a matador. Mei Lin    guzzling fuel because it ate up more road t e of o keep ax on    of electrid botrol and diesel ioned o matg to    to time to breac facility. At luncaff trated oing a good square meal to see ternoon. Caldher hand, were skipping lunch.

        “You get a quota every mont up, t’s it. If you don’t use it, it doesn’t carry over to t month,” she explained.

        “Similar to t t tax is a lot more punitive. t’s if you    get a lise,” Caldwell observed pensively.

        to a    as a set of temporary traffic ligurned red. A se of oning lane ronic sign    matrix display on a black background read “Maintenance orks in Progress”. ted as oning traffic t tared at to run a    a traffic light.

        temporary traffic ligurned amber, t tri te laapping eering ook a look at tially obscured by ttention turo t passenger. An ugly mask of battered features stared straig ed mout zero of surprise. t up and ured ion. It he Union.

        traffic beurn and cutting off on-ing traffic. iced all t taking    tor crashe vehicle.

        t. t rubber filled t plagued drivers on the rear-view mirrain.

        “they are closing in,” he warned.

        “Just    need. I take it tered in London.”

        “One and tion.

        Once again    of ground. tc. Luckily t like a tank and s moempt to rucs bends and its s o die in any number of    aig.

        “I knehis was a bad idea,” Mei Lin said.

        Sail. to te lane, barely missing a toyota electric going te oyota beeped in anger as ta anotiated ig of margins. t side rolled off tly to ts. ts bounced off t-proof body.

        Caldinctively. Cald    of raining at ion Uzi, made in Israel, evolution of ter t submacod a 10 in. barrel. It    out ter precision. Cald recall ever being a big fan of mad no trol.

        Mei Lin stepped on tor. t foreep dest into tern part of tle in to keep a car spinning out of trol on too. It ting rig a red button beside teering aking off. Some kind of nitro deal.

        “e o lose tting into a gun figer of town is a very bad idea,” Mei Lin gasped.

        tepping up ts superiine ly. Mei Lin suddenly slammed on ttoned on to ric Park N Se laing t ting to sinctively. It    as t on f tic skyscrapers t formed inctively so te lane and plougo t travel all tter prepared for it. urned round to see t tire nose of t of treaming from t of t to stumble out of the wrecked car. his face was covered in blood.

        tayed silent as t tern Expressral, bypassing tlife of ancrict of Admiralty. Calden minutes later ted do into t tower.

        Mei Lin found a secluded parking spot not far from ts.

        “So o tell me on t I guess till breathing heavily.

        “Nice driving Mei Lin. I ally useless.”

        “ly time for modesty.”

        “Fair enoug kind of information    you get ed Reality unit?” Calding at tiny silver    g glasses.

        “Standard data on major buildings and streets. Occasionally you get AR signposts, ails. In default mode ta es from tral    database and is transmitted on a proed spectrum.”

        “OK, t’s exactly ting on. No systems in erized and    pany under tract. Right?”

        “Correct. Kai S and biggest one. Also manages most of the newer buildings.”

        “And building ma panies are notorious for not being all t security scious, right?”


        “And typically eractive eleic blueprints of buildings in tem erface?”

        “Correct. tece. t’s o go to and o open up.    are you getting at?”

        “I    you to    database and beam it he Range Rover.”

        “Brilliant idea, but one problem wise guy.”


        “e are underground. to be too weak.”

        “A. You’ll o park t ground level ras of cars parked t is a w day.”

        “OK. t ary tions on a public frequency. e    use t to unicate. I    stay on it too long as any security guards, cops or y is going to pick up ter. At any rate I    beam text messages to you long    data,” she said.

        “Good.” Cald on t to . t toral. t mig at any moment.

        “how long before you’ll be beaming?”

        “Say five minutes. Unless of course it turns out t Kai S manage os. Or my    up to par.”

        “Unlikely. ter all. It’s tecraordinaire.”

        “I’d say take care.”

        t    too different from t No. 8 bus all tepped out of tos. t the Range Rover had been knocked    off.