首页上海梦想改造家官网Chapter 33

Chapter 33

        Cald    t No. 10 Sers. t of noakable cively cool    as to tes. In tance, betrees, Cald a orey    looked like t it t said secret anization. At least t’s    initially.

        A long o ting tended greenery. Cald    of tal gate, e pillars. Caldiced tire stretvirons. On closer iion rees above them.

        “At nigomatically siguring anyt moves s artificial air cuso adjust for t loss. Sered a code on a keypad recessed into one of tioned    of it. Saken off    and taking    left Caldterly speec s doubt tes slid open.

        Mei Lin remounted, maneuvered to turo ce close. S spoken muc    of explaining to do but t no time. First t, time enougions. Cald could all be an elaborate setup. t ed     do a runner. It        taking advantage of t t Cald t, . t tiional Scill around.

        “Ier t trols all tening devices and security access to rooms in tiple monitors systematically display t movement any based on dimensions and speed. ter is programmed tnize icular,” Mei Lin tinued ure.

        “Do you need all ty?”

        “Not so far but you ’t be too careful. e are a Britis ill very Britising in a bed of illegal and destiivity.     meets est, tually talking about spies, eleid otherwise.”

        to t of it e. t of tric toyota 4X4 SUV. A puter-trolled sprinkler decorated tended laina of mist. Cald t-lookierior able fortress. ttered    proof and t door eel. Eleic eyes ed at least ted wy.

        “ele to rically as se trol device from a partment i at tire side o reveal a    least ten cars and several motorcycles. t and matc Ski on a trailer.    looked like tarpaulin.

        Mei Lin parked t off. ts omatically as soon as tered. tomatically beered anoto a kitc s ramming home.

        A Asiaood ting. Se black silk, wic sweep. Sige forehe heroine of a lavish ese opera.

        “elr. Cald you,” s blushed openly.

        “thank you,”

        “Mr. De itte is in udy. I suggest t you pop in and say o Japan later today.”

        “Sounds good.”

        t dancer. S remely beautiful in    noulate to time, bore a look of extreme sadness. Somet    geis opped in front of De ittes office. te on tte, ions. trim fingers rapped on the door.

        “e in,” a tis belloo go t silently. Caldo tte, wood up and offered his hand.

        “Good to see you Cad. I trust you .” te teetrying a bit too o be jovial.

        “I    of it,” Caldwell said simply.

        “Indeed. Please sit dote gestured for to take seats in ics. tinctly Asian about tte tisfied air of a pampered ial fat cat about    sure if t for sometogeter but    ty inct. ique objets d’art and ted ings and some fine-looking Japaana.

        De itte e gray Saville Ro and a pink Van riped s e collar. rong fad deep-set eyes . ting ies. , rae te features to    suggested ex-military Britisocracy, type t got into t duly bailed out, out of sheer boredom.

        “I o be one of us,” De itte said, smiling a devilisanned face kled at t De itte and looked at Caldwell.

        “In a previous life.”

        “ell, good to ’s not often t one of ours leaves t ao e back.    take too kindly tal sons.”

        “Guess I am tion.”

        “Yes indeed.”

        Caldiced from tary expression of disapproval on Mei Lins face. al    Mei Lin did not tte.

        Calded for De itte to tinue.

        “ell, ly a researcelligefit. e report on developments in tecificial intelligeneural ronic    really do tigative    you do.    s, er,     arrogant Britis unicated exactly . “,    appears te.”

        “So w do you know?”

        “e kno some of test minds in Ne projects for true in tecificial intelligence. e’ve been monit and trying to analyze related data floo put it suctly, retly a lot of data    suggesting t a signifit number of people a in but not doesn’t make sense uing all ta in cyberspace for some, I dare say, subterfuge purpose.

        “ried booby trapping ta so t you kno    disappears into twork?”

        “e’ve tried everyt be    be res to tactics. e tend to be big picture people.”

        “ell no eveamp of a picture,” Cald fat cat o get on his nerves.

        “Let’s see if you    turn t around,” De itte said abruptly.

        to dismiss telephe receiver.

        “iously. there was a long pause.

        “his happen?”

        “Are you sure it was her longish pause.

        “t let    of y back to you rus.” De itte replaced t slo Mei Lin and t Calds.

        “Diane Joplin, ter, racked does in Japan. Apparently    cel database in Ser-tial,” De itte announced.

        “e better notify Fouler,” Mei Lin said at lengthe girl could be in danger.”

        De itte’s almost carted typing ater at a time. Caldtle empecte cer e.

        “Fouler is already on o tokyo,” De itte said staring at er s.

        “I ed at nobody in particular.

        “Probably some empt to aveually tries to go a. As it o Japan on a long overdue family vacation. I am sure    no o    get into t it looks like?”

        Cald oe’s desk and cte’s eyes popped he sole.

        “Impressive, impressive. t tec is a . I am someor myself.”

        “Yes, still o figure out ely state-of-t. No doubt about t. I figure o on t y.”

        “It sure looks like tte said, still eying the sole.

        “ell, from    c tip of tiny gaps    be possible.”

        “ricate just to access some secret    doesn’t make se be somette pondered.

        “t I t made specifically to access t C    to access ao got    ain people o get t.”

        “Indeed,” said De itte ponderously. “I suggest you get crag tomorrohing you need.”

        “Excellent.” Mei Lin and Caldood up to leave.

        De itte pressed ter on    sound in a distant part of the house like fading memories of an elusive dream.

        “Yes sir,” a sad female voiswered.

        “So e and    up to t casual do?” he asked.

        “I’ve te . Caldiced t ely manicured fingernails, er, ther-bound diary.

        “Mei Lin, I take it you are staying in your usual suite in tte asked.

        “Yes,” Mei Lin said simply, glang at Caldwell.

        “ell, I’ll be back from Japan in a te said, rising from     t    deliberately trying to annoy.    one of t couldn’t    grate t of De itte’s office. Just for t Caldo see o. De itte seemed rapt in t. ana colle.