首页上海梦想改造家怎么报名Chapter 2

Chapter 2

        Professor Yao arrived punctually at toria in Ne , despite tion of intelligent buildings e ecosystems over t feo its ageing Art Deco coria    t tee of iial members of tablis to protect ts of ty. ti, osti, financiers, politicos, academics, ted tco attend tec meeting of fame, money and minds in the modern world.

        It uro ing sloureless sky. ious el, tive professor found s and iional designer outfits of y.    like a carp out of er, trying to free itself from a tangle of    of place. ured polyester-mix suit    get over tement of w    ive a.

        Outside, a large se of Park Avenue and its adjoining streets s of rain casg off tal barricades and tic ribbons. tment of state-of-t croo climb into. A small cluster of demonstrators stood ing slogans and generally not looking too fident about being able to get ting t in crators eyed the cops suspiciously.

        taxi, a o    of ter coalesg on . rouble explaining to a couple of NYPD officers on bulky cric motorbikes t ed guest to tinized card, eying    suspiciously. One of tcard on a ed for tem to query a remote database and e back . t expect o be auticated.

        Professor Yao arted to s in er suit, or    tic    eyes o sally, race tabase query snaking tem and kers o verify ity, doo t memory routi    all nigside ong ts earlier.

        to flicker on t and ed patiently as tisfied t icated entity.    al-looking o ioning al-looking one could    by addressing    t for their elders.

        tooria, ionally-minded colleagues at Beijing’s tsingy, rinas cutting ar t line of veentatious displays of    of ts.

        Professor Yao found    a e clock sitting smack bang in t Ameri presidents on to o dead Ameri leaders empting fate. ed    edge of    friendly-looking nose. o arc as    pocket for tinerary.

        Smart airborne micribles glided up itently cyg te spos. puterized female voices annoualks er and social ional magazines, corporate CEOs, prize-y oreets of Beijing. te a feremely ts t to ting ridiculous in to impart ake a    they held dear.

        today    t    billions of dollars and geions of America’s best brains o ac auties on neural ificial intelligence, but t yet a. erally minutes ao top of ernationally.

        tsiional renoive publisracts and te t uies and researcitutions, Professor Yao ayed at     surviving ongs in Beijing, ment of tion Army as    funding and access to some of t advanced military puters for to AI. ive corporate direct and advisory opportu o stay aions.

        Professor Yao’s o be found in any iional stific journals but in classified researcs used by leading military tanks in Ne of    unofficial, ly take tion tec eve breakthrough.

        aking a big risk by being    t predict e aed urn to Neerior motive of taking    of ture but akeions and ermio make    to ternational unity    of o tion Army.

        t age. ificial intelligenunity enougion to make ter Neional patents. ty. rumpet for a paradigm s in    and ac. ty ing into o a bold neelligence.

        Professor Yao riot    for a non-derstand. Yet, to ry alone o    in t at t    fundied in t    for o trace o teces at to t Professor Yao doubted any    most of tary researcus. ime al face beat quied.

        Professor Yao made oors, mopping ically o tinerary, alk    tel’s famed Starligeentts Institute of tecer Sd Artificial Intelligence Lab,    o secure    s notiot t    Joplin personally, but ures iional magazines and exco join    MIt, but tely deed.

        A or firmed inerary. o not be mentioned in t literature.

        Vearlight Roof

        Speaker: Professor Yao Guo Cificial Intelligend Nanotecre, tsingy, Beijing, a

        topic: Quantum puting: a breaktificial Intelligence

        time: 2.30PM-3.30PM

        A    y,    beyond    cy mio go.    . Almost immediately    started     like a pic drill. t    t. If only ill alive to help calm him down.

        tor doors reamed out, many of till ary real-time translation systems and cluteraries. All around tions and puterized voices punctured or music. tement in ttling tle. Miraculously, or as it made its o teenth floor.

        Professor Yao kopic of tract all t people. ely e up itle t    minds in botificial Intelligend Quantum puting. Nanoteg expectations and it ly t it arted to bear fruit after decades of researcrillions of dollars and so-called “breakt it ant part in ture of artificial intelligeed to lose resonance. Many stists, especially t ied in its medical applications, e of time. You could get atoms and molecules to beure mac tioeo be orick ponies.

        ted tor into a room so opulently decorated t    o    to ters of excess. Everytic co tunda and tasseled velvet seats ing t it o be a packed auditorium. iced t ty of tly reading tineraries and peering into tary video ss acled gray    Dr. James Joplin    before Professor Yao’s talk.

        ly larger t, ion on ed raveled to toage. As    by, a fe    ion cross tly embarrassed at ttention. ig for t time t t t of ting?

        tripped over one of several small robots gliding ttle ss of Espresso coffee and finger-sized sanden in eigime to pop doo Coe and t a big fan of estern cuisine, ed feeling t o from autic Co el, refresaxi to the aldorf.

        “testing, testing, testing. O a female voi tem. Professor Yao looked toage to see a ed young igting gray suit on t y-one years old. tatic filled to blast from different loudspeakers. ted like storm clouds from one side of to aed turoer looks, and a flicker nition crossed ohe professor.

        “ make it,” teg care of you today.” Sly eveh.

        “o meet you, Ms. Bruck apologize for my tardiness,” tingly, proud t y Englistractive young woman.

        “t’s OK. I expect you’ve    Dr. Joplin t ensely. Professor Yao felt tempo of beat rise sh a ed look.

        “No. I .     into Professor Yao’s voice.

        “ell,    a message at your el. You see, Professor Yao, Dr. Joplin is dead.”