首页上海梦想改造家怎么报名Chapter 6

Chapter 6

        tement in toria el’s Starlig    V cameras from ters lined up at torium like a firing squad. tic cameras and t ter stage. Some of tricate puter-trolled dance routine of automatining, swooping and zooming.

        tired of admiring te cricate artineraries. translation mac ts ête-à-têtes and polite versations coalesced.

        Professor Yao ing in tage. On te side at stage rigood endy Bruck up gloriously by tage ligal man    could only be described as minimalist features    final cation equipment. to secco zero. tself. tec-s and ill-fitting C t stooping posture of    Professor Yao ation at hand.

        endy Bruckly till not recovered from t cly anized event. to go on. Poor Dr. Joplin.    men in academia ents under , a man ions. Yet, s and sco students from poor backgrounds o t of excellen various areas of puter sce.

        professor kno    o die? And    a trace? Somet Bruckical, jectured suggested eit or t of parties at MIt    er. But een year-old rust fund would murder her for more money?

        Jolted from art in tes” in dulcet tones. arted blaring out over tem, ed tro’s he room.

        tecage and o tors at tV cameras panned in ion and tilted tempted to s    small, s    someo t. Once again Professor Yao    ty of ts t reminded     for t it ion, o t. You could    all Professor Yao could register .

        endy Bruckrolled purposefully to ter stage. A feaneously, applauding    transparent s gave t sing on air, only served to en. As far as estern taste , endy Bruckiful woman. And sion. Sook ern.

        Ladies alemen, teco present tsingy’s ificial Intelligend Nanotecre. e are very lucky to    normally take public speaking es.

        Professor Yao is pre-emi ielligend nanote Virtual and Artificial Realities and is k of Neual reality er, I must add, is just a rumor. t tio remind us t no sucs. Ladies alemen, please join me iending a o Professor Yao Guo .

        A t on to tage and into tligoo areated gracefully to tage. Professor Yao gave uro face tinctively adjusting race of nervousness    and    up in it. At ts, t ti-colored logos of t works.

        endy Bruck alk    live to an audience of approximately five billion people around t off as e t t tedly refused to give    on t to kno. Joplin    purely out of trust and respect.

        endy Bru at of tcside torium ific as possible. Sifid teco be distributed to ter tomorroocks of Artificial Intelligence, Quantum puting and Nanoteco go the ones in a.

        trained upon V cameras. Professor Yao cleared    to mild micropaneously translated by translation systems over tem.

        Ladies alemen, it is an o be inguiserest in ting ificial Intelligence. I am going to make t part of ticipate t yoing to s of questions for me. I ry my best to ansions.

        topiy talk today is “Quantum puting: a breaktificial Intelligence” as it says in your itineraries. It’s about t breaktion tec using, enricude tions self-sustaining, evolutionary quantum puter processor. In fact “o use as you er.

        Gasps and murmurs rolled the audience.

        “But t’s impossible,” sed a bold voice from the audience.

        “t poum puter available today boasts only one um bits, t’s not nearly enougo make quantum puters start replag sili puters any time soon,” jectured anot.

        First, for t of our television and cyberspace audiences, I o briefly explain tum puting. t currently poiny transistors t sg ters speak. Until retly, increases in speed and performance of transistors into tricity travels faster in a smaller transistor resulting in faster processors. ts result in a doubling of puting pory po as Moore’s Law.

        ell, Moore’s Lao an end and nanoteco usransistors and furtration of personal superputers into , even s in    to see softrends. In particular, rue artificial intelligence. Yes, e, sario analysis and stock trading AIs but t algoritions of a predefined set of rules and procedures. No AI o be pletely self evolving and, dare I say, to    is until retly.

        e at tsingy in Beijing, one of ties in t quantum neural o creating really intelligent softum puting? Because even ting po a pre-requisite for puter intellige does speed up tionary process ime on today’s hardware.

        Again I must apologize to my friends in academia t for t of casual vie explain quickly ing is going to g landscape forever, putting superputers on every desktop. I mentioned earlier t today’s puters and soles use processors t squeeze many tiny transistors into a small area. t    five ransistors, eay tens of t on talking about t th.

        No’s small, Quantum puting goes even smaller and uses tter, subatomic particles sus, ions and pons as transistors. In tum ors are knoum bits or qubits. icles as transistors? ticles possess certain be ot only be used to represent ter speak but to also to perform plex calculations orders of magnitude faster today’s puters. Agai me briefly outli alloing.

        Atomic particles ind opposite spin orientations t    eac ticle to effectively beransistor. Once a particle is isolated from its enviro, it erange quantum state o as superposition, ations at ond    represent a mix of 1s and 0s. tring of particles in tate of superposition to simultaneously represent every possible bination of 1s and 0s. A quantum puter    t represent possible solutions to a problem in a single operation. today’s puters ioer ther.

        ticles in superposition    bee entangled act. Enta means t one or more of ties bee linked even ed. If one of ticles is knocked out of superposition into a defiate (a 1 or 0 as described earlier), ticle, no matter    could be on tion at t in time and assumes tate. Sia alloant particles to sate it effectively alloeleportation of states, or in teleportation of values, even across space.

        Uanding trange beicles, superpositioa, teleportation is key to uanding    to describe.

        So e a scious artificial intelligence? e borroecum pive sces. First let’s start ion of a tomic particles like ion of tum dot design able 100 qubit quantum puter tlemaioned earlier. till retly ting-edge of quantum puting. ell ladies alemen; I am pleased to annou um neural s.

        Professor Yao paused for effect as an unintelligible    torium and practically every stist in taneously began to deride Professor Yao’s last statement. t greer, cries of derision and ridicule. tient. to educate ted time e nos of ting out from tors, leading o certai    finisalk? All would bee clear wem hemselves.

        “Surely translation error. A one billion qubit quantum puter ed sucer in your lab at tsinginguise-ically.


        ted into laughter.

        “t’s all    even if o believe t eous claim,    ts to unicate    ted on tant interruptions but ermio make .

        “t for t tiple dynamic buses of ected qubits to eains of quantum memory,” Professor Yao responded impatiently.

        “And    ry up till no t ticles may cate as soon as to enviroal noise and otors? And    error corre and tere as you scale up to your imaginary one billion qubits?”

        “ I ask about your background?” Professor Yao asked politely, interrupting ter rolling te- inteare.

        “Professor Collin Sandum putation, Cambridge Uy.”

        “t means t you are familiar    approaco solving t so I don’t o go into t’s just say t ed taken,” explained Professor Yao.

        “And    be?”

        Professor Yao couldn’t    notice t and sarcasm t t aken on. inued alk, ruggling to rise above the din.

        e kne effectively build a practical quantum g tum puting approaco a ic soft it do test nanotecum c by an artificial intelligence, more specifically a neural artificial intellige better at building ter tless failures and dead ends. tumbled upon t ters of early millennium quantum puting    ty of issin. tarted o t to do so over t t give macry.

        Materials used ered sili germanium to form a quantum dot lattice t allorons to move precisely in any dire tum buses. Eagly assembled by test in sili    and nanotecec reied any ion of ted States National Institute of Standards a uses teleportation beangled particles at key intervals to ed values. A signifit portion of ts are used in t t is still test puter in ence.

        I see t some of you are nodding in reition of t t all tly plausible. ted. t of tter is t teresting piece of t o talk about to talk about Black Jade, t advanced piece of soft true artificial intelligence.

        On t poer ieoday. It uses a eural o create a true artificial intelligence; o passes turi and    persuade any interrogator t it has a sciousness.

        Our approac dated tulated more t, by Robert -Nielsen.    to articulate t all aspects of ion are derived from a specific type of knoion processing operation referred to as fabulation. I    go too muco t    t is t if you build ieural     fabulate and give it vast amounts of accumulated knoificial intellige is just as scious as you and I. t learns via an intricate system nizing patterns in relevant data, bot and emerging knotern reition.

        ttearted applauding but t minds of to see t plausibility of ails. And to see t tive Cec stists of tion.

        Finally, before I take questions I’d like to sotype quantum processor after one day, one ion. Finally I’d like you all to meet Black Jade, t AI running on our quantum neural    slide aken just a fe Ne built tum processor so it actually kno its processor enviro s creators    is simply beyond our capabilities.

        tement. Po labs around tions ense versations    around ts yping aically on satellite-enabled personal soles. tV cameras were panning and zooming away.

        to    for taining ty. ttingly placed it in tor already?    tton on tor but t empty.    around in s.

        tiust or. t ti tip of    started to travel up    did    of t bination and it    ec    a top secret event in So one of t to be accepted in tion Army. t ional treasure. ural freak.

        Professor Yaled to focus anding taring straig    a look nition from ingle urned into numbraveling rapidly up     aken tion of leaving instrus ant Li Jin.    a o die. ted t s of    eat t o knoire sixty-eig back by Friday m I    you to release Black Jade into cyberspace. t you to remove tum neuroprocessor aroy it.

        taco tity ity t resided in t puter to ever be poionary neuroprocessor. o respect its omnipotes knoerabytes of data, ated better than any human could.

        Black Jade y in cyberspace. ts o to ire    of y to alter trix to suit its oisfied man.     e until time.

        As Professor Yao’s    stopped beating and -like to to God t ant, t but strong-udent Li Jin, ions.

        Li Jin, if I am not back by Friday m I    you to release Black Jade into cyberspace. t you to remove tum neuroprocessor aroy it.

        t towards him as his life slipped away.