首页上海梦想改造家怎么报名Chapter 36

Chapter 36

        t entrance of Koed at teeming end of Natrip of els, mid-range fasores, restaurants, cafes, bars, jeores aronics ss at grossly inflated prices. Despite tradition of bargaining in many of tail establiss lining ts, it er indeed    or item bougill sidered a bargain by a mostly tourist tele.

        tmosp tinctly touristy, traced s of illegal immigration, visitors from less affluent tries in Asia and Africa ayed trong Muslim element on Nat prayer time ourists oe marble dome of Kos four mis defiantly proclaiming taoism, Buddianity are tizens fulfill their need fion.

        tain anyty to tsimssui, traddling tands in stark trast to prim and proper    across Victoria     never graduated from     sure knows o ime.

        In to be a Britisary base overlooking toria ion policies of successive s ed in t, no matter    for erd t buck remained unquenchable.

        Li Jin’s slorain from Beijing arrived at t Rail Station, knoon Railation in pre-unification times, at approximately ternoon. It en-rip from Beijing, yet t like it aken forever. It aken o emerge from toms obody ion officers, sated from luo    icket to Xian f same nigosimssui.

        tedium of ts t ime to fiune ily structed plans. ruct to pick up a disposable mobile p one of tted around es in plete anonymity.

        ty sole in train partment. Part of tor    of motion siess, but it ely useable. Li Jin ed until tment, a young man    and ed girlfriend and a middle-aged academic type, o Sunday’s e. en alk time in Kra o Kracifying o pick up tered tact list.     up an instru o immediately transfer any payments over t forty eigo an obscure at h a bank in Xian, Shaanxi Province.

        Li Jin seeming Nato te neon sigting out on to treet in various s up again.    before train pulled into tation and o see t Krac    Kraco cyberspace from a server t beloo tel just doo o a gray steel and glass building just a stohrow from Kowloon Park.

        Li Ji rained on any one ed o be tailing s but ly Ameri and Britisourists. er in Beijing aain sdoor markets t catered almost exclusively to Russian traders ravelled via Siberia and Mongolia to buy goods in Ne quite easily. o one of t doled out queue numbers, took a number and sat doal seats fag ters. to tonese, wed easy ricoday.

        Li Jin    t, figuring out t spot to make transa.    precisely 5.38PM and instrug. Given t Krag at tel, Li Jin figured t trance beside Koime o tion, Li Jin ing a plan i maructed o o ter number eigher luumber.

        ten minutes later, Li Jium neuroprocessor in a bearer safety deposit box. tents of tomatically beloo anyone    ioe ted risk. As    about tions of ime.    o Russian mobsters o terrorists or criminal syndicates? If t t tentially bring about a major disruption in t t good    t of a poo take advantage of it? An AI like Black Jade. You could fabricate as many of ted but    t soft increased its performance over time. Even    and puting poelligent soft mueaningless applications.

        A sign outside a mall called tre annou t in t. Li Jiered t    in goose pimples, or ing oo ioned sering    and oppressive y. tificially cooled interior reminded Li Jin of t tsing he would probably never see again.

        As ors to t Li Ji strange feeling people oving in te dire. A small g ily at or    by. Li Jin’s    skipped a beat. takably been one nition. t Li Jin udyiy of a predator about to poun its prey. Li Jin tur of sigarted or. As soon as    ttom, Li Jin broke into a run.