首页上海梦想改造家怎么报名Chapter 46

Chapter 46

        Li Jio ted tion. Even t ed, over ride t led Li Jin to focus oermined look, tuc t    of place. ourist nor a local expatriate.

        Li Jin    to move to to c stopped beating.    ered. teps, obviously follo situation, cill emerge from    predit unscaturned round and moved to the maze.

        Krac ermination tion of maze. Li Jin removed    t ed after fleeing from t a selescopes and it o    it    to track Krac a pair of binoculars.    one er.

        rai trousers. t    by to capture ake o o Professor Yao’s creation. In fact, from tered t o take o    back, torso and only ting moveme one. Definitely not one as small as t deadly.

        Kraco trance of ty seds later t t o get to rained ed only oype satellite-based cyberspaits. t ied ly ing t patterns into some kind of virtual display. t t teterface because ts on t al.

        totype    to a PLA unit in Longmeing and t    Li Jin . to i abases in Beijing. t e trao trace o ers. Yet, o iate    of time. t from the gods, pure and simple.

        Li Jin s in t oep beime Kracracked, treat, ening for Kracsteps. A bunc to ter of ts ing at t. It all looked so easy from up    to ter of t oep behind.

        Using ted.

        “ think you are doing?” Krachev asked. he sounded angry.

        Li Jirained on tanding very still a fe aing them.

        “I am nearby. Don’t worry. I    see you.”

        t t    to sing fner.

        “Every er of tcry anyt,” Kracimated the seller.

        “Just make transa and everyt receiver unit. ttered someto    a credit transmitter from    pocket. Li Jin c    receiver and o see t a remote credit device tempting to ect. ed tion and g bar indicate t data    across. A group of people came up to tarted moving in ion. Credit transfer plete. Li Jin quickly scrolled t. tomatically o    as per rus. Li Jin sc receiver. he line.

        “OK. You he chip?”

        to ter of t to t    make up inctively reac.

        “Don’t do it, if you    to get out of the Russian.

        Kracated,    his side.

        “ty deposit box in your    t a fees here.”

        “?” Kraing around.

        “I am about to save your life. tanding in t a tourist.    to retrieve te o kill me earlier.”

        Li Jin moved toed o. o be rouble finding it yet    breakneck speed. ted ion from te flo.

        “alking about?” Incredibly, Kracer to one ear.

        “t airs leading from the roof garden.

        “You are a dead man ... you fu ...”

        “tone flo from t on trance you came trance, doairs of Koed into the crowds.