首页上海梦想剧场Chapter 31

Chapter 31

        tcase    to Cald leg, sando be as s black, suggesting some kind of dye job or medical procedure t    about see tiny touccase. t t indicated t to its ooggle button on touc read: MANUAL. Cald     visible from on on tly    in his shoulder.

        tor stopped at B2. t into an underground parking lot. t. Surned round and gave Cald said s    of    predit. tten    and last basement floor. o move fast.

        t on toggle button read AUtOMAtIC. Calderfaces and t t ts sing deviAtIC button. tly. It took a snaps and ttle ese boy.

        “Look dad,” tonese, pointing at tcase.    till pressing painfully into Cald looked like s see the camera.

        “, son? Mat ye a?” tonese.

        “Oed attention spans. As soon as t i. t he boy.

        t stopped at B3. to o let t first. tepped out of t one by o. As epped out, tarted folloor, trying to grab tcase. t ake.

        Calded ly slammed tor’s arm against tor doors. Sact allic edge of to tor doors ion. It made tact    flying out into t. tood transfixed, looking at t. tunned girl ting up. tsteps ing from t of t    doors closed.

        Cald tton and all tto ture louor’s instincts o guess t ure lounge and try to mingle s or    to taxi stands outside tincts o sed-guess tensibly t iced from t got into t t torcycle parking lot    or doors close sorcycle on B1, ready to give c    it or orcycle gear not an elaborate disguise for to imperso s    seen the ruse.

        Cald t, ing for t imidating tter. Agent    belting it do s about be arriving on B2.

        tor doors opened on B2. Caldepped out of tor expeg to orcycle engine. All ant    transported passengers beterminals at iional airports. tra-looking ve orcycles placed side by side and t . Or    tor? It ell. tting ty. tted Caldo an abrupt . Four ex-like square tubes unfurled vertically and blasted a    ae floor.

        “Quick. ructed.

        Caldill    sure    ook a co sit one beiced    t before    on properly and did a surn almost on t. Caldain    back up tu across a    of tric models, and a feen on tunnels all to t. t into t tside    ing doat of a radiator and tur on too high.

        “Sun in er?” Cald ed it dorail of luxury electrid ime catcied all to it. None of t est models    co acter aerodynamics. ts models, c-s cut t traffic leaving the girl was doing a good job of keeping up.

        “You better believe it. You o a    if t be visible. S from tis    traandarin. Calding.

        “trust me I believe it. ’s the code word?”

        “PERFECt VISION 2020,” t skipping a beat.

        “s have been so lax?”

        “Not t. e generally don’t    t. Just in case tion interception devices or cameras taking pograp us every time uff. tered it to a tee. Apparently tical copies of enemy agents in labs t    t levels of t is still too costly.”

        “So t’s s? So t girl could have been a copy of you?”

        “Unlikely for suc explains ing to be from hQ.”

        “You knht?”

        “I guess ted t no you dead.” Ster-of-fact    beting a fair bit of it in    back retly acquired memories. till outside    of familiar-looking greenery.

        “I lost my Brix,” Caldwell said.

        “Don’t    it. t    get in hong Kong.”

        “But I got myself a gun.”

        Surned around briskly, a swirl of black    soo quick for o see he visor.

        “ t?” Agent hsu asked.

        “From tor.”

        “Good to see you are taking care of yourself already.”

        “From aking care of me.

        ensed up aunnel and emerged a fees smack-bang into a cityscape t blew his mind.


        In a    matca of glass, steel and crete t expanded before o raffic. A lot    mucill soared into teel symbols of    beat anytops of most of ting into ti dy floss.

        “’s t s climbing up t    raffic jam.

        “t is t s. tes making nano-scale repairs to terior of the building.”

        topped. Ari oo close to cars in took tunity to look beo some of the cars were driverless Mercedes Benz S-Class models.

        “t e out in t least another five years.”

        “ell, t    for traffic.”

        “Yea. t are they?”

        “ed by a pany ied by enfort agencies     time t he world.”

        “Cool. o drive?” Calding out of t some ing it.

        “It’s easier torcycle, t’s for sure. Basically, you    pedal decelerates, riges.    botaneously to rest. It’s almost instantaneous. ts just cel eac.”

        “ about on teering bar? torcycle’s accelerator.”

        “tually trol tion of ters. Pusers point ba. Pus rigiill revving. Pusers point all to essentially ride backwards.”

        “ you ght upwards?”

        “You . You just override tton rict la it on public roads t desigo be used in t y Ordinance.”

        “I see. So where are we going?”

        “t’s t’s a lot quieter, a    oraffic.

        “I remember Shere’s a beach,” Caldwell said, vague memories of weekends in Shek O rising.

        “Rigo    fotte ected a note of sarcasm in her voice.”

        “t’s a long story.”

        “they always are.”

        treets s and treets jam-packed ail signage in Englise office     vertically upe drones in    trol of tiep of treet. treets ermined y actively going about t any cost.

        “Eic place isn’t it?”

        t on a giant free into t nigy must be spectacular, Cald.    lig sky.

        “    adaptable in the world. You should know. You were born here.”

        took a s cars. Agent y at an alarming rate. Caldher-bound body.

        “Been reading my file    is your first name? I am not going to call you Agent ire trip. It’s not t suro pronouher,” he joked.

        “At nigy es alive like a Cmas tree,” stempt to bee familiar. Maybe oo foriquette t o relearn quickly.

        “ mean to be so for the name.”

        “ell if you must knourned around. For t time Cald a good look at    fell off th shock.