首页上海梦想科技有限公司Chapter 9

Chapter 9

        tunnels vibrating s pulsing dos. Caldigely placed mole on tering quietly to led in tender nes rapt in t. t    er t    made se ying up. But    t? Kenzo Yamamoto. t arting to make sense.

        tform    train. Luckily te intervals.     kno ion    off, unless of course to a system t    tV ion. Caldried to put    dilemma out of    tising wash over him.

        cured star float t ising in its ra form. And folloeenage boys, ed up, pag s and singing along to ticed t most of tattooed on ts. tion, slaves to tal mae.

        Cald reize ty and didn’t care. In an age of surgically aronically created media personalities, fifteen minutes ime as aayed famous. If you een minutes got you enougo retire from t race,    on tive sciousness.    sider to    caused ial amnesia? Do to do ? tiog tricate circuitry of a microchip.

        t of t as to t partment sition of    fans into t partment    more seamless.

        tizens of ts    t    advertising driven. Caldrol ising aed media. ty of it drove o distra. Caldo claim t i-media, at least t    free-flowing like cyberspace.

        Like your typical spiracy t, rongly believed t media ive effect of poes imposing tless sacrilege of advertising, on a public t    ty to tailed and to try muco    status quo just fine.

        tation platform sed into vie ime to make epped off train as tern Bloc lady    moustac ed makeup,     anding on end as o cut a ser of fleso. ors, and tio s ting croor crept vertically up tation.

        From tage point of tor, er transportation unfurling before isfied     being folloo tent t sucisfa could be arrived at. Maybe ty seds to reac at top, tform a good minute-and-a-o tcos and trains, stared at yrofoam cups of coffee.

        ted test in er goods and services. test trans- Surgical Procedure, knoouted by some reet outfit in a maelstrom of puter-geed voices and blaring music. Beloed, o credit to spend like tomorroo add to spiraling piles of debit.

        For t afford ts or ts of Portobello Road, Camden toreet and tion of t for every ne or service advertised, an eveer of hours.

        Calded tation    leap over ticket barrier. artled a young motric pus trely it eady illed by tform. Caldopped and sed treet ao make sure t was clear.

        “ you bloody get a ticket like everyone else, you mindless dumb fuck,” ticked young    , pus esco supermarket srolley. Sic t ransformed ed moto some tigive-venting ed citizen. Caldtered an apology and turned left past terested in dising from tat store will being followed.