首页上海真爱梦想公益基金会Chapter 51

Chapter 51

        At tal Airport in Beijing, Caldion    a c t an immigration officer took a lot of ving t ter. Cald and log on to cyberspace before t before and made a point of telling    it    and coolest puter o Cald t to do in Beijing o get t o start getting dangerous.

        “Believe me    get far in Beijing    being armed, if only to en our po caugo get yourself out of your predit,” s place to get some    the hour.

        “Perfect,” Cald.

        After a long taxi ride, most of it on a spankiial el, a black obelisk bang in ter of Z Z a s singy, Beijing Uy and a ing edge of teology.

        Everyt to gigantic scale, making Caldotally Lilliputian. t buildings t filled tire    monolit    once modern and traditional. tecture ic fusion of East a – ultra-modern arcecture eristics. t disappeared into acid rain clouds. t temples reflected sunlig places, sestaments to New Che world.

        Beijing today    everyte logos domiop of ties’ greatest crete and glass pe brands not only covered everyt niged yelloire o te brands.

        Mei Lin ed for a te, saying t s feel safe in Zec of Beijing,    an eyelid. Caldtle appre    to    o be to plaer Fouler    aken from ter of tions Cald Mei Lin probably sidered it all a t.

        in    e ions t in denying it.     dionig, if only to get it out of t out in tant t stake.

        So at dinner over fusion cuisine Caldhe unspoken.

        “Mei Lin, I o tell you.”


        “I till in love     to    in t it is not an issue. I    aop all till s me. Yet, I am not even sure I am capable of ioed.”

        Mei Lin said not stared at e and puseak er saud black beans around h her fork.

        “Let’s drink to you,” sly, pig up her wine glass.

        “to us.”

        “to us.”

        t of dinner    in silenot an unfortable silence, yet a silence all t a bit stupid fing up t touc, but    relieved t     in t ted    kind of distra. Noe on t tsinghua problem.”

        “Maybe ake a ed.

        “Good idea, I may oo muco eat.”

        tly-lit streets of Z ts, t s dang is o see rageous building. Caldicularly impressed by a t cold and t Beijing at nig romantic city in tting Paris and Budapest in tting suit on a street er t a ruddy-faced     for sale, Cald.

        “ does y t really    te ruddy face of tance.

        “I’m afraid olen from one of tals. to couples treet    c aken us for one such couple.”

        “Yea on a street er? Yikes!” Cald Kat.

        “Cry of paradoxes, stark extremes. You s.”

        “I guess.”

        “Your parents spent a lot of time in Beijing, right?” Mei Lin.

        “Yes. Besides Xian, it ly Beijing and    about you?”

        “My parents died    perfect parents anyone could hope for.”

        “I’m sure. Oter like you?” Cald t    liered. Mei Lin blusly and lurally long eyelashes.

        “So omorrow?” Sely c.

        “I t ourselves some sing t if e ang Lin or Li Jin, raigo ter is sitting.”

        “Many of tment of puter Sd tecures. e just o get an ID on tail he professor.”

        “So o anotion?”

        “Don’t you    t. e’ll find out for sure tomorroter    some sleep. e’ve got a long day ahead of us.”


        Caldered tained plastic door flaps. tablis    of one of t fey t    fallen victim to tecry-fuelled property development. to indicate tablis. tor, a longeenage ac t een years old.

        “ VR suits man, state-of-t, totally immersive man. Public or private boot sex suits, tter t X-tacy man from Xyberia. test version ate of mi t digital stuff man, non-addictive, totally no side effects. Just a puter simulated    ed from thin lips in rapid-fire fashion.

        “e are not ied in t. e are looking for some sers,” Mei Lin said.

        “ake it easy,” ting around there are eyes and ears everywhere.”

        “e don’t ime to mess about.”

        “ saying I o offer you but follo’s too loud in    ive glances around ty cybercafe. A couple of patrons    asleep at terminals. too many all-nigoo muc oil.

        t of stairs tained red velvet curtain into a badly-lit room. At any moment Calded to pull out an old sy cupboards lining to one side of t NORINCO firearm. Io    pocket and    a device he device.

        “Unionist e o be sure you are not from t be too careful in tohere are eyes and ears everywhere.”

        to    as quickly as it ion of tion    t    a blur. A door set fluso reveal sion t would ry proud.

        “Step o my boudoir,” teenager said iced from t y    s favored by the grills on a harley Davidson, only flesh-colored.

        “Cool    ted.

        “Oinctively goi Cybernaut from Japan, made under lise by Great all putronics. Cost a fra of    does else rig of sole time.”

        tack of steel ste units t looked like ros. t teel trays. And inside -lined recesses, y Velcro, ely caug    t Jones and Agent Ja ed t m in the Dods.

        “ is t’s your name?” Caldwell enquired.

        “Call me Mozi,” tter-of-factly as s holding place.

        “tube. Japanese import named after tiny self-propelled bullets are like mini-rockets ed raigube in Londs raig slo.”

        “t I kno thing.”

        “Is t trutold cory but    of t anyher. Your friend Yak by any ce?”

        “Is t truted,    t on refereo ted of a long tube, ubby al stock. ts, all ty-six of to tside of tube by an intricate lattice of springs and coils t seemed to abide by turdy translut polymer. t a car s s like you o Mozi.

        Mei Lin o a tray of diminutive    pistol    disappeared pletely in .

        “Polymer frame mini Glock pistol, named after Austriarepreneur Gaston Glock. Syntier is stroeel, traditional material for t its eig ligurer claims it is virtually iructible. Kind of like tory because it operated on pletely different principles,” Mozi expounded. Caldabase in his head.

        “ tongue.

        “You are referring to t it. Glocks reat reliability and accuracy. You    c trigger pulls and trigger is to operate t bloake. tent every time you squeeze trigger. Its like ime,” Mozi explained, looking at Mei Lin suggestively.

        "Mozi, dude.    you cut ty stuff out?" Caldrange reason    appreciate t t it    Mei Lin.

        "I    cut it out but I . ts ake it or leave it. Besides te lady finds it funny, doesn’t s; Mozi asked, grinning c Mei Lin.

        “Sure. So you re he Glocks?”

        “Absolutely. No-brainer, really? tomatic safeties. rigger ties sequentially disengage, re-engaging automatically urns to its position. Some re t pistol on t, kind of like saying Durex is t    on t. t to be some truto it but ?” Mozi flasy grin. Cald t saying anyto teenager.

        “Sounds good,” Mei Lin said examining the Glock.

        “trigger system is one of tions. to coo ernal safety to diseal pos of Glocks used to be treated enifer. Metal finisenifer bees as enifer as Viagra funs. Of course toms virtually ued,” Mozi tinued, clearly relis t ting on Cald quite like tually sing someos appeal.

        “Do you have any sound guns?” Caldwell enquired.

        “You guys just fooling around rig you guys o cause some serious mayo Mei Lin.

        “Look, do you ?” Calded. to kill anyone in a.

        “e don’t do sound guns. t do t s.”

        Cald of spunk and you couldn’t    like him.

        “Beretta t    easily be cealed,” Caldwell ceded.

        “Noalki tta Mini Cougar, a pact pistol, NAtO qualified, fiberglass-reinforced teced barrel bla as easy to get toms t as idiot-proof as the Glocks.”

        “OK ake terrupted.

        “OK, on Glock rays and rummaged in anotray below for spare magazines.

        “teen rounds eacook one of the Glocks from him.

        “Anoty rounds y-eigly removing ty magazine from t h a loaded one. Mozi eyed her suspiciously.

        “No    do on to pay    toss tong kids arget practice before popping ts.”

        “how much?”

        “For you guys 190,000 New Cs.”

        “ill give you 80,000 Neered.

        Mozi briefly sidered Mei Lin’s offer before breaking into a smile.

        “You drive a h us before Ms. ...”

        “Never you mind,” Mei Lin said. Sed out eigen te bills and o Mozi. tes disappeared into teenage gun dealer’s bomber jacket. Mei Lin placed ts in ion of he wall.

        “I must tell you sometairs into t lige noise of the cybercafe.


        “You are a migeaaking.”

        “I could teaners,” Mei Lin said affably as t into ttention.