首页上海真爱梦想公益基金会Chapter 57

Chapter 57

        Cald a strange mixture of fear aement as    S. It    tunnel on to tion troke of pure lud tions ill casg through his mind.

        iny audio transmitter on tip of    looked like a small round piece of gray felt. Soesses, engaged ion and to .    tasmitter to ts. turned around abruptly and Mei Lin    ion, brusuro avoid tering    some time admiring Mei Lin’s rear and Caldime.

        Later, listening to tion on Mei Lin’s tiny earpieces t looked at eaderstand everyts, but ost of it. tairansported to te of tary al. Mei Liertai system a doal ed for almost a year, acc to ts. toration as a medical facility for to    in tal grounds until tended rigo tion Army.

        it to get dangerous. Yet, Cald t o giving Fouler    ion but to press foro make it    ical on sense and obvious field skills. Yet, Caldill felt like e entirely at tion.

        about to in time scores of tial in parison to s ical but t of danger ude larger. t too tsingincts    in going for student data to nail dos of ted. It    anotroke of luck t t ation to Saxi driver    t    screeco a dead end. Or if t in fact been o t o listen into versations of at least one of ty to ts. it get some sound bites from to be iing.

        Later, base lio ted at to and Junis. too okyo and to So kill a Majeneral ang. ait a minute. Could it be t made seo killed. Apparently, oxipound, one used for assassinations predominantly in a to get caugeral damage. So, t only to    in S also t seemed toppable, trag o o So be extra careful. Calds errupted by Mei Lin tugging at his arm.

        “Use t c’s in anotook t in a small tainer.

        “ould it by any ce be a Mr. Johnson?”

        “t’s right.”

        “But    tal tag t gets placed on passport cime you use them?” Caldwell asked.

        “Don’t    t. I bribed t’s all sorted. I told y o S    trip to sood totally and ic.”

        “t icket,” Caldwell laug him.

        “ouldn’t ties    and alert someone ion?”

        “t Fouler ion for t. e kno. Besides, I am traveling as Ms. Ztac the Union Embassy in Beijing.”

        “talk about em.”

        “A little reverse guanxi never    anybody.”

        Even t, till proceeded to taying reasonably far back from t all frames of t. ted at taking care to stay out of siged to ted bug in one of her ears.

        “Aing?” Caldwell asked.

        “Only to a guy, peralking about    of eai after this is all over.”

        “So all t e time frame?”

        “It tered exactly w shinking.

        “to be ied into cyberspace? But ed y,” Caldwell said.

        “Possibly. Even so, it’s just a matter of time before t s ts. it poo say if Fouler or rate it?”

        “I o gain access before t happens.”

        “o do t?”

        “No idea. I’ll leave it to Kenzo Yamamoto’s sole to figure t out.”

        “Great strategy, Caldically. Just at t moment tsiary green tainers but termined movement toainers ion enougainers off to puso tcoic cary-looking men in plain cloti buzz cuts sidled up and started talking to ted t tter ionals. Caldook    a dozen over-s and ed.

        Mei Lin    quickly tic cood ing for Caldourists ion as a group. A Cuide ing t patiently ing urn and sed the crowds.

        tourists    t trol to t er and ion officer    c ic eyes.

        “First time in S into tever ter s.

        “Yes.” Cald sure wch his response.

        “Business or pleasure?”

        “Just o see ty.” Caldrying    to sound like a well-off European in S of fun.

        “ele to S lengt of    Cald care less.    ed to find Mei Lin. tanding beion ter, scrutinizing t past. One of tly fixed on tary ser. t cs. Mei Lin’s precautions    even give    for .

        Caldo tood by ting for tes and loved oo emerge from ted placards e logos and ted on ticed at least te a large number of PLA soldiers moving around t. Calded t if    c    out of passport trol. ted Mei Lin standio tomatic doors. So go over and ing toaxis, coace cars.