首页上海真爱梦想教室Chapter 7

Chapter 7

        te of January m nipped viciously at Cald sed obello Market for less tter times. It    terious sole ill ty of Kenzo Yamamoto. t Caldraveled super lig th him as insurance.

        . If tail, ed to make sure . Apart from a bearded attered cloto fill a Salvation Army store, dousing a makes fire by urinating on it and cursing to reets ed. It er all, and tizens of till sleeping off t on by t’s festivities.

        to Cald t make any difference e Nee birts requiring as tated attempt to proactively seek t even sure if t of January was really hday.

        In tance, a Maglev oation, a t of ligting silently tline of capsule city and tel faded jerkily into a rapidly desding fog. Cald again for a long time. e o refle ty of tuation.

        Cad, get t of wer you. Your life is in so muche Puzzle pub, Isle of Dogs.

        o make tact o find out ed e-mail . as t from some previous job, a o a corporate system long ago t uro    ts perpetrators?    in person, request a p didn’t make sense.

        Yet, Caldter to distrust Glypincts. t at 5.38AM, a fact t suggested t Glyp as    every    in bed e pages searcable enougoric Dods area. One of tabliss    metal and teology.

        Could t by someone ed ion key, o ion key only to trusted online associates. Only someone . Or someone s of money and access to tting edge of quantum puting tec relatively small quantum puters could break even t elaborate cryptograp very feually get t y researco ions to go to t kind of trouble.

        Glypion algoritoo anal for t. t expected, g for ts reaco stumble. tside tem. tizens ally branded like cattle. It . And Glypook ion to t. Exception translated into precautions, measures, ter-measures, surveying t tors.

        So, it    erritory t Glyprusted no one. Glypurned outcast. o play tcast, alt    going to spend    it.    attempted to track do tle success. ill o t pelling of questions. s?    ed until tion ce of birtory a blank mystery.

        Caldolen gover reader. Data gs everyely erased. And t ed o leave no stouro find out trut    every turn, to discover trutime. to arted p around in tering to    letting t be. Caldwell mig like w he Slav had reasoned.

        Before leaving Angel, Cald nostalgic look around ruded cavity t o durable plastic acc to tates of some fabritect’s old mould. tel    fealgia, nostalgia and fear intermingled but nostalgia all ttress migtle more or a little less fortable, lig be dimmer    may suck credit a little faster, but once you’d stayed in one capsule you’d stayed i of Antterdam. But ty of aterle. No buffer nohe cold finger of fear.

        Caldo tale recycled air of Angel’s subterranean Maglev station. A groe drones making t of tified tunnels. t race emporary respite from tine of being embalmed in taid featureless corporate    today, tion of cookie-cutter m papers, or doomed attempts at meaningless cross today tion ising. itions of alcoired veins, tizens of tiring o cold loveless beds, vague memories of some nigown reg.

        Cald race a . Sing fao collar.

        tomatons of modern Union life never ceased to amaze    alte rea given t Caldrolled enviro. Society excluded ions.    as o deation of being oy-four seven by tem.

        tage of not being c o pay tem for tail, someoem, and you s, you . talk of a    could read t, but    to see evidence of t. So far, more like urban legend. Calded t    to sucrack you do,    sensors o. A rat trapped in a deatrap of icket barrier o spare.

        On tform, as tic levitation trains inations, Caldreated to tter-effect of Union faces encased in Plexiglas, snapss of t     notice t rain o tform. too silent.

        As o tra of beeps and puterized female voices urging passeo please stand clear of tected some unusual activity at t o iced ttention. It ion ill and looking in Caldion, t most not to be left beform. too late. t as    in time. Even rain pig up speed, Caldo decip ructed into tuff of nightmares.