首页少年人的梦想Chapter 1

Chapter 1

        Cald jolted erlaced bets of ts coalesced, fusing into somete. acts and irises to adjust to ted and turned over on ton. It    in , except for t sounds of men in various states of sleep.

        Cald tory rumbling snores of ts, tant noise of traffic outside. In mares still ecic walls of his capsule.

        Screams    tel. ty, in t or in broad dayligs o read meaning in t sounds and to block t. Over tentionally proloay, Cald to tetimes t less, tic o tterings of men talking in ts and exions of alcoifling cos of t o decip all teeth.

        today, Cald a strange ivity. ely a-soaked ss ging to orso like a se movements of ting fabric systematically adjusting its y to external stimuli    of    plate ty of    table. Eventually, in a matter of minutes, , o kill himself.

        Soon, t for uated sleep patterns. tmares t stretfinity, gly apparitions of fear reaco rapped in a living . Soon,    retcurbed into infinity. he would have peace.

        Cald time projected in pale green pixels by tai into t eyes, tormented mind moribund in t fuzzy area bets of tig over. It    side, t arted to recede, exposing t reality of a er m.    on ton and cime spin on its invisible axis, ss ty-degree ar precisely sixty seds. It was 5.30AM.

        time    to Caldo a simple biological ting dooppable approace. ence reduced to untold retcimes    sleep, a relatively ret affli t    on by a desperate attempt to avoid being plunged bato anoterminable sequence of ually, tmares esque storyboards unfurliy. time projected from to reality, ting doo h.

        t about it, to take o make sense. And today, y-eigime as any. to celebrate, only t    a decisio tion for quite some time, firing a at a subscious level, surreptitiously weighe s and pros.

        All to be t sensible pato take. It rodden.    go on any longer.    trip to taken ortion field of ion enoug emplating it for a ed and not a spur-of-t tried to have himself believe.

        Cald about ts lying on ton staring into space, tced ao focus, Caldo t ive sum of a unes, some of o this clawing miasma of raw unfulfilled need.

        Cald on ton cz of timer used to t into tic ceiling. t of t digits of t units of    disappearing inte sense of eup capsule el. Just a fees no ively, o transparent black vial sitting on tte-scalded plastic se-tered back alleys of Oval.

        Caldless Union eboys from Vienna to Vladivostok. Scleaned from t Cald majority of terious procurer ruder dete AIs so intricate t to belong to a major glomerate o hide.

        tself a dynamic piece of unity code drifting t top of trolled Zaibatsu. In t ask questions. It ing into t to stay t meant receiving your eleic briefing and delivering tory. You kept your mout and it stayed s even after t transa took plao questions.

        Caldil retly, ayed in one place lo a time.    capsule ion, ten rop going    state of stasis. tyle o stay tinually sy and to avoid f emotional attacs to places or people.

        ernal alarm clock t told    ime to move on. ened for it daily, t fraying of t sig a c . Oteriorate rapidly into a nervous    tic imes it    t ually ventured outside on a toilet run, he alarm bells ringing.

        ain level of notoriety and a modest amount of credit t allo aen tal floating ly maneuvering to stay belos , spreading like some o resort to desperate measures tn in ting crime and put a stop to ts of subversive types.

        Over t tasis aken , at least as far as Cald landing a job, a fact t tributed to ttempt to retrieve te banking t list from a Sumitomo Bank database. Someo tta against a of cyberspace to stack t him. hy? Caldwell had no idea.

        of tig geed most eous breaks of major corporations. t by took a small cut of eaced from to a livearing blankly at ay and line. o    Cald of promising a secure system.

        Failures al floating    some. Sinoutence, Calds toll on    co live. ried desperately to reverse tuation but to no avail. er    in and all are at terminal as s retury- return at all, erious deatiating tricacies of superior intrusioion code.

        It aken a ion but e certainty t deat. ives, nobody to grieve for es    miss racted as tunities of a rapidly sing cyberspace.        o die your     not    all.

        t to be gleaned from t o disappear into tly jerked into trix of t beyond. For a anding, Cald to ence, yet undiscovered facets of ential. And it    belief t     ed to ttices of cyberspace for days at a time. t belief tered. o die oblivious of , too scared to face a dark and desolate future.