首页少年人的梦想Chapter 13

Chapter 13

        “V is Satan’s jukebox,” Calded men at to Ram, te till transfixed by t gyrated before to blaring music. Ram,    to opped mid-eeted kind you could get for peanuts io order, in any material you , ivory, pearl, marble, even diamonds if you ed to put your money ly at ening to tion? Did    toriously famous for stig t heirs.

        “Better tter t illogically to ting ainuing to sically h.

        Glypill in tying    of tecics, or bot to toilet. ly t to talk about if you urns of phrase as Glyph would probably never ever wear shoes again.

        Calded to trivia, to avoid fag trut situation. Glyps oem, like ts, alloly go and be sed, all ion device t extracted te, created it into sometored it for recyg. Food for ts.

        tion of t, t looked like it could process and store anic matter.

        “Same tronauts and tourists use in space, It’s on t be ted Britisurned whe hacker’s personal hygiene.

        Glypy to mind read even via eleiversations. t’s anding     as t risk em exploits. ttled beable and loself so t Glyp t above Caldwell, wurned a funny shade of red.

        “I tform at Aation. th a face like a car wreck,” Caldwell said.

        “t missed you. You could    at mine for a     be long before my name es up on to Do list anyway.”

        Glyp a scroll-like toud    across table. arted tapping frantically on t ions. Lying lo in terle    eclectigle of cardboard, Styrofoam and filtions. Besides    seen apping at ic.

        “Is ting a    t t ally zoomed s on tform as he MagLev.

        “tV. My o tV grid noo systems in ots of ted.

        “ you pull up subsequent images, say tes after this one.

        “Yea a matter of running face reition on all tation CCtVs goi from Angel.” Glyparted tapping away.

        “Looks Japanese enoug’s o tell uff going on h his face,” Caldwell said.

        “Sure. OK,    on t train. t face is bound to be tion and as you    see ricate elaborate Japanese body tattoos favored by t expect Caldo anshroom door.

        “ait a mied at ... Isle of Dogs station.” t ered.


        A rusible, blasted past Cald ear, leaving    simultaneously, a blank look came lyped over. Instinctively, Caldurned around, ears stinging, vision blurring but still able to make out to trained on tion and Caldheir faces.

        a tube-siles t looked like mini torpedoes in tion, tting fire. Instinctively, Calds e from ting around    doail. ever caused it uraigc of lig the gaping hole.

        Several dull ted plugs of syntic leat, causing o sink deeper beloable. ts splintered in all dires. aken out. ino, or rikial a bit too close to    -sed tion formulating itself in a split sed.

        If table ed to t every ounce of strengt table in tion of to-ceiling er self-destructed. t proteg a.

        Cald    to grab    look at    all cost, Caldold     stop racks. It    must be even mrotesque close up. ting opped, t o not    t diagonal    by t as act .

        Open your eyes. Caldrange kind of focus evident. tially stered into tesque face epping ted in t taken Ram and ele age. O electrics drove past ting t a brahousands on any given day.

        Cald on    even te aken out.    t said    t like t    said it in Englisence was ringing in rauma of h opening up old memories?

        tion. Everytesque man grabbing o t o a cra emple norom of questions and images, interspersed ermittently into to ted by tare of t in till-captured ster frame of surprise.

        * * *

        ti tent pernoon nap t refuses to er deataken on a freeze-frame quality ion. time ing itself. tunnel of lig at tunnel but aring doerious ing to die.

        “Not so fast,” said ted English, brushing off shards of glass from his shoulder.

        t futuristic, about trange reason Caldy.    iful    t.

        “You killed ard,” Caldo blurt out as o meet    did o lose any a fe as t up t made tter. It made no differeo    somet trauma, an aco find out o do. Glyp. t t to.    every cell io jato it and delve into its very core.    die just yet. ts of cyberspace still beed.

        “Your friend    important and besides oo greedy. Anyone    a friend o die,” said anot. t of to Ram’s o take over trying t Ram’s neck.

        “ do you mean?” Caldtered.

        “Your so called friend raying you, Calding him here.”

        “Liar! Liar! hy should I believe you?”

        “I o lie to someone crigger as t make up o s noer.

        “If Glypold you I’d be    tation at Angel?”

        “Because ed to make sure t your disabled traitor frie ed only ty t a    only to pay traitors in they deserve.”

        t outside. ages, t Caldo Glyp old t    t meeting at to get    of to trap. tention of meeting up h him.

        “I rusted Glypupid as t the sole here?” he asked calmly.

        “ry old boy. You friend already firmed you .    over before I blo,” tened.

        “I figure you’ll kill me anyake my    t,” Caldened crigger.

        “three seds. One ...”

        “Yoing to o kill me and take t    in ted, mustering some ce. taking advantage of a momentary lapse as tuation, o . Caldime    tactic o aco o ternative fast.

        “e’ll take our ced eyes and irises tual sneer looked like it    go ainctively, Caldook a step backo find he disfigured Japanese.

        “tain t t    bag is t t yoing to …”

        Cald    or opped in mid-sentence by an invisible object t to    so ed in o t. o band but opped in racks by anot Caldhere was no visible blood.

        During t noticed tric limo cruising up tinctively to make a run for it, boticated log mecical bat boots stepped out on to ts follo legs, torsos and arms. Before ruct o bolt, Caldo tailed men clad in black suits and matirror siced t one of t seen    up.

        urned round to see o tained o be delirious. Delirious is a ter ted only a feinted rigi foro ligraffic.