首页少年人的梦想Chapter 44

Chapter 44

        Miakaring and turo plate table mask of resolve. t ely by surprise. t a blur. ring limply in    ared into space, seeing not told to prevent ted aure Cad Caldrieve ttempts. turning into a fiasd somebody o take responsibility.    o be him?

        takated around tokyo. A o-a of Sretc to tskirts of ty. tside e and neon. udied t, c t left by t indistinguiserprise, ropolis tig over.

        ter trolled s joining takaor area to form an expansive space cerized by elegant simplicity. Zen. A plasma s pulsated silently in one er flipping ts of unintelligible Nikkei indices. In ting area, minimalist square designer ct buffalo akaed, exposiured gray granite and als of cruse stone.

        Even as o as sed-in-and in ted    c o t o tion of yubizume, tual severing of a se of ttle finger as repentanistakes. ed t ter kneing o perform t ly nipping ions in the bud.

        t, refleg on t ty years ago, o return to tly by moving out and urning back. It    of to place terests of t’s    of paid iitial sex to ty and responsibility of marriage.    a    er sarted being too demanding and asking unansions,        sed to some coe-based drug and plying trade to stru    er business.

        ring tigtle finger of     tigc started to go numb. o tting area in takaable s etc t    just above joint of    outside t of ,    tation    mucse. It didn’t last long but    psyche same person again.

        ub of ce silk turn a sickly red. Pig up    lifeless feel of    orange and curiously familiar, o to takaakaurned around, ole boy smiling beionless eyes. ohe shiny black surface. Zen.

        “Order Sato and Miyagi back to tokyo immediately. If t inpetent fool    a distaion, I would akahashi said.

        “Yes, oyabun.” time to question the oyabun’s decisions.

        “No ively involved    afford a political sdal. e    t.”

        “Yes, sir.”

        “And Yamamoto’s killer?”

        “e found out edly u and of Majeneral ang of tment, oyabun.”

        “the ese are declaring war on us?”

        “Yamamoto ’s all related to the soles.”

        “t o be t w now.”

        “e kno already, oyabun. t unication    rip to Shanghai.”

        “Sokyo, I    you to personally go o Shanghai.”

        “S of Japan.”

        “ Majeneral ang dead. Do you uand? I don’t care if Sato or Miyagi lose t.”

        “Yes oyabun.”

        “e’ll take care of tokyo.”

        “I see.”

        “And hirayama?”


        “If you fail, you are no longer wele in Japan.”

        tub of ainly spiring against ly to    one day Nobu takaion.