首页少年追逐梦想的诗句Chapter 37

Chapter 37

        Cald t ill in el in Angel.    expected to see an LCD ting do all ems of eleics scattered around te. No nigime and     sleep, a deeply satisfying interval of dreamless black, in a long    oo small. retore fortable fit.

        t forty-somet    to ty years o it t ne up to e. By aiscellaneous fasang stacked in one er of te.    boto open all of them.

        te erbed and en-suite batudy    all putronics sole and monitor and a living area     tilted to folloion t Caldupid.

        doo breakfast. Mei Lin able but as usual sunning. ail a of black mascaras. Calded sra effort for    but t could alking.    s t try telling t to a girl, probably your first love and t most of    life t. Sting s, black slacks aallic gray pumps. Breakfast rong black coffee.

        After breakfast sogetained private suites, several on living spaces, a gym and a library. to love t probably related to some personal    if you spent most of your    of a sole you’d need easy access to a gym age. to one side of the house.

        o learn t tte’s    s a Japanese    of    infrequent visits to ive Japan. t urn up to ter a drunken nigoe    breakfast. Dante ern in tems Department    finisal eyes. Caldified ely.

        Getting into tions Room ting into Fort Knox. Several fingerprint, body and iris ss and multiple codes later teel-reinforced room    perer room at ions Room y except for Dante De itte.

        “Cad, man, I’ve set up a ing to one side of tifun desk    up.”


        “If you need anyt let me kno’s all o go.” t t toys-R-Us.

        “on’t be needing t. t satellite links to cyberspace,” Caldapping Kenzo’s sole under his arm.

        “S,” Dante said,    the door.

        Mei Lin and Cald at top in t and fiddled    o the device.

        Cald on t t    appeared from noivity iina and anotop. Caldapped on tactile sensation of to base. topped. Glypurned from t it    was using one of Glypions.

        hey Cad,

        me know.



        Cald Kat a quick reply:


        Arrived safely. All’s going acc to plan.



        in furto see tents of the message.

        Subject: I AM AtG YOU

        Cad Caldwell,

        I knoo. For your long-term o cease a. I ot be he sequences.

        “ be from?” Caldwell asked aloud.

        “ is it?”

        “Some anonymous t message. Let me ic trail.”

        Caldbase provider in Mumbai, India.    so many times t it ure. o t message and sed ted t it had e from Russia.

        “Sent from Russia, t making any sense,” o nobody in particular.

        “Could be a relay. A mask. An anonymizer.” Mei Lin suggested.

        “Most likely.”

        It took Caldes to breaco be ing from. ry for t    inated in Russia at all. It    from a domain in New a.

        “the in is in New a.”

        “Let me see,” Mei Lin said. Caldo arted to o t. Caldtempting to crack te force but noto be o base and cs. t for t. It abase.

        “But t’s impossible. traced my pass and killed it in tabase.”

        “tire    of cyberspace, some of t in tically ied t of intrusion terattack. try another one.”

        Cald in anot. tly more sopicated. tempt to s prese    t sniffed around open ports, t bot rojan t attempted to mimi ordinary user. It sed surrounding traffi ts and    found. IDEs ten t genuine users may ing t passo base. All s had disappeared.

        “S. My bots are all gone. Destroyed,” Calding anyt t particular moment.

        “ happen?”

        “Probably traced t and realized it base. It    a matter of sending in a remote query and ire database.”

        “Do you have a backup?”

        “Yes, I do but ts are not going to cut it.    you imagi an ordinary messaging server in Need? o find a secret his one look like child’s play?”

        “t’s    ime for tter get crag on terious work,” Mei Lin said.

        “Oells me ted. ening messages?”

        “OK. So w now?”

        “I ’s t a interect links to Cs ashes.

        “tronic Xceleunications Co. Ltd.”

        “Long name,” Caldwell observed.

        “t    for s. hy?”

        “ are ta being sucked into C’s systems?”


        “a ters?”

        “oral. hy?”

        “t’s w.”

        “Pardon me?”

        “I o see t . t may tell us . I    attempt to    it’ll take too long to break t of an Aes to proteg tside erects    IDEs proteg t systems but if I    use an auticated erminal t might be quicker.”

        “You realize ing, rigy at oigo my kno ting caug an option.”

        “I know. Do you ?”


        “And a veh a cyberspace sole?”


        “Great. t are ing for?”

        “Cad, I o talk to Fouler or at least De itte to autalki    caug ratospheric.”

        “e’ll be in and out in a matter of minutes. Calling Fouler e things.”

        “You better be sure about this Caldwell.”

        “trust me,” Caldense look.    even trust himself.