

        If t severe doom of Synesius be true,--"It is a greater offeo steal dead mens labor, t;--ers?

        I en    treme fedity of t es to pass t so many ure seems to ed teem ions. As a man travels on, s of    some very simple cause for some great matter of marvel. tions about t metropolis, to blunder upon a se eries of t, and at o ao my astonis.

        I ering t saloons of tis listlessness    to saunter about a museum in imes lolling over     times studying tian mummy, and some times trying, o preings on ty ceilings.    I    iion tracted to a distant door, at te of apartments. It    every ne-favored being, generally cloteal fort notig any of ts. tery about t piqued my languid curiosity, and I determio attempt t strait, and to explore to my    facility als of enced castles yield to turous knig. I found myself in a spacious c cases of venerable books. Above t u number of black-looking portraits of a aut tables, ands for reading and ing, at udious personages, p ily over dusty volumes, rummaging among mouldy manuscripts, and taking copious notes of tents. A illness reigerious apartment, excepting t you migs of paper, and occasionally ted ion to turless arising from t ulent to learned research.

        Noe sometake t of turn sly loaded omes, upon y. I    t I udy of occult sces. tale, of a p up in     an enced library, in tain,    at tal once more ss o be able to soar above titude, and to trol ture.

        My curiosity being no to leave terpretation e se before me. A fe for t terious personages,    of manufacturing books. I , in t Britision of volumes of all ages and languages, many of    of e literature to ;pure Englis; y rills of t.

        Being no, I sat docory. I noticed one lean, bilious-looking    t en volumes, printed in black letter. ly strug some ion, t    learned, placed upon a spicuous sable--but never read. I observed    of biscuit out of , and gna exion of tomaco udents to determine.

        ttle gentleman in brigenance, h his bookseller.

        After sideriively, I reized ier-up of miscellaneous rade. I o see ured ir and so various books, ?uttering over ts, taking a morsel out of one, a morsel out of anot;line upon line, precept upo, tle and ttle." tents of o be as erogeneous as tg, ;baboons blood," to make t;slab and good."

        After all, t I, may not tion be implanted in aut not be taken care t to age, in spite of table decay of t produced?

        e see t Nature o clime, in tain birds; so t animals, ter tly t, Natures carriers to disperse auate ies and ?s of a and obsolete aut up by ts of predatory ers, and cast forto ?ouris in a remote and distant tract of time. Many of tempsyodern play--and a sober preatise furnis is in t of stately pines, a progeny of dart up in trate trunk of a tree mouldering into soil, but it gives birto a wribe of fungi.

        Let us not t over to ers desd; t submit to t laure, er sed in tion, but    sion after geion, botable life, passes a tal principle is transmitted to posterity, and tio ?ouris aut is to say, olen.

        I    a pile of reverend folios.    o tions for to t of to tude arising from mu unlucky    of napping at improper times and places, ed, so it    I fell into a doze. Still, ion tinued busy, and iinued before my minds eye, only a little cails. I dreamt t till decorated raits of a aut t tables    t repository of cast-off clotreet. ies on to dreams, met it turned into a garment of fn or antique faso equip ticed,    no one preteo cloticular suit, but took a sleeve from one, a cape from anot from a t piecemeal, w from among his borrowed ?nery.

        tly, rosy, rived to slip on tle of one of to look exceedingly    te at naugrappings of leman     of several old court-dresses of trimmed ly from an illuminated manuscript, uck a nosegay in ;ty Devices," and    Sir P on one side of rutted off e air of vulgar elegance. A t of puny dimensions, ered    bravely racts of p , but ably tattered in rear, and I perceived t    a Latin author.

        tlemen, it is true,    eclipsing too, seemed to plate tumes of ters, merely to imbibe taste, and to catc; but I grieve to say, t too many    to array top to toe, in ted. I s omit to speak of one genius, in drab breecers, and an Arcadian , y to toral, but s of     Primrose udes of ts Park. oral poets, and,    about astical, lackadaisical air, "babbling about green ?eld." But t most struck my attention ical old gentleman in clerical robes,    bald ered turdy self-?dence, and, o, clapped it upon    majestically away in a formidable frizzled wig.

        In t of terary masquerade, a cry suddenly resounded from every side, of "t; I looked, and lo! traits about ted! t out, ?rst a ant upoo claim ty. t ensued baf?es all description. ts endeavored in vain to escape    be seen ripping a modern professor; on anotation carried into tic ers. Beaumont and Fletcor and Pollux, and sturdy Ben Jonsoed more eer o ttle piler of farragos mentioned some time since, tion of claimants about    troclus. I o see mao o look up o steal off o cover t t by tical old gentleman in t er     every turn some strip of raiment il in a fes, from o a little, pursy, "c," and made    ags and rags ?uttering at his back.

        tastrop I burst into an immoderate ?t of laugumult and t an end. ts usual appearao ture-frames, and y along t, I found myself    me onis. Not my burst of laug grave sanctuary, and so ab to to electrify ternity.

        tepped up to me, and demanded    I did not pre I soon found t terary "preserve," subjee-la no one must presume to    t special lise and permission. In a ood victed of being an arrant poaake a precipitate retreat, lest I s loose upon me.