首页《睡谷的传说》中文版THE INN KITCHEN.


        DURING a jour I once made t t er table de, so t I o make a solitary supper from ts ampler board. ted alone in one end of a great gloomy dining-room, and, my repast being over, I    before me of a long dull evening,    any visible means of enlivening it. I summoned mine    and requested someto read;    me terary stock of c dozing over one of tter, reading old neale criticisms, my ear ruck s of laugo proceed from tc ravelled on ti must kno tcry inn is to travellers, particularly in t equivocal kind of oo tco take a peep at t appeared to be so merry. It ly of travellers tendants and ed round a great burnisove, t migaken for an altar at c brigeamed and ea-kettle. A large lamp trong mass of lig many odd features in strong relief. Its yelloially illumiote ers, except ced back from ensils t gleamed from t of obscurity. A strapping Flemiss in    suspeo it, ess of temple.

        Many of t of tation. I found tes ures; at ts of    unceremonious laug temple of true liberty, an inn.

        As I ter mode of getting tedious blustering     evening, I took my seat ove, and listeo a variety of travellers tales, some very extravagant and most ver dull.

        All of treae, e. I fear,    derived its    t old, and tor.    old Sraveller. arnisravelling-jacket,    round , and a pair of overalls tons from to tewinkling eye.

        , and curled from under an old gree travelling-cap stu one side of errupted more ts or tors, and paused noo replenis wimes -maid.

        I ed tobacco-pipe formed of genuine ecume de mer, decorated assel,    of ted tory.