

        Alexander, Sam, and Edmund. Requesting permission to speak.

        Of course, said t is it?

        ell sir, said Alexander, some of thinking.

        Yes?    is it thinking?

        ell sir, said Alexahe men have a melancholy.

        Ohomas. hich?

        ell sir, I    is than a sourness.

        are toms?

        igo, singing in t and s side. Not eaost wo. Some hree. One has four.

        Me, Edmund said.

        Did I not double tion? thomas asked.

        You did, sir, you did, and eful. Yet --

        ell he issue?

        ell sir, I o t. thical.

        Oh my. Local eneral?

        ell sir, o be doin s a sizing, you might say.

        A w?

        A darkening of truth.

        truth and how darkened?

        ell sir, Alexander said, look at it t is t and all raggletailed and y and arnagled and June bein a bad monterprises and a bad monterprises accordin to tard like t,    is to say us t intustition t maybe t is not to e in terms of ter t czam tgun of kyotoadtop    antrictraterest, as ied by us paloots over maers of    but even a galoot o    o rial after? official inquiry? court of nation? ? ty pert? in excess of t figure? and searcer> our s as er lu for?    t t anding and for your    and for your    -- to put it in t form, we are dubious.

        An occasion. thomas rising.

        Your questions are good ones,    respond by relating ae. You are familiar I take it ime Martin Luttempted to s. I    you to do a piece for us." And    said, "No y. No ;

        You    turies all elep be in t get t, said Edmund.

        You see! t is! t simple. Error is al iions in takes. t d t do clear. You must be able to tolerate ty. to do oto jump shics-wise.

        I e ay, Edmund said. ilted it.


        is it?

        Paint ttle grenadine.

        Ill pass thomas said.

        You    resolved our dilemma, said Alexander. If you could give us a statement of purpose, no matter cake back to the boys.

        e are    period, t ting it.

        truck, as if by a t.

        It is, you might say, a rehearsal.