


        s you and me go out and t    to go out and t    to go out and t    to go out and ts cause you. . . Lets dont discuss it. It do. ell lets see, you dont    to go out and tio. You    to io? Sure you do. Sure you do. e gonna io t it fi are just about gonna fall out    you ime I    you t you to    straig aint difficult, any idiot    do it. A nigger    do it. ere gonna stick it to treet, to e, boy, ts    on a sigime, FLEE FROM tO E. Crazy guy goin doreet O E, it tickled me. ent round for days sayin it out loud to myself, flee from to e, flee from to e. Could outa my alkin bout God ts s all about, God, see boy, God. Its t try and    a s dont talk about it, gets me all pissed off. It fries my ass. Your mot s, see, and of course your mot s a little bit ape on t discuss it. S mine,    discuss it. Stle bit ape on t see, I dont blame    . ts    t straigs better. No form d you do    kid find t me anot stand    a mi. N form. Not t al. You ts rige, looks like a L. Like t mot ts so    t square, see? Okay no in takes.    StILL DAMN It.    in takes ?    still. C    square? Noill. Still. Okay. ts got it. remblin? Noto it, all you got to do is tle bitty piece of one-by-six straiges and you go into a fit? Noop t. Stop it. I said stop it. No take it easy. You like io, dontc t in out reet in. From green envy. Flee from to e, boy, flee from to e. he he.


        e. I    you ao tle talk. Youre turnin pale. urn pale alk? You delicate? Pore delicate little flo, youre a man, son, or    you got to ds    to talk to you about. No do ic book and e on over    by me. Sit rigable. Noable? Good. Son, I    to talk to you about your personal s. Your personal s. e aint alked about your personal s and nos time. I been cs are admirable. Yes t admirable. I like t to    to you. And I like teet, in t dire, and you brus. Yoin to    gonna o lay out no moo get your teets a blessing and , s to o    otle ttle t puzzles me. I been studyin bout it and I flat dont uand it. ime    en-ty, ten-forty, noteen minutes    varies. I been noti. ternoon ba ter supper and before you go to bed and sometimes you get up in t and go on in ttle prick, your little prick, cept you a stle prid besides you leave t kids close to play tle pricks but you leave it open. So I see you in t youre doin, youre    and son, you spend bout ters of your le bit strange about t, son. It aint natural. So    to knoion? ell,    you?    anyto say on t? ell, ter? Youre just sittin t you got to say for yourself? s tion? No    do you no good to start , son, t dont . I said stop it! Im goin to op . No t out. te. No it out. Goddamn baby. e on no a to talk to you some more. as dont do t ot ba    quick. I    to talk to you bout bumpin your ill bumpin your    to sleep. I dont like it. Youre too old to do t. It disturbs me. I    o bed, bump bump bump bump bump bump bump bump bump. Its disturbing. Its monotonous. Its a very disturbing sound. I dont like it. I dont like listenin to it. I    you to stop it. I    you to get a like to    noise o read tever Im doin, I dont like to    and it bot gets    and I dont like your moto be all upset, just on ata you. Bump bump bump bump bump bump bump bump bump,    figure you out, kid. I just flat t uand it, bump bump bump bump bump bump bump. Duddent c c t rigalk some more. And dont do none of t ot es.

        Fat cubes,    be climbed over, . t;past," and very likely t of as t aodating maneuver you make to escape notice, et by unscattempt to go around one, you    anot t) eriously appeared at trail. Or maybe it is ternity. Look closely at color aure. Is t square bloarble similar in color aure to a slice of rare roast beef? Your very fat try to draoo many clusions from t and correct. Some fato dress up in black robes and go out and give as, adding to tole, and alb, in reverse order. Of t;fat; I s speak, except to end tion and sacrifice, especially t;franking privilege," or t male cer yourself: Franklin Ed desirable. If you    get your lariat around one of    several times around your saddle rained roping    to do, o plant    feet and teps, keeping t taut, t try to rope bot time; trate on t. Do t    tousk of a    I reized it at o s o. I am pleased o    t father. . .

        If your fato t be a king, but ain, in ed and surly to be Camelots, and tiers, to be elevated or depressed in rank acc to test ;up" or "do; at a particular moment; one is a feating, one o stand. Of ter, but uand t fatly in to t sucimes, or earlier, before ty scimitar or yatags scabbard. ttitude tooad, lickspittle, smell-feast, carpet kniguft-er.    escape to trees, ge, and stay doil daime o a sleep, and you may creep a    been taken a cook id put it a case, you may suck your thumb.

        trusted, mostly, ioribes, (2) as a catc rivets , and (5) for carrying one er of an eiger-square mirror tys streets. Dun-colored fatend to s obstacles, and t    a fat obstacles, and inual so grease. tnut-colored fatation for ded good sense; if God ands o take out , ;No, t; ty-ut fat-ut fatandard-ut fato t, ing dances, is being able and are employed most often ions, lync-sorrel fatio s of tions, tly be a blond-sorrel fat to take telescopic sigs mangled promise, and    s, sucimes ripe doo t of tail: it is because er Beauty, and tiful ripe,    it. Red roan-colored fated for ba    in fat is its os, paints, pintos, piebalds and Appaloosas    dignity    senses of smell. t an absolute guide to ter and duct of t fat tends to be a self-fulfilling prop color ens out into to sell moods and services, so t iny.

        Faters, ters are for dandling, and are often dandled up until tee be faced, is t t to sleep iful dauger all    even , in a    even    deliistress is not. Some fat say "Publis; and go aers, and accept e after do not. Most fatly disciplined in tal straps, so t tion never arises. ers t;; instru (t is to say, talking to t tive process) (but t often done by mot is true t a subtle rinse of desire may be tinting tuation sligting on your lap it is o knoop, it is o stop yourself from proceeding as if s related to you by blood). But in most cases, taboo is observed, and additional strictures imposed, suc;Mary, you are o allo filto lay a e, ne." Alte dire, toure, saying, "y-gallon drum of babykilling foam, ials stamped on it in a darker blue, see? top." But tant t daug, as fat t. Not to ters, I dont mean -- I er-stories t oast your    to ters see t exion, and t relief. t o tead, to take a milder, gentler o all tives t fatem of a slap is an example). to say more t faters is beyond me, even ter.

        A tongue-las;eousness and eousness and urned aside into vain jangling and ealer and liar and perjured person and o ing and rife ions and    into s and or of evil tentiousness and obeyed slanderousness and terness and    an open sepulced aed lears, and o s pressed by lovers clotains and rulers, desirable young men, s of y and poured ted upon tains and rulers clot geously, iplied    lords and rulers clot    of it and under    set empty on t t may be    and may burn and t t may be molten in it, t t may be ed, for ye    scum    not fort of you, your scum sake a t old you t;

        ty-teen are important. t important. t important. t important, for our purposes. tain fation.    toucs are selltales. tes of mad dogs, a rates.    is , oioravagaient, s exploitation of tional, t, tic! ticed Romantidencies in several of aken to    against terest rates. After all ric guitars untable! Falling, t, resolved not tain on t    seem to be doing so    t. to do: ;dourn" t o be in, s, really put o it, time. tant because ;; ; situted, as soon as possible. Peering sky ling, let us simply srampoliry and catce again on top of ters, in the garage.

        to find a lost fat problem in finding a lost fato lose en en     still be "lost" irue sense, locked aion of beauty, or in templation of a secret life. , leaving beable, a sealed laundry bag iemporarily, sometimes forever. Fatly lost on expeditions of various kinds (to terior). t places to seek t fats Land, Mount Elbrus, Paris, and tation in en lose t, broad-leaved forest mainly evergreen, broad-leaved forest mainly deciduous, mixed needle-leaved and broad-leaved forest, and tundra. t seen are caftans, buss, parkas, federate gray, and ordinary business suits. Armed isement in t, in Paris, on or about February 24, a broad-leaf-loving fat;, an, may be armed and dangerous,    knoo ted tile exercise, you are to t ant. Do you really    to find t if, one    o believe t it , once again, flas tempting to determine is simple: Under ions do you em of ; Do you co t quarter of t tury? I dont t ake t tend, to Boro Borneo. Perem of, etc., but    be brave enougo manufacture, t ting a belc to say. Beating you, eit, knotted ra empty c table. Give thanks.

        On tty bad, t     me and my men got t,    as bad as it mig    colors, yello put a frigo t t quit, tars and meano    some of t to t to flank t t some people over to prevent just t and my men got into a fire fig patrol, no oto do t employ a frontal assault,    it took t tio    at time. e ed t, to t and linked up y broke off tact as I ructed a of it pretty s all. e turned immediately to task of bandaging     our medics    or uttered a sound, not a ook place at t arm, just above t some pickets til to    uro our o    for t time. I t    e rescue.

        ttacked lers, giant fat men in loinclotered c loinen fled. I ;Genevieve, O; All ts gat, and some enlisted men too -- some enlisted men    for a long time. t, in to t. ever terrible t menaces , t you are t. For a moment. t in your life you his way.

        traditionally ion of t "clubbable," as t not most of time. Most of time t;at rest." In t;at rest" position t sers aprons, cs, or ordinary trousers. Actually t anyt you    to sate, t times, resides in ots of tips, rig in ter,    permission to see it. t sed, once. But only in tion is not present. Yes, let ouc (lig briefly. Do not permit o linger et too ied. Be matter-of-fact, kind, and undramatic. Pretend, for t, t it is as mundane as a big toe. And t unseemly e, cover it up again. Remember t so "touc," not ""; tin is important. About sons you must use your o. It is injudicious (as o terrify t. C doing any of t, titillated by some stray erotic observation, suctractive female    of its slipper, ker let drop. Semi-ereess is a otle kne is . tificers could not bear totles disapproval, and mutilated t t Peripatetic. tion t tilation    by later () "up squads" is untrue, pure legend. tter is as I ed it. ted, mad, fully erect penis so ted it, for ion. Many ot tely described by ot superior to t because of size or    sort but because of a metap;responsibility." true even of poor, bad, or iifacts reflect tuation. Pre-bian artifacts, for t part, do not.

        thers are named







        Bat Qol



















        I kne Souto be a principled man and never, never, e any of ter ate of    the children, one by one, disappeared.

        e    t;responsibility." First, t    fall do turn into a yielding pit beunneling fatimes responsible, in tter). ty of t    die, t enougo its face to sustain it, and t s protect it from tting air. t als ty eadfastness (except in tly, lives and groo a . Good! ten task, t of keeping taken ribe, ed o t t sless    in jail. But iced t curl at t you? It means t     you to name    means t    pant leg, and a baling    pant leg, and is ready to kill you unity. taken aback.    ation, is "I ctle snot." t t to say. First, it is not true (mot of ten), and sed, it instantly reminds Sam II of s not it,    being    no, not t eit being ti e it,    notice.

        turo taken toget a definition of t of uro t because t is    it may be deo you. transfers of poe ceremoop s are burned. Fat deal en t memory is more pote movement, mental or p    do you bee yourself? Never, ion in your inner ear is    "perk" and no fat by.

        Similarly, jealousy is a useless passion because it is directed mostly at ones peers, and t is tion. t is useful and important, the inal jealousy.

        Patricide: Patricide is a bad idea, first because it is trary to laom and sed because it proves, beyond a doubt, t ted accusation against you : you are a tricide! -- member of a class of persons universally ill-regarded. It is all rigo feel t emotion, but not to act upon it. And it is not necessary. It is not necessary to slay your fatime ual certainty. Your true task lies elsewhere.

        Your true task, as a son, is to reproduce every one of ties tou attenuated form. You must bee your fat a paler,    close study o perform t o, and calmed fevers. Your tribution    be a small one, but "small" is one of ts t you s for. If your fatain in Battery D, tent yourself tery. Do not attend t drink beer or sing songs at t of a mirror, for ty minutes a day. tie your y minutes a day, et someone else to do t deeply    your o do . Friends elepo backslide. You see ttern, put it into practice. Fat quered, at least "turned do; in tion -- by ts of all of us together.

        Seems a little hey had finished reading.

        Yes it does seem a little homas.

        Or pers not harsh enough?

        It , as to o be too o be not harsh enough.

        I e relativists, so the fire.