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        It AS NOt UNtIL tURY


        ORt OF thE





        tOLStOY. . .

        IN e removed , and t, and ts remained. Standing by te regarded s, by pointing ;ell, o t t t t all, but t on occurrences, like going to tic jet aircraft. But ret events, or lack of events,    let us take stock. ts, my oill stand delicately arunk, as to do. And trunk itself is not unappealing. In fact trunk is a rat of ties. t belly! tunning arse, in tant knees. I    praise for tment! But my curly mind inct from alted to tious body. ty of my existeo bots of t and t. Altly kno my body is my mind. t acts sometimes, spontaneously and sdalously self into tuations, cy-t trust anybody over t is    and speak to some eleven-year-olds, noo refres; Sno;Not t Ive ever seen. But not t."

        BOBBLE yle t, I dont kno like, and too. I    t in terms of mettle er like a fire escape.    imidities. t muc alk to ;All rig    o go out into tion posters. e o stop voting, so pull doers. Lets get all treets and out of our elective offices. e are not going to vote any more, no matter en trucks and statesmanlike gestures. Pull dorucks. Pull dostretg urned out to be a damned imperti    to do any     to do, t do it o o save up all our votes for t ty years and spend t oime. Maybe by t day tentative air, go out and o go aient, and you are our crument. e are not particularly proud of you, but you exist, in s is enougtractive, Bobble, and so are your peers t ask. Get going."

        Uree, Paul stood looking t Snos. "God Almig; Paul said to ;Its a good t occurred to me to stand uree and look ts a good tery. Its a good t." Paul read tten on Snos. "S like one of time to time on Bourbon Street in Need areas of oties. Iimes forced by to put on marb. But    garb, ts, laovements. . . Dang is diverting if you are c ick dang at oime. t. But tick. ick-dang critic,    kind of stiy more. tick of cal tal, I fet . I said, fuck off, buddy, leave me alone ick, tiy yout I became dissatisfied    stick, subjected as it    time to tiny of a first-rate intelligence. I sublet tick. And t is ; Paul looked again at t of Sno;Looking t. test t o me in all my days. S, s." Paul savored tness of ion, the window.