Goldmund kne oo rest and spend t in one of to until tomorroaed to it. It did not taste on ter day; it smelled strongly of , aness of it, its great expas merciless f and sooto .
il tired. My riding days are over, . Otle snoa fused e sileretco t poor, anguis? bitterly sorry for of enderly as ed under a bare, lonely ased marsiff-legged, ood up, forced o a brisk pace; t of to be drot across t ao a question of tions, no matter e aiful; it ion of keeping alive, of reac for t in time, of getting table en or a fox, and not giving out too soon, in tant.
ant ing knife in and slipped off ts stable; stubbornly it ed, actual fear, but very tense and curious, beating faster. For a sed a t s t;If I killed t; But ery eyes and to laugo murder to of stone. ed enderly patted s neck; it reized ely.
"; he asked.
"to you," laugeet;Youve run a good distance. I t stay; Im only o give yards and t;
&quards from w;
"From Lady Lydia. ell, you certainly gave us a nasty day, Master Goldmund, I o get a not kno Ive been gone, and could e my neck. ;
ook it.
"I say, o s t you mig;
"Bread? I mig." s and pulled out a piece of black bread. ted to ride off again.
"; asked Goldmund. "Didnt stle letter?"
"Not. torm at told me to give you t to get bao;
"All rig, just a moment more! Say, let me ing knife? Ive only a small one. —it ter if I ;
But . o Master Goldmund. But part for money, nor a s even if Saint Genevieve in person asked . to get a move on, and everything.
ter range pain in . t calfs-leat ogetted undervest of tly Lydia into tuto t. tten message. ood in ts in ook off and slipped into tted vest; it felt pleasantly , , and tinued ime o rest; ired. But feel like going to t ing and being asked questions. t in tinued on m, in frost and so long marcs ers; for many days loneliness and melanc.
t in a village, ures aed , t o e and o do finally, except time nessed a birtonis t any rate t remarkable to of torcared curiosity into truck by someted: torted face tle different from t of loves ecstasy. true, t pain and disfiguring timate passion—but essentially it different, it ly grinning tra, tiniraculously, uanding pain and joy could resemble eacher so closely.
A anoted village. ter to to tioning of ayed a sed nig time in many ation and disappoi illed. to a neor, w and half like a highway robber.
Viktreeted in, claiming to be a traveling student, alt udent years. ed beard and treated Goldmund ain iness and quickly he younger man.
to Goldmunds questions, ;By my destitute soul, I ed enougo Cologne and to Paris, aation at Leyden. Siard t I am, ions, my dear soul tortured by immeasurable . Viktor, t terror, tea to young rig sausages out of y belly. My goal is t co avoid tion of dedig myself to tiresome profession of arc is better, my dear young colleague, to live from o mouter all, a roasted better tomacs t I lend erday ted as fatried to misuse me in order to save tarved , you, my dear colleague, ing acquaintance. In saecula sae, amen."
Goldmund ill unfamiliar in of t a bit scared of tly rascal a t t did please o tiing or trutably stroo fear. But before tinuing tor ed to speak a bit of Latin to t, and installed s. folloiund of a farmor from to , cted uck o every stable and kitc seem o leave before eacoll and a tribute. old ts about taly and sang, beside ttle of Pavia. is and loose teeto to knoo uffed above t full to bursting s, and dried pears ts ed to en, and ion, speak broken Latin and play t moment impress tale or learalk cable dra urer ter struggle for a meager, dangerous existence. So t became of people one day?
t m, as t time Goldmund aste of oget to learn from Viktor. Applying everyto ti, and a source of food—inct or. y of ation by almost invisible signs, even in er; at nigo i every nook and y in forest or field as a potential resting or sleeping place; to sense instantly, upoering a room, ty or misery of tedness, or y, or fear—tricks ive t like to approac of vie, altricks, ality upon . Lanky Viktor laug;ell sure, little Goldmund, you may not o, youre so young and pretty, you look so i, your face is a good reendation. t a fly. But look tle brots older, ts and before you kno you are an ugly, un, and instead of yout aring out of your eyes. At t point youve got to be to t I dont t youll be running around for too long anyoo delicate and your curls too pretty, youll crao cloister or some beautifully ed ing room. And your clotaken for a squire."
Still laug; of old of ay at ts ing Latin. Viktor ed to knoer, and Goldmund, omed to lying, told tle about ts t quarrel. Viktoldmund an inparable fool for tle and to t situation o be remedied, o t. t tle; of coldmund could not be seen t to o e a little letter to Lydia, saying t, and or, ake it to tle and, by t e back a little somet, money and loot. And so on. Goldmund refused and finally became violent; to tter, nor did ell Viktor t or to tle.
or sa; ;dont bite your teet! Im merely telling you t youre letting a good catot very nid brot you dont to, youre a nobleman, youll return to your castle on a ing s all rigs oes off."
Goldmund remained grumpy and silent until evening, but si day, efully let Viktor pick a place for t, let rees at t and make a bed e bread and cors full pockets. Goldmu asried to be polite and for t. to take turns keeping c took over t vigil ime Goldmund stood quietly a fir trunk in order not to keep t cold and began to pace. greater and greater distances, saips of firs jut so t tly aer nig beat lonely in tly bad listeo t a le, or cloister ile ars, among tt, steady trees.
No, , or, even if of o learn Viktors . Per of ected, terious beauty and eeriness; again and again o listen to tbeat sounded anguising. Fears o be moving.
After a long time Viktor a like ; ;your turn to orro;
Goldmund obeyed; ret tremely tired but did not fall asleep. s kept s, a feeling admit to rust t o do o old ter and brazen beggar, about Lydia. unity to get rid of him.
After an or bent over s and seams; Goldmund froze move, ;Go a;
and squeezed. Goldmund fougried to get up, but Viktor pressed . Goldmund could ly free to slip one , pull out ing knife, and rangling times into t , Vikto; t deeply, o sit up; limp and soft, o a op of ly sigo sit up. In t to ouced t fell back, like a bag. Blood spilled from and neck; from in delirious, weakening sighs.
"No Goldmund. Again and again it, as over t;Dear Mot; he heard himself say.
Suddenly bear to stay a moment longer. across t s as he could.
t for anot, aimless and anguis of ance.
Lost in ted, sno ser, a pat food and almost sleep, o a bottomless despair. ; several times exion overcame t o fall asleep, to die in t again and again somet. Desperately, greedily ed and intoxicated in t of bitter by trengt to die, by trous force of to live. it-blue iny, dried-up berries off ttle, bitter stuff, togetaste ingly s . Breato iff on top of t. Avidly : not , no trace of a t going to feed on as long as trengt in up and resumed ion and ultimate effort. Stras took ions , noor, o deato ;ell, my s e , or tear off ail, or ed to steal my gold piece, you old guzzler! But little Goldmout ickled you in till uffed pig!" ed triump ered, tupid braggart!
But after a urned aor. iful little Julie, as s nigless endearments to ried to seduake o o make goo ride up to moment before tle breasts, he blond kinky hair under her arms.
trotting tiff, stumbling legs, drunk riump o live, o o ions, insights, and ironies.
"Are you scared, Narcissus," o ;are you sieted friend, ts on every feands beree. Building ories and c keep deat; deat you er under your y dles at tar, say your evening prayers and your m prayers, gatory, collect books in your libraries. Are you fasting, dear friend? Are you depriving yourself of sleep? rip you to t as you , deaty in t your boay t to escape, t to stay and belly, our poor little scraps of brains under our skulls! It all s to bee free, it all s to go to tting in trees, ts."
all sense of dire; knorees; falling, trong in pulled . time, it tle village in an a feood about alked, yet ook pity. Let o table.
It long before . table, sleep, and ts milk to drink revived rengt all ret events ime or, ter nigruggle on ts lost and cold and . fotten it; alt , it also precious, somet unfettable, an experience, a taste on tongue, a ring around t. Is, ter deat. For days of t, of t days in fear of deato deatiro emotion of all, tra, kno feeling tiful, terrifying force, tenacity of life inside one during t desperate struggle. It ec remaic, as did tures and expressions of ecstasy t so mucures and expressions of birt nig or ly and quickly ! O deat, ruck deat mortal fear, asy o be lived t seemed to alk about it h no one else.
came to raable, . it during terrible, umbling marc about it for a long time. to t lost. Money meant little to s value. But tant to from Lydia t or, soaked in Viktors blood. And t Viktor; or because of it. If t, t gly niger muc it, woman.
"e," o ;I , and nos no lo;
"Oiced?" s delig e of his weakness.
" a strange boy you are," senderly. "So intelligent and refined, a so stupid. Does one run around t? Ora;
"You did? ?"
"Find it," s e a face, and ried o situde. Soon o o move on, but s day turning milder t. And so it ime , tness. he spring winds groan.