首页特斯拉晚年研究成果有哪些V. The Magnifying Transmitter

V. The Magnifying Transmitter

        As I revies of my past life I realize le are t sinies. An i of my youto illustrate. One er''s day I mao climb a steep mountain, in pany e deep and a    just suitable for our purpose. e amused ourselves by tain distance, gatried to outdo one anoting sport. Suddenly a ball o go beyond t, so enormous proportions until it became as big as a o t made tremble. I looked on spellbound, incapable of uanding ure of to suc time tion of feeble as fasated me, and ook up tal study of mecrical resonance, I erested from tart.    Possibly,    not been for t early pole spark I obtained    iion, true ory of ime.

        Not a feets, but dominated by a pedantic spirit and nearsiged t excepting tion motor I o ttle of practical use. take. A    be judged by its immediate results. My alternating system of poransmission came at a psyc, as a long-sougo pressing industrial questions, and altance o be overe and opposing is reciled, as usual, trodu could not be long delayed. Nouation    fronting my turbine, for example. One s so simple aiful an iion, possessing maures of an ideal motor, sed at ond, undoubtedly, it ions. But tive effect of tating field    to render ing macrary, it o give it additional value. tem lent itself to neerprise as o improvement of turbine is an advance of a cer entirely different. It is a radical departure in t its success    of tiquated types of prime movers on    needs be slo impediment is entered in ted in ts by anized opposition.

        Only tening experie, orical Engineering at Yale. I    seen ime and o unity for a little c at my office. Our versation naturally enouged on my turbine and I became ed to a t," I exclaimed, carried aure, "my turbine -engines in tt stroked fully, as tal calculation.    "t e a pile of scrap,"     another word!

        tions of mine, eps forain dires. In evolving to improve t devices    any special t of our far more imperative ies. transmitter"    of labors extending t tion of problems ant to mankind trial development.

        If my memory serves me rig    I performed a laboratory experiment raordinary and spectacular ever recorded in tigating ts I isfied myself t aric field of suffit iy could be produced in a room to ligrodeless vacuum tubes. Accly, a transformer    to test t trial proved a marvelous success. It is difficult to appreciate range p at t time.    e crave for neions but soon bee indifferent to terday are today on occurrences. ubes    publicly exed t impossible to describe. From all parts of t invitations and numerous tering is o me, which I deed.

        But in 1892 tible and I    to London itution of Electrical Engineers. It ention to leave immediately for Paris in pliance ion, but Sir James Deed on my appearing before titution. I    succumbed easily to ts of t San. o a c s of iridest colors and tasted like ar. "Noing in Faraday''s co drink." In bots it    evening I gave a demonstration before t Institution, at termination of art in ter from Paris to escape favors so my    painful ordeal and illness. Upaining my o formulate plans for tion of o t time I never realized t I possessed any particular gift of discovery but Lord Rayleig    t I srate on some big idea.

        One day, as I ains, I souger from an approa. t someil, all of a sudden, tning flass after a deluge. tio me t    t t, and a little refle led me to t trical energy involved in tation of ter ion of lig of a sensitive trigger.

        upendous possibility of ac. If ric effects of ty, t and tions of existen it could be transformed.    ter of t to distant regions ate of most delicate balance. If it o upset it aining stream could be at rolled. e could irrigate arid deserts, create lakes and rivers and provide motive poed amounts. t effit ion depended on our ability to develop electric forces of ture. It seemed a aking, but I made up my mind to try it and immediately on my return to ted States, in to me all ttractive, because a means of transmission of energy    wires.

        t gratifyi ained in tensions of about 1,000,000 volts    . Steady progress il tru of my laboratory by fire in 1895, as may be judged from an article by t. C. Martin y set me ba many    of t year o be devoted to planning and restru. ances permitted, I returo task.

        Alt ro-motive forces tainable us of larger dimensions, I inctive perception t t could be aplisively small and pact transformer. In carrying os    spiral, as illustrated in my patents, treamers surprised me, and it    long before I discovered t to tion of turns and tual a. Profiting from tion I resorted to tension ductor urns of siderable diameter suffitly separated to keep doributed capacity, ime preventing undue accumulation of t any point. tion of to produce pressures of 4,000,000 volts,    obtainable in my neory at on Street. A pograpransmitter ublisrical Review of November, 1898.

        In order to advance furto go into ted preparations for tion of a , I    to Colorado s and refis o gee currents of any tension t may be desired. terested ion in regard to ts I ducted ticle, "tury Magazine of June, 1900, to which I have referred on a previous occasion.

        I RICAL EXPERIMEo be quite explicit on t so t my young friends among tand tru and operation of my "Magnifying transmitter" and t is intended. ell, t place, it is a resonant transformer s, co a ential, are of siderable area and arranged in space along ideal enveloping surfaces of very large radii of curvature, and at proper distances from one anotric surface density everyor is bare. It is suitable for any frequency, from a feo many tion of currents of tremendous volume and moderate pressure, or of smaller amperage and immeromotive force. trision is merely depe on ture of ts are situated and tter.

        Judging from my past experience, as mucs are perfectly practicable. On ts of many tained in tenna. A plant of but very moderate dimensions is required for sucically, a terminal of less t in diameter is suffit to develop aromotive force of t magnitude s of from 2,000-4,000 amperes at t need not be larger t in diameter.

        In a more restricted meaning transmitter is one in ion is airely negligible quantity as pared ion tor is extremely small and an enormous cored in ted capacity.    Suc may ted    inuous oscillations like ternator.

        taken in t significe of term,    is a resonant transformer ely proportioo fit ts electrical stants and properties, by virtue of ive in transmission of energy. Distance is tely elimiion iy of transmitted impulses. It is even possible to make tions increase ance from t acc to a matical law.

        tion em" of ransmission o ercialize on my return to e purposes of my enterprise, tlined in a tecatement of t period from we:

        "tem'' ed from a bination of several inal discoveries made by tor in tinued researcation. It makes possible not only tantaneous and precise ransmission of any kind of signals, messages or cers, to all parts of t also ter-e of ting telegrapelepations    any c equipment. By its means, for instance, a telepalk to any ot bigger tco listen any.    ted merely to give an idea of ties of t stific advance, and makes t perfeatural ductor, ty    of t any device capable of being operated t a distance obviously restricted)    likeuated,    artificial ductors and y and accuracy, at distao    only irely ion be opened up by transmission but tly extended. ”

        tem”is based on tion of tant iions and discoveries:

        1. tesla transformer”    tus is in tion of electrical vibrations as revolutionary as gunpos many times stroed in t long, or rument of this kind.

        2. transmitter”    tesla''s best iion, a peculiar transformer specially adapted to excite transmission of electrical energy elescope is in astronomical observation. By t up electrical movements of greater iy tning and passed a current, suffit to lighe Globe.

        3. tesla ireless System”    tem prises a number of improvements and is transmitting eically electrical energy to a distance    ests and measurements in e al station of great activity, erected by tor in Colorado, rated t po    be veyed, clear across t exceeding a fe.

        4. t of Individualization”    tion of tesla''s is to primitive ''tuning'' o unarticulated expression. It makes possible transmission of signals or messages absolutely secret and exclusive botive and passive aspect, t is, non-interfering as erferable. Eacakable identity and tually no limit to tations or instrumeest mutual disturbance.

        5. terrestrial Stationary aves”    t to electrical vibrations of defic as a tuning fork to certain icular electrical vibrations, capable of poing to innumerable uses of great importanercially and in many ots.

        t“orld-System”po    be put iion in nine mont it icable to attairical activities up to ten million    is desigo serve for as many tecs as are possible    due expense.    Among tioned:

        1. ter-e of ting telegraphe world;

        2. tablis of a secret and non-interferable goverelegraph service;

        3. ter-e of all t telephe Globe;

        4. tribution of general neelegrapelepion he Press;

        5. tablis of sucem”of intelligeransmission for exclusive private use;

        6. ter-e and operation of all stock tickers of the world;

        7. tablis of a“orld-System”of musical distributioc.;

        8. tration of time by g tronomical precision and requiring no attention wever;

        9. transmission of typed or ten cers, letters, cc.;

        10. tablis of a universal marine serviabling tors of all so steer perfectly    pass, to determi location, o prevent collisions and disasters, etc.;

        11. tion of a system of ing on land and sea;

        12. tion of pograpures and all kinds of drawings or records.

        I also proposed to make demonstrations in transmission of po suffit to carry vi. Besides to otant applications of my discoveries ure date.

        A plant    on Long Island o erminal about 68 feet in diameter. te for transmission of virtually any amount of energy. inally only from 200 to 300 K..    I inteo employ later several transmitter o emit a id I eleprol of any amount of energy.

        toroyed t my projects are being developed and anotures, ructed. On tradict ted report t tructure ions, miged prejudi t kno ty years ago ferred upoizens in a safe, ions are packed arunks. If t ion I ion of torary it erest of t to preserve it, particularly as it ion just one valuable result—tion of a submarine in any part of t, services, and all my improvements    tbreak of t I    a sacrifi several iions of miing to aerial navigation, sransmission    importao try. t my ideas iories of ted States and I am not a tor unate as myself especially as regards ts in t before as it seemed improper to dters wrouble.

        I    Mr. J. Pierpont Man did not i    in t in    o tter and it o expect frard for my attais and gave me every evidence of e faity to ultimately ac I    out to do. I am uno accord to some small minded and jealous individuals tisfa of ed my efforts. to me noty disease. My project arded by laure. t prepared for it. It oo far aime. But t a triumphal success.