For a o tense enjoyment of picturing mac al state of as plete as I errupted stream and ty I o . tus I ceived o me absolutely real and tangible in every detail, even to te marks and signs of antly running, for io mind''s eye a more fasating sigural ination develops into a passionate desire, one advaoually all types of motors and modifications of tem ties of existenanded a temporary to tivity of the mind.
I came to Budapest prompted by a premature report ing teleperprise and, as irony of fate , I o accept a position as draftsman in tral telegrap at a salary to disclose! Fortunately, I soo of tor-in-Cer employed on calculations, designs aimates in e allations, until teleparted, valuable and t gave me ample opportunities for tive faculties. I made several improvements in tral Station apparatus and perfected a teleper or amplifier ed or publicly described but able to me even today. In reition of my effit assistaaking, Mr. Puskas, upon disposing of , offered me a position in Paris wed.
I never fet t magic city produy mind. For several days after my arrival I roamed treets in utter be of tacle. ttras ible, but, alas, t as soon as received. ting along in tuation accurately in tatement t "t ty-nine days of toug!" I led a ratrenuous life in ermed "Rooseveltian fas. Marcel, o ter, loop t ty-seven times and to reacory ed. t at seven o''clod t ts for tcimate friend and assistant of Edison. act o tion and one of tment, offered to form a stopany. to me ical in treme. I did ception of meant except t it , feo travel from oo anoto cure ts. On my return to Paris I submitted to one of trators of tunity. My success e and ted directors accorded me tomatic regulators which were much desired.
Sly after trouble ing plant tation in Strassburg, Alsace. tive and on t of a t-circuit rig refused to take t and t of my kno experience, I rusted task of straig matters and early in 1883 I to Strassburg on t mission.
Some of ts in t city an indelible record on my memory. By a curious ce, a number of men time. In later life I used to say: "teria of greatness in t old to t I escaped!" tical me preoccupied day and nig, as soon as I o manage I uook tru of a simple motor in a mece tation, erial for t purpose. tion of t year ion of seeing rotation effected by alternating currents of different p sliding tacts or utator, as I e pleasure but not to pare revelation.
Among my ney, Mr. Bauzin, ions of mine and o enlist. ed to me and put my project before several , to my mortification, found no response. ed to of July, 1919, o remind me of a form of "assistance" I received from t ancial but ed. In 1870, of St. Estepo t o e t precious beverage. ttable is to urn to Paris as soon as possible and seek support to do but my iations racted oo all sorts of petty obstacles I entered so t at times tuation seemed hopeless.
Just to give an idea of German tion lamp of 16 c.p. o be placed in a ing tion I ordered teur to run ter o be sulted and tter made several objes but ultimately agreed t t Ior Averdeck sified. t important person called, iigated, debated, and decided t ted back t long, cold feet or ter and t I s or o free ies but at last ered urned and said to me: "Regierungsraticular t I dare to give an order for plag t approval." Accly arras for a visit from t great man arted ing up and polis on my gloves and ing to a pla to put t spot which I had inally chosen,
So it day after day ions, but I ermio ad in ts ed, t formally accepted, and I returo Paris icipations. One of trators ion in case I succeeded, as ion of ts I o realize a substantial sum. trators B leman t t only C could decide and tter e sure t A alone o act. After several laps of t da my rele in Spain.
tter failure of my attempts to raise capital for developme and o go to America ermio try my fortunes in t t. I liquefied my modest assets, secured aodations and found myself at tation as train . At t moment I discovered t my money and tickets o do ion. y of time to deliberate but I o decide e feelings surging in my brain like denser oscillations. Resolve, erity, in time and upon passing trivial as unpleasant, I mao embark for Nes of my belongings, some poems and articles I ten, and a package of calculatioing to solutions of an unsolvable integral and to my flying mac most of time at tern of tity to save somebody from a ery grave, test t of danger. Later ion and marvelled at my former folly.
ting in my life. I t early advantages and stific training, udied a dozen languages, delved in literature and art, and my best years in libraries reading all sorts of stuff t fell into my on''s "Principia" to t t most of my life it did not take long before I reized t it t came about in this way.
test passeeamer at t time, s ligs sailing ructure after tallation it o remove t ruments aboard tayed for t. tion, -circuits and breaks, but ance of tting t five o''clo to t Edison ing o retire. " nigold I me in silend anot ime on I ing til 5 o''clock t m a day''s exception. Edison said to me: "I ants but you take ty-four different types of standard mac cores and of uniform pattern ion of task but it turned out to be a practical joke. tion.
Immediately ter some people approapany under my o y to develop tor, but o my t care for ternating current of yours." In 1886 my system of arc liged and adopted for factory and municipal lig ifully engraved certificate of stock of ical value. truggle in t fitted, but tesla Electripany ory and facilities. tors I built tly as I tempt to improve t merely reproduced tures as to my vision and tion ed.
In t of 1888 an arra ingure of tors on a large scale. But great difficulties ill to be overe. My system s and tings ed 133 cycles of seg advantages in transformation. t to depart from tandard forms of apparatus and my efforts o be trated upon adapting tor to tions. Anoty o produce a motor capable of running effitly at two wires w easy of aplis.
At ttsburg being no longer essential, I returo Neal ory on Grand Street, ru in te peculiar and I entered many difficulties. I rejected tor type, fearing t it mig yield perfect sio resonant a. not been for t deal of labor. Anoture of ternator seemed to be tancy of speed o impose serious limitations to its use. I ed in my demonstrations before titution of Electrical Engi several times tune , ating readjustment, and did not yet foresee, ering a mac a speed stant to suc to vary more tion of one revolutioremes of load.
From many otions it appeared desirable to i a simpler device for tion of electric oscillations. In 1856 Lord Kelvin no practical application of t important knoies and uook t of indu apparatus on to enable me to ex at my lecture in 1891 a coil giving sparks of five inc occasion I frankly told t involved in transformation by t iigation s no matter air, ream of eles, t is a la from a certaiically do to t is immaterial insofar as t of unately fatal as by proper proportioning of t circuits an efficy of 85 per t is attainable. Since my early annou of tion it o universal use as. But a still greater future as it.
ained po tiny spark I observed in my Grand Street laboratory and ions akin to t ing magic field.