At teered t institution. I of pific apparatus, electrical aions and experiments performed from time to time by tructors fasated me and edly a poive to iion. I ely fond of matical studies and often ion. to my acquired facility of visualizing tions, not in tuitive manner, but as in actual life. Up to a certain degree of plexity it ely to me al vision. But freeo e of t. Pero tion I found in undisturbed t. not been for a feionally stupid boys, all, my record ional regime, draory, teo spoil my o another.
In t t institution I became obsessed inuous motion teady air pressure. t, of ion and imprest me ies of a vacuum. I grei my desire to ible energy but for a long time I allized in an iion o ao otal ever attempted.
Imagine a der freely rotatable on tly surrounded by a regular trougs it perfectly. trougition so t t ter into tmeirely separated from eacigs. One of tments being sealed and once for all exed, tual rotation of t, at least, I t so. A ructed and fitted e care and tendency t, I h joy.
Mec ed to aplisill uion of a bad fall I sustained by jumping op of a building. Every day I used to transport myself to distant regions but could not uand just o do it. Noing s, flapping ed po time on I made my daily aerial excursions in a ve and luxury as migted King Solomon. It took years before I uood t tmosped at rigo t t rotary effort I observed o a leak. t gave me a painful shock.
I ed my course at trated ion became so desperate t I ed to read stantly, obtaining books from ted arusted to me for classification of tion of talogues. One day I ure unlike anytivating as to make me utterly fet my ate. to t y-five years later, old o see t great man of laug into tears.
My studies i tadt, Croatia, ed in many battles. I never fet t at tress in time of quality and deliciously prepared but s in quantity by a t. t by my aunt issue paper. sometantial on my plate sc aedly to e." I ite and suffered like tantalus.
But I lived in an atmosp and artistic taste quite unusual for times and ditions. t me s of quinin I ed. Occasionally ts into to ts o me a s of means, ion of rat-catcy. At last, ed, taiificate of maturity o the cross-roads.
During all ts never o make me embrace t of erested iricity uimulating influeny Professor of Pen demonstrated tus of ion. Among tatable bulb, infoil coatings, o a static mac is impossible for me to vey ae idea of tensity of feeling I experienced in nessing ions of terious ped to kno and iigation and resigned myself to table .
Just as I my fato go on a sing expedition. It range request as renuously opposed to t. But a feer I lear t distrid, taking advantage of an opportunity, I returo Gospi disregard of my parents'' people o ted try in intervals of from fifteen to ty years. t t ts ransmitted t odors and smoke. In time ted er and died in racted to bed for nine monty to move. My energy ely exed and for time I found myself at death''s door.
In one of t to be t, my fato till see ried to es belying me study engineering." "You o t tecitution in t it. A ed from my mind but too late not been for a marvelous cure broug tter deco of a peculiar bean. I came to life like anoto tter amazement of everybody.
My fated t I spend a year in door exercises to ly sented. For most of term I roamed in tains, loaded er''s outfit and a bundle of books, and tact ure made me stronger in body as and planned, and ceived many ideas almost as a rule delusive. t ted. In one of my iions I proposed to vey letters and packages across tube, in spainers of suffit strengto resist t, inteo force ter tube, ely figured and designed and all oticulars carefully . Only orifliail, of no sequence, rary velocity of ter and, ook pleasure in making it a stupendous performance supported by faultless calculations. Subsequent refles, ance of pipes to fluid floermined me to make tion public property.
Anots o struct a ring around tor ed in its spinning motion by reaary forces, travel at a rate of about oicable by rail. t of execution, I , but not nearly so bad as t of a o pump torrid to temperate zones, entirely fetful of t t tic machis very purpose.
Still anotant and attractive, o derive poational energy of terrestrial bodies. I objects on to tation of ternately in and against tion of translatory movement. From ts a great cum imaginable mao furnisive effort in any able region of t find o describe my disappoi I of Arc for a fixt point in the universe.
At termination of my vacation I to tecz, Styria, reputed institutions. t I ed and I began my studies under good auspices and firmly resolved to succeed. My previous training o my fateaities afforded. I ion more or less useful. t time, I could cs as I liked, and free-o bother me no more.
I o give my parents a surprise, and during t year I regularly started my tinued until eleven at niged. As most of my felloudents took turally enoug year I past t I deserved more t qualifications. Armed teriificates, I rest, expeg a triumpified almost killed my ambition; but later, after o find a package of letters t unless ook me aitution I hru overwork.
ter I devoted myself co pical studies, spending table mania for finisever I began, me into difficulties. On one occasion I started to read taire t er ten o be done, but w book I was very glad, and said, "Never more!"
My first year''s sion and friendseacical subjects ary; Prof. Poescical and experimental paugegral calculus and specialized in differential equations. tist brilliaurer to erest in my progress and ly remain for an ure room, giving me problems to solve, in o an illusionary iion, but one based on sound, stific principles, o t, follo a mistake.
It udies t , and a ure ator. It ed up and various effects of ts ions, running tor, trouble, sparking badly, and I observed t it migo operate a motor t it could not be done and did me ture on t, at tesla may aplis t ainly never to verting a steadily pulling force, like t of gravity, into a rotary effort. It is a perpetual motion sstinct is sometransds knoain finer fibers t enable us to perceive trution, or any ot of tile. For a time I by ty, but soon became vinced I ask h.
I started by first picturing in my mind a direct-current mad follos in ture. ternator and iigate taking pla a similar manner. I ems prising motors and geors and operate to me perfectly real and tangible. All my remaining term in Gratz e fruitless efforts of t came to t the problem was insolvable.
In 1880 I tue, Bo my fato plete my education at ty t city t I made a decided advance, acator from tudying t, but still result. In t my parents oo great sacrifiy at and resolved to relieve telep reat and tem o be installed in Budapest, appeared an ideal opportunity, all t terprise. It e breakdoo which I have referred.
I experienced during t illness surpasses all belief. My sigraordinary. I could clearly dis objects in tance imes in my boy crag sounds urb their sleep, and calling for help.
In 1899, y and carrying on my experiments in Colorado, I could inctly t a distance of 550 miles. Yet at t time I o speak, stone deaf in parison eness of my rain. In Budapest I could ig of a cime-piece. A fly aligable in t a distance of a feive ty or ty miles a vibrate sly t t trembled tinuously. I o support my bed on rubber cuso get a at all. ten produced t of spoken o resolve to tal pos. tercepted, un me. I o summon all my o pass under a bridge or otructure as I experienced a crus and could detect t at a distance of t by a peculiar creepy sensation on to ts and all tissues of tcremors o bear. A renowned passium pronounced my malady unique and incurable.
It is my eternal regret t I uion of experts in p t time. I g desperately to life, but never expected to recover. anyone believe t so ransformed into a man of asttenacity, able to y-eig a day''s interruption, and find ill strong and freso live and to tiance of a devoted friend and ate aplisurned and ttag t regretted t truggle o end. I o spare. ook task it en make. it ion of life a I ttle ion, but I could not yet give it outward expression.
Oernoon, ion, I y Park aing poetry. At t age I kneire books by , . t setting and reminded me of the glorious passage:
"Sie ruckt und uberlebt,
Dort eilt sie neues Leben.
Ein scraum indesse,
Aces Flugeln
Kein korperlicher Flugel sich gesellen!"
treats, done is toil;
It yonder es, new fields of life expl;
A no me from the soil
Upon its track to follow, follow s!
A glorious dream! the glories fade.
Alas! t lift the mind no aid
Of o lift th me.
As I uttered tning and in an instant truti ter in my address before titute of Electrical Engineers, and my panion uood tly. ty of metal and stone, so muc I told or c." I ot begin to describe my emotions. Pygmalion seeing atue e to life could not s of nature ally I tence.