首页特斯拉最接近神的科学家VI. The Art of Telautomatics

VI. The Art of Telautomatics

        No subject to ion of mind and straio so dangerous a degree t fibers of my brain as tem of ter is tion. I put all tensity and vigor of yout of tating field discoveries, but t cer.  Altrenuous in treme, t involve t keen and exing disment tag te my rare p t period te collapse, just as tion of t task    in sight.

        it doubt I y later, and very likely my career erminated,    providence equipt me y device, o play    operates I am safe from danger, due to overors and, ially, I need no vacations    people.    used up I simply do as turally fall asleep o ve of my spes little by little a definite quantity of some toxic agent and I sink into a nearly letate e. Upon as immediately preg tempt to tierrupted train of t I feel a veritable mental nausea. Involuntarily I turn to ot tacles t er emporarily abandoned iiourns and I invariably find anso all tions . In tion I ell of araordinary experieo students of psychology.

        I riking pransmitter and o ascertain its true signifi relation to ts propagated t seemed a aking, and for more ttingly, but in vain. tudy so entirely absorbed me t I became fetful of everyt last, as I    t of breaking doure applied tive indug leternation t I o visualize ses from my life except t o ered my sciousness. Curiously enougartling distiness and afforded me ence acle t sloo see ook possession of me. trong t I resolved to drop all isfy my longing. But I found it too o break aory, and several mont life up to t picture t came out of t of oblivion, I sa tel de la Paix in Paris just ing to from one of my peculiar sleeping spells, ress I felt e at t very moment bearing t my mot an    and er     during all tially obliterated memory I o everytouy researc details and t signifit observations in my experiments and evee pages of text and plex matical formulae.

        My belief is firm in a laion. true reion to tain t of all my iions, transmitter    important and valuable to future geions. I am prompted to tion not so mucs of trial revolution , but of tarian sequences of ts it makes possible. siderations of mere utility le in t ts of civilization. e are fronted entous problems    by providing for our material existence, ly. On trary, progress in tion is fraug less menag t and suffering. If o release toms or discover some oted po any point of t, instead of being a blessing, miger to mankind in giving rise to dissension and anarcimately result in t of ted regime of force. test good ecs tending to unification and ransmitter is preemily sucs means tories driven terfalls furnis a stop and trolled to create lakes and rivers for motive purposes and transformation of arid deserts into fertile land. Its introdu for telegrapelepomatically cut out tatid all oterferences    impose narros to tion of the wireless.

        timely topi    be amiss. During t decade a number of people ly claimed t t. I s described aed most of t tive. A ret official statement from taugors o appraise ts at ttempts are based on t ice I ot er vein. Quite retly a nes, but it proved anotain bringing forth a mouse.

        ting i s s of eve Brodie    jumped off t ators, but t report electrified Nely spoke of ter. On a    afternoon I felt ty of refresepped into one of ty titutions of t city    beverage o tated tries of Europe. ttendance    overdistinguister ered t like timotant t is Brodie! " I ter on ter and bolted for t t my op, Steve!" ried to ically for my ing around ers I fortunately mao reacory ed t tions proved unnecessary; I er nigion turns into spectres trifling troubles of ten t, as I tossed on t my fate    I    Steve Brodie!

        Noely gave an at before a tec statics based on a "ofore unknoure," seems to e turbances propagate up and doter proceed along t    a denser, as ts gaseous envelope, could be ce trary to tal teacal text-book of pion s bearing on tity betmospricity and t developed by macablisural and artificial disturbances propagate tly t up eleotive forces in tal, as ical, sense. Interference ot be overe by any sucrutential increases at te of about fifty volts per foot of elevation, oo o ty, or even forty ts betenna. tmospantly in motion and give up electricity to tor, not tinuously but ratively, tive teleperminal a, but it must be uood t it is purely local and tle to do rouble.

        In 1900, em, one form of apparatus prised four anteed to ted in multiple    of magnifying tion, in receiving from any dire. o ascertain transmitted impulses, eacuated pair    in series ector circuit. Ier it ceased, as expected, tennae ralizirue statics maed tances and I o devise special preventives embodying different principles.

        By employing receivers ected to ts of ted by me long ago, trouble caused by tructures as no, is nullified and besides, ty of all kinds of interference is reduced to about one-ional cer of t. tly self-evident, but came as a revelation to some simple-minded us t could . If it rue t strays performed sucics, it o get rid of t aerials. But, as a matter of fact, a o tely immune, is more susceptible to certairaneous impulses tically in to state it fairly, a slig not by virtue of any particular met ures,    ion, and adopting a more appropriate type of receiver. As I pointed out in a previous article, to dispose of ty food, a radical c be made in tem, and tter.

        It ous, indeed, if at time s infand t majority, not excepting even experts, ion of its ultimate possibilities, a measure    a gover monopoly. tary Daniels, and no doubt t distinguiso te and atives ion. But universal evidenmistakably s t results are alained in ition. tional reasons . In t place it offers prospects immeasurably greater and more vital to betterment of ion or discovery in tory of man. t must be uood t t s ey, evolved    and propriety telep lamp or the aeroplane.

        Enterprising press agents and stock jobbers ion t even so excellent a periodical as tific Ameri accords t to a fn try. tz-alian experts    ion of t and aplision coil-scarcely anytransmissios attained of little value, and tz oscillations, as a means for veying intelligence, could ageously replaced by sous er tem, s potent instrumentalities race of tzian appliances aoday. e e dire and s of citizens of try. tal patents unities are open to all. t of tary is based on interference. Acc to atement, reported in tation    be intercepted in every village of t, ed in my experiments of 1900, it tle use to impose restris iates.

        As t on t, I may mention t only retly an odd lookileman called on me    of enlisting my services in tru of ransmitters in some distant land. "e    carloads of solid gold and ." I told    I ed to see first ions in America, and tervie I am satisfied t some dark forces are at ime goes on tenance of tinuous unication .  tem immune against interruption. It ed, it exists, and all t is necessary is to put it iion.

        terrible flict is still uppermost i importaaco transmitter as a mactad defense, more particularly in e elautomatics. tion is a logical oute of observations begun in my boyi my life.    results ated editorially t it    potent factors in tion of mankind". time is not distant    o t and miged o Alexander''s s a favor from Alexander. At t time I really t t it ed destructiveness and exclusion of t of bat. But    faits potentialities, my views have ged since.

        ar ot be avoided until ts recurrence is removed and t analysis, is t extent of t on an every respect, as telligeransport of passengers and supplies and transmission of energy ions be broug some day, insuring permanency of friendly relations.     most is closer tad better uandiies all over tion of t fanatic devotion to exalted ideals of national egoism and pride o primeval barbarism and strife. No league or parliamentary act of any kind    sucy. tting t trong.

        I een years ago, s-a sort of ed by te Andre more publicity and impetus to ts of t.    ot be de suc migerial advao some less fortunate peoples, it ot attain t sougural sequence of universal enlig and merging of races, and ill far from tion.

        As I vieoday, in t of tic struggle ion t terests of y    served if ted States remairue to its traditions a out of "entangling alliances". Situated as it is, geogrape from ters of impending flicts,    iive to territorial aggra, ible resources and immense population t of liberty and rigry is placed in a unique and privileged position. It is to exert, indepely, its colossal strengto t of all, more judiciously and effectively, than as member of a league.

        I    on tany early life and told of an affli ting exercise of imagination and self observation. tal activity, at first involuntary uure and led me finally t I    an automaton devoid of free    and a and merely respoo t. Our bodies are of sucy of structure, tions ernal impressions on our sense ans to sud elusive t it is o grasp t. A noto trained iigator tic tood and propounded by Descartes t in ime many important funs of anism    to ture of ligru and operation of the dark.

        I years tific researco leave no room for a doubt in regard to ts ablest and most eloquent expos is, pereerly assistant of Pasteur.  Prof. Jacques Loeb s in ropism, clearly establisrolling po book, Forced Movements, is revelatory. But    is reized, to me it is a trutrate by every ad t of miernal impression promptio any kind of exertion, pal, is ever present in my mind. Only on very rare occasions, e of exceptional tration, y in log the inal impulses.

        ter number of    is passing around and ims of disease and die prematurely just on t. t every-day occurrences appear to terious and inexplicable. One may feel a sudden    it ting off to ions    or seen ograpton o visualize ions and locate t directly. Defit observation is merely a form of ignorand responsible for tions and foolis more t of every ten persons elepatations, spiritualism and union o listen to willing or unwilling deceivers.

        Just to illustrate ed tendency ion, I may mention a ical i. Sly before tion of my turbines in ty elicited    in tecicipated t turers to get ion, and I icular designs on t man from Detroit ing millions. So fident    urn up some day, t I declared tain to my secretary and assistants. Sure enougor pany prese of discussing ant project. "Didn''t I tell you?" I remarked triumply to my employees, and one of tesla; everyt exactly as you predict." As soon as ted I, of course, immediately began to extol tures of my turbine, ed me and said, "e kno t igation of psyc you to join us in taking." I suppose to being fired out of my office.

        Ever since I old by some of test men of time, leaders in sce    I am possessed of an unusual mind, I bent all my ties on tion of great problems regardless of sacrifice. For many years I endeavored to solve tcual indication. But only on tence arily impressed me as supernatural. It    time of my moth.

        I ely exed by pain and long vigilance, and one nigo a building about t if my mote friend, Sir illiam Crookes, s. I mig tention to ot ible to s as it ter, , t made me embrace trical career. I reflected t tions for a look into t favorable, for my moticularly excelling in tuition. During t every fiber in my brain rained in expecy, but notil early in ty, one of ed across t song of many voices. In t instant a certitude,    died. And t rue. I o uand tremendous ter to Sir illiam Crookes ion of th.

        for a long time ternal cause e maion and, to my great relief, I succeeded after many montless effort. I ing of a celebrated artist, representing allegorically one of to actually float in truck me forcefully. It ly t appeared in my dream, ion of my mot ter m, explaining everytisfactorily in ity ific facts.

        test reason sio cual pely no foundation. tural outgroual development. Religious dogmas are no longer accepted in t every individual gs to fait o govern our dud insure te, but it is immaterial , sce or anyt fulfills tion of a dematerializing force. It is essential to tence of y as a ion should prevail.

        o obtain any eviden support of tentions of psyd spiritualists, I o my plete satisfa tomatism of life, not only tinuous observations of individual as, but even more clusively tain generalizations. t to a discovery    moment to y, and on    inkling of tounding trutill a very young man, but for many years I interpreted ed simply as ces.  Namely, aco icular    popularly cerized as t unfair imaginable, I experienced a singular and undefinable paierm, I ly ter, and invariably, ted it came to grief. After many suco a number of friends, y to viruted and ed in the following few words:

        Our bodies are of similar stru and exposed to ternal influes in likeness of response and cordance of tivities oirely trolled by tossed about like corks on ter, but mistaking tant of tside for free s and otions ive and te indepe from one anoted by invisible links. So long as t order it responds accurately to ts t prompt it, but t t t in any individual, ive power is impaired.

        Everybody uands, of course, t if one bees deaf,    ence are lessened. But true, and perais in tomaton, more or less, of t vital quality and cause it to ruso destru. A very sensitive and observant being, act, and ag o tions of t, is endoransding meco evade perils too subtle to be directly perceived.  act rolling ans are radically faulty, t sense asserts itself and rut in ances and I am inviting otudents of nature to devote attention to t, believing t tematic effort results of incalculable value to ttained.

        trug an automaton, to bear out my ted itself to me early but I did not begin active il 1893, ed my igations. During tomatic meco be actuated from a distance, ructed by me and exed to visitors in my laboratory. In 1896, e macitude of operations, but tion of my labors il late in 1897. trated and described in my article in tury Magazine of June, 1900, and ot time and, ed a sensation su of mi oo me, but only after to Ne I claimed seemed unbelievable. I remember t ion to t,    out in laugelling    I    t test prospect of perfeg suc is unfortu i, follotorneys, I indicated trol as being effected t and a ector, for t I    yet secured prote on my metus for individualization. As a matter of fact, my boats rolled t a of several circuits and interference of every kind    generally I employed receiving circuits in tension transmitter io even a very small aerial ricity from tmosphere for hours.

        Just to give an idea, I found, for insta a bulb 12" in diameter, ed, and erminal to tae tory ralized. t sensitive to sucurband it is curious to    it is being popular at te date. Iy it collects muc it so    it does as in to t rating my iion before audieors ed to ask any questions, omaton    t time but remely simple, for it was myself whe device.

        At telautomatics boat ructed a pograpRICAL EXPERIMENtER. It rolled by loops, urns placed in tirely er-tigus o t used in t ion of certain special features I introduced as, for example, indest lamps he mae.

        tomata, trolled or, eps in tion of t of telautomatics as I . t logical improvement s application to automatic mecs of vision and at great distance from ter of trol, and I ed t as instruments of o guns. tance of to be reized, if I am to judge from casual annous ts raordinary but tain    of y,    ma is practicable, ing s, to launc folloain approximate course, and perform some operation at a distanany rolled in several    it may prove of some usefulness in    to my best knorumentalities ieoday    could be aplised years of study to tter and er wonders easily realizable.

        As stated on a previous occasion,    at college I ceived a flying malike t o could not be carried into practice for    of a prime-mover of suffitly great activity. I years I aining planes, ailerons, propellers and oternal attacs, ure. Sued and propelled entirely by rea, is supposed to be trolled eitalling proper plants it icable to project a missile of to t almost on t designated, whousands of miles away.

        But    going to stop at telautomata imately produced, capable of ag as if possessed of telligence, and t e a revolution. As early as 1898 I proposed to representatives of a large manufacturing    tru and public exion of an automobile carriage o itself,    variety of operations involving someto judgment. But my proposal    time and not.

        At present many of t minds are trying to devise expedients for preventing a repetition of t ion and main issues of ed in an article printed in t a remedy but on trary, i men, may bring about results just te. It is particularly regrettable t a punitive policy ed in framing terms of peace, because a feions to fig armies, serrible, to tructive a and range of . A city, at any distance royed by op    to avert an impending calamity and a state of transform to an inferno,    an instant''s delay and ion.