首页tess of the durbervillesCHAPTER 12


        Mr and Mrs Glegg at home

        IN order to see Mr and Mrs Glegg at    eo Oggs - t venerable toed roofs and ts, t fleeces, ed    classic pastorals. It is one of toion and outgroe ants: a tos long groree, and    betime    from t tness of t is a toten years. till fully, revieime, and is met by tabbed in t of umn evenings like a    from umulus on t of t    o build t fine old oelling of ts and ions; but it is all so old t    its insistencies, and are ent t t tone oriel and t to small brick-refoil or, and ttlements defined one, did not sacrilegiously pull do imbered body s oak-roofed baing-hall.

        But older even t of    into to be a remnant of ted to St Ogg, tron saint of t to versions. I ine to t, since if it s be    is at least likely to tain t falsee man    came to pass one evening    moaning by to be ro questioo cross tarry till take ser : so s t foolisill s on to mourn and crave. But Ogg t is enoug t needs it. And    came to pass o robes of floy and t so t s on ter like ts brig blessed, in t t not question and s need but    smitten y and didst straigeps into t sorm, and s forto t ss. And . But self from its ms and ed ide i so t it nessed iime, t at t upon ters, and t in t around as of ts brig took    and pulled anew.

        ts from a far-off time tation of t oucal to ttle, and s as suddeoroubles even troubles of t inual fig puritans ts and ts tans. Many    citizens lost all times and    fortive toless tanding ur gabled ed by surprising passages, urn at sill t on a muddy strand overfloinually by tide. Everye-glass in succo fag, or ottempt to make fine old red St Oggs    up yesterday. tending, for ters    days,    to be radesmen ended for ers ed from us by c    from t of by farmers in drab greatcoats    in the

        full market-place, it ate of t beloo a past golden age er - making grist for t vertical millstones s, and terious fluctuations of trade o fear: even t bee of late years. t Oggs did not look extensively before or after. It ined a long past    t, and s t reets. Siuries    and t ter, so many memories    beops! And t time o-morroerday and t forces t used to so sleep. tly    and property, and burn men alive; not because any sane and    paris Oggs could be brougo believe in titude tle-market, but for a long ed of preac t of fervour in dissenting pulpits on t of infant baptism om of a zeal unsuited to sober times antism sat at ease, unmindful of scism: dissent ion, auously at Dissent as a foolis t g greatly to families in t inpatible    ion    roversy to break tor orical and argumentative, and Mr Spray t minister o preacical sermons in y bet of to t belief in ternal perdition. But most of Mr Sprays leties, and many old-fasers er let politics alone. Public spirit    eem at St Oggs, and men ions ers: ttle or no business of to manage, or, if to bee insolvent.

        t of t St Oggs in Mrs Gleggs day and at t particular period in ory    ime    present, and y,    being obliged to dress itself in an elaborate e of knoime    of asking tients if t simply took it fra time on boo secure t cramp. Mrs Glegg carried suced from    and up empty, like a suit of armour, and a silver-ick; for table for many geions.

        Mrs Glegg    and a back parlour in     St Oggs, so t ss of vierengt on Road leading out of St Oggs and endency to `gadding about in t retired from business, togetice of ton stogs, ion; and from    garden and orcrete among `tables. Flegg ired from active business as a apler for t of    occupation so muateur ion, and ually relaxed by doing t pero    t e respect for a    it is    to tion of to ties of a ituted al or endable kind.

        Mr Glegg on oo, al occupation, ural ory, finding t ained erpillars, slugs and is, ed ion, and iced remarkable ces bet events of t time, as, for example, t before ter terious serpentine marks oogeto knoil it flasion. (Mr Glegg    of mental activity self a pations.) And    of meditation rairiness of typically exed in Mrs Glegg. t a creature made - in a genealogical sense - out of a mans rib, and in ticular case maintained in t respectability    any trouble of ate of tradi to t propositions and even to t aodating cessions, ery in to , and being ting, money-keeping turn, ed on mu t curious pound ter, it may easily    t in spite of excellent ingredients; and a fine systematic stinginess may be apanied    quite spoils its relisingy in t amiable manner:    tion is a lovable skinflint. If you expressed a preference for co save tured deligifying your palate, and o pet all animals rue feeling over ture,    a donation of five pounds to a person `in a small self to ribution of small aids, not a ralising of misfortune. And Mr Glegg    as fond of saving oto avoid a turnpike    of , and was

        quite zealous in trying to indudifferent acquaintao adopt a citute for blag. t of saving, as an end in itself, beloo trious men of business of a feion,    as trag of to t stituted t in tting, tle miserliness as a dition, and you y in every provincial distribined ers as various as ts from    acid. true ional cers: not so taxpayers ained even in t of table retirement,    and    arding life as an ingenious process of nibbling out ones liveli leaving any perceptible deficit, ao give up a neaxed luxury icable by cter able to uand ion t e of too pu seasoning t nature o t Miss Dodsons virtues. A man ionate disposition, al idea of life, easily es to persuade    no oted tle daily snapping and quarrelling    any sense of alienation. Mr Glegg, being of a reflective turn, and no longer occupied ation on titution of to ic life: a    Mrs Gleggs    struck iable irregularity in ot roll up table-napkins igry ence, and tion of grocery and drug-like odours in Mrs Gleggs private cupboard impressed    t sure t     ire    is certain t an acquiest mild ions paratively jejune and barren of mystery.

        Mr Gleggs unmistakable kind-edness    pained o see    variance    - to be in a state of cavil    quite nullified tate of    t m. Still    in to breakfast     no,    be subdued enougo give    sense of family de. So boast t t no Dodson    off    money out at use, or some    t.

        t at t-table: it ers in t o put on anyto try as a fuzzy curled front. By    ten de dema: until t and society    t cloud only left it more apparent t ty remained; and Mr Glegg, perceiving t doo    o stem ly resolved to leave t remark tlegg, lest, to so delicate an article as a ladys temper, test toujoy temper    in fine dition by inflig privations on t ter. It y s meet o exercise itself. But by and by it appeared t rop last in t tone peculiar to the wife of ones bosom.

        `ell, Mr Glegg! its a poor return I get for making you to be treated, Id better    before my poor fated a he choice was offered me.

        Mr Glegg paused from     but simply    quiet, ual ant mysteries.

        ` have I done now?

        `Done now, Mr Glegg? done now?... Im sorry for you.

        Not seeing i ao his pe.

        `tinued Mrs Glegg after a pause, `as ud o do somet to siding    teacter - but Ive allays s to stand by tead o rejoig and triump her.

        `No? said Mr Glegg, rat as meek as Moses. `riumph over you?

        `t plain, Mr Glegg. Id sooner youd tell me to my face as you make ligry to make out as everybodys in t but me, and e to your breakfast in t an , and sulk at me as if I    under your feet.

        `Sulk at you? said Mr Glegg, in a tone of angry facetiousness. `Youre like a tipsy man as too muc himself.

        `Dont loo me, Mr Glegg! It makes you look very small, t see yourself, said Mrs Glegg in a tone of eipassion. `A man in your place s an example, and talk more sensible.

        `Yes; but en to sense? retorted Mr Glegg, s sense I    talk to you is    nigo ts safe enoug it alone, all because of a bit of a tiff, and I    if youd like to call it in, dont do it in a y in t    till tty me to be    any trouble. Youd o set to o find an iment, and make no end o expense.

        Mrs Glegg felt t sossed ted a guttural interje to indicate t iot a peace. And, in fact, ilities soon broke out again.

        `Ill tea no s proceed to give it ed teapot    toss of the head, and said,

        `Im glad to s little t for    to stand up    if I    but ed myself civil to your kin, and t one of em    say trary, t, and nobody s.

        `Youd better leave finding fault ill youve left off quarrelling rouble you for the milk-jug.

        `ts as false a    to say, if ed milk,    s false. Im not to quarrel .

        ` did you call it yesterday, ters antrum?

        `Id no quarrel er, Mr Glegg, and its false to say it. Mr tullivers none o my blood, and it    peray and be s, Mr Glegg; per to    upo your o let me tell you, its your disgrace.

        `Did ever anybody ting . `A o keep    tled on uffed and li no end o expense, and provided fo on i ting and snapping like a mad dog! Its beyond everyty s tered in a tone of sorroation: Mr Glegg pusea from apped table h his hands.)

        `ell, Mr Glegg! if ts best taking off    in aed manner. `But if you talk o my being provided for beyond , I beg leave to tell you as Id a rigo except a many t find. And as to my being like a mad dog, its    cried sy for your treatment of me, for its    bear, and I    bear...

        imated t so cry, and breaking off from speecly.

        `Sally, s a fire upstairs, and put to order w youd like for dinner. I shall have gruel.

        Mrs Glegg o took doers `Saints Everlasti omed to lay open before    Sunday ms - or ave han usual.

        But Mrs Glegg carried sometairs ogets Rest and t possible for o endure existen tly before tea-time. tly Mr Gleggs suggestion t so let ill until a good iment turned up, and, furtic    at amp, remely retit about s, , like ot c of ening     s and    if estamentary tenderness, it ing to t tuff, and en t of snails, ou end. to survive Mr Glegg and talk eulogistically of     anding ions - to erest ing in more frequently ae it in various ers baffling to t ingenious of tleggs mind, banks and strong boxes o by o be erite and present dignity prised in being a `, - all ttering and ciliatory vieure. So t o good- of y g rolled up in t upstairs to    tolling for poor Mr Morton, Mrs Glegg anse as if so take to.

        Baxter    least eigime, for it o quarrel often, it follo t be protracted beyoain limits.

        Mr and Mrs Glegg talked quite amicably about tullivers t evening: Mr Glegg    tting t tulliver ting into    er, and y; and Mrs Glegg, meeting t    it o take notice of sud t for ers sake, s    it out on a me s four per t.