S out of Bubbers raig t of lad all embroidered. te on ttes. too big for tc s it on ook . Ralp folks babies did, or any summer bootees.
o be dragged around in a tacky old the fine cap gave him
treet, for it e Sunday m and very . ttled.
Bubber ed and t it burned . trees made cool-looking black s t shade enough.
Get up in told Bubber. A Ralp in your lap.’
I .’
time al aead of brole titties were like blue raisins on .
I dont mind pulling you, Mick said. Get on in.’
Mick dragged t in any o get alking to t it o o them.
tely. Its like Im s instead of er Im pus my arms and s big es bigger tore on Saturday afternoon. t es Im yelling and simes Fm on trompling all over me and my insides are oozing out on ts more like a nigors. Neled and tsteps alairs.
Some t naurally to keep private. Not because t because you just t.
t even you to kno’
Bubber got out t it up on t
But ts a piano. If more thing else.’
to t ooriesi* teen people in t t many in t te t t five dollars a as t ted in t because ed a room a it straightened up himself.
t been painted for many years. It did seem to be built strong enougs tories of . It sagged on one side.
Mitied Ralped ed quickly t too. g for diime.
S into t of t t for t Ralp and gave ring of beads to play h.
From be room so go inside.
ta stopped talking ting in ting oe-nails eel rollers and te dab of face cream on a little plader . lazy on t ? Its none of your nosy business, Etta said. Just you hush up and leave us alone.’
Its my room just as muc is eit rutted from one er to til s t care anyt pig any fig are my os.’
Mick brusen t ttle row of cowlicks above he room again.
ta ers . But Etta ars aing io Jeae Maald and a typeteer back saying t if ever s to sas mind. All s about o ting a job as a secretary and being buddies te Maald aing in the movies herself.
S . Etta naturally pretty like of c movie book. S rying to keep in a certain it didnt do any good.
Sometimes Etta it.
teen years old, ao Bill s of all t rouble.
S t and biggest s part of any special treat. o grab for anyt.
Are you just going to tramp around t makes me sick to see you to clamp doa said.
S up, said Mick. I to to be like eit to look like eit.
ts h Bill.’
Mick scrambled u out a large box.
As s to ter her, Good riddance!’
Bill room of anybody in t all to for Bubber. Bill ures cut out from magaziacked on tly faces of beautiful ladies, and in anotures Mick ed last year t class.
tting up be her arms around his shoulders. hey, you old son-of-a-gun.’
begin tussling o do. ?tle.
ill it botay in tle while?’
Sure—I dont mind if you to stay.’
Mielt oring on tbox. for some reason s make up o open itI been t his already, she said.
And it may may not.’
Bill on reading. Sill k over t did not open it. o Bill as o kept stepping on t all Bills dinners to and to one ear and bis supper to t of mean to say and Bill for a mont it was funny.
and out of een sried to by scraping one foot beood up, but t only made it worse.
Mick ope it again. S too excited to look into it noil stle. After a fees sopped before ture sed at t art class for sc er. ture of a storm on t orm. teache
o during t t arted of their own eyes.
t picture sacked it on of ures were full of people.
Sorms at first —oo save trans-Atlan-tier going d to puso otle lifeboat.
Mick into t of Bills room and broug some otures ser-colors, and one vas reet and painted it green and e and Mr. Bran-noaurant and t National Bank t.
People reets and ots and a lady rying to carry a buncure s in Factory, and men of ood scrouged togets of di to ting ure of to. Sed t t name for it. t any fire or storm or reason you could see in ture ure. t one, and it oo bad t s t it was.