In t uneasily, plagued y and ness in equal measure, sled to longed for sleep again. so dro up to find his bandage loose and his bed crimson.
ruggled out of bed and made -filled sunlig o t servants rooms uiot feeling ately four-poster beds in t was a
long unsteady walk.
"ill—" s once, urned from tove to o a chair.
dizzy. a lot of blood; o suppose, ill bleeding.
"I making some coffee," s;Do you t first, or s. And t, but I t find any baked beans."
"t a baked beans kind of . Is t er in tap? I to ;
S er, and ripped to s.
oo faint and dizzy to feel embarrassed, but Lyra became embarrassed for Mm and out. ea to ove.
a s and vas trousers and a belt. tore a fresea too strips and bandaged ightly again.
S only ill, but t of t it, aher did she.
toasted some stale bread, and took it into t t of ty. en and drunk, a little better.
"You better ask ter o do ," ; anyt?"
"No," s;Im only going to do of doing it last nig I never did. And I , eito."
"ell, you better do it no; ;there is in my world, now.
tart. And if—"
opped, because so say somet sopped as soon as ed on. "ill, t erday t I didnt tell you. I s t so many ot;
And sold o by ters, Angelica seeing tred, and Paolos t.
"And dyou remember," s on, "o us? tle brot — and s let o say tullio er ts ers."
" did it look like, ; ill said. to ting forward, .
"; Sried to remember exactly. "arted ting tones in t of felt all over t keep it up. In t of lost i and stopped. t still," s;;
"Because ... I ter all, ters. If t, I be surprised at all if t o my ers could ;
"But you dont ers in your world! You never ;
"Maybe t called Specters. Maybe ;
Lyra sure s to press .
"Any; s on, turning a;tant t Angelica sahe window.
And no s tell all of em. Ss our fault t tacked by Specters. Im sorry, ill. I sold you earlier. But t so many ot;
"ell," ;I dont suppose it uring to use to fig;
"I just feel bad about it, ill. I mean, if ed too."
"Yes," ;but go bad c o get to get ter back, and if fig;
"Yea; she said.
Like lorek Byrnison, ill ter not to fig co spoke, but strategy. o tand thinking.
t;Its probably more important noo t Sir C er. Maybe if s talking about, t ao igers. You kno t, ters, is peoples daemons."
"But coo. And t attack t be t."
"t must be t;t told me o gro c must be someto do . And if t got daemons at all, maybe ters attack t;
"Yea; s;Could be. And s be afraid of Specters any, and s so obey .
Lord Boreal is strong and clever, but s ss in no time. Oting scared again, t s do ... Im going to ask ter, like you said. t t back, any;
S bundle and ran he heavy gold.
"Im going to ask about your fat; s;and to point at—"
"No. Ask about my mot. I to kno;
Lyra nodded, and turer in ug o look dorate. ill eedle sing and stopping and darting on as sly as a swallow feeding, and ding.
then she blinked and looked up.
"Sill," s;ts looking after give ;
ill realized t tle tensio the pain of his wound more sharply.
"t; ;All rig my fat;
But before s from outside.
t at o t of t y t of trees, and sometirring talaimon became a lynx at ond padded to the open dazing fiercely down.
"Its t; he said.
Botood up. t of trees, one by one, maybe forty or fifty of ticks. At triped ts, and it a stick t ol.
"t; Lyra wing.
Angelica ugging at betle brotement, and too, s in t never so many of tuns.
ting, and ill mao make out Angelicas voice ;You killed my brotole ters get away! e gonna kill you same as you killed ;
"ill, you could cut a ; Lyra said urgently, clutc;e could get a;
Probably i in front of a bus. I t just cut t to be safe—Ive got to look first and see ake too long. t or up trees, ;
Lyra looked out t;tve seen us last nig; s;I bet too coo attack us on terday! So—"
"Stop talking and e on," said ill.
trapped to , and Lyra put on tle rucksack er and tters from ills fato tco a cobbled court beyond it. A gate in t into a kitcables and he m sun.
t , closer trees, stood a little building, a circular temple-like structure ory open like a baly from y.
"Lets run," said ill, t less like running than like lying down and closing his eyes.
italaimon flying above to keep c off across t it ussocky and ankle- run more teps before too dizzy to carry on.
o a walk.
Lyra looked back. t seen t; till at t of the house.
Maybe take a he rooms....
But Pantalaimon ding at an open ing at t.
"e on, ill," Lyra said.