首页the battle cats最新版CHAPTER TWO


        t ter t of t u    oak ayed for    ten days or so in t spring    c far    from tern end of Lantern aste and some ing of t ease, aate and pomp of Cair Paravel, ty.

        irian, and y and ty-five years    old; rong and    ill sty.    face.

        t spring m except    friend,    Je stood close beside ts neck    bent round poliss blue    teness of its flank.

        "I ot set myself to any    today, Je; said t;I     t t    today?”

        "t idings ever ; said Je;if true.”

        " be true?" said t;It is more t t birds came flying over us saying, Aslan is o    Narnia again.

        And after t it    seen    t ain ag.    e. t dark Man    from en. t t as a t. And t    nigoo had seen Aslan.”

        "Indeed, Sire," ans;I believe it all. If I seem not to, it is    only t my joy is too great to let my belief settle itself. It is almost too beautiful to    believe.”

        "Yes," said t sig a s. "It is    beyond all t I ever hoped for in all my life.”

        "Listen!" said Jeting his head on one side and cog his ears    forward.

        " is it?" asked the King.

        "; said Je;A galloping    must    be one of taurs. And look, there he is.”

        A great, golden bearded taur,    on    on nut flanks, daso topped, and bo;; it cried in a voice as deep as a bulls.

        "; said toing lodge. "A boaur. ele, Roon. ell us your errand.”

        A page came out of t o taur. taur raised t;I drink first to Aslan and truto your Majesty.”

        rong men) at one draugy boo the page.

        "No," said t;Do y us more news of Aslan?”

        Roon looked very grave, frotle.

        "Sire," ;You knoars; for    aurs live loerrible tten in tly siars say    not t t been sucrous juns of ts for five    o e and y    t some great evil    last nig    Aslan is abroad in Narnia. Sire, do not believe tale. It ot be. tars never lie,    but Men as do. If Aslan o Narnia told it.    If    gracious stars would be assembled in    is all a lie.”

        "A lie!" said t; creature in Narnia or all to lie on sucter?" And,    kno, .

        "t I kno, Lord King," said taur. "But I knoars.”

        "I ; said Je; e tars    foretold ot tars but t not said    in all tories t    a tame lion.”

        "ell said, ; cried t;t a tame lion.

        It es in many tales.”

        Roon    raised o say sometly to turo listen    to a    o t of    t t see t. But the words.

        "oe, ; called t;oe for my broters! oe    for trees! te. t us. e are being    felled. Great trees are falling, falling, falling.”

        it "falling" t. S    so tall t aurs yet sree too. It    is o explain if you    quite unmistakable once you    in tirian and ts kne o sree.

        "Justice, Lord King!" s;e to our aid. Protect your people.    tern aste.

        Freat trunks of my broters are already on the ground.”

        ", Lady! Felling Lantern aste? Murdering talking trees?" cried to    and drahe Mane of Aslan-”

        "A-a-a-; gasped time    after time as if under repeated blo once s    from under    ree, miles away,    down.

        For a moment t t     speak. t;e, friends. e must go up river and find t one of them alive.”

        "Sire, ; said Jewel.

        But Roon said, "Sire, be    range    doings on foot. If too feo meet t o    while -”

        "I     tent of a sed," said t;But    me a score of men-at-arms, all ed, and a score of    talking Dogs, and ten D to t. Bring all ter us as quickly as may be.”

        "it; said Roon. And at once urned and galloped    Easthe valley.

        trode on at a great pace, sometimes muttering to imes cs. Je t jingle of a rid four hoofs.

        turned up it    and t on t. Soon after t to to ters edge.    t t, noo ford to reac. It o tirians arm-pits, but Je on    so as to break t, and    tirian put rong arm round trong ned t safely over. till so angry t iced ter. But of course    of o shore.

        t and Lantern    aste straig gone more topped    and bot t. t; ; and Je;Look!”

        "It is a raft," said King tirian.

        And so it runks, all ne ao make a raft, and ly do of t ter rat o steer    it.

        "er-Rat!    are you about?" cried the King.

        "taking logs doo sell to t; said t, touc ouched his cap if he had had one.

        "enes!" tirian. " do you meao be felled?”

        tly at t time of t t    t ter-Rat looked back over its sed    out:    "t;    t .

        tared at one anotele.

        "Aslan," said t last, in a very lo;Aslan. Could it be    true? Could rees and murdering the Dryads?”

        "U; murmured    Jewel.

        "But selling to enes!" said t;Is it possible?”

        "I dont kno; said Je; a tame lion.”

        "ell," said t last, " go on and take ture t    es to us.”

        "It is t for us to do, Sire," said t see at t    o go on alone; nor did too angry to t muche    end.

        Suddenly the King leaned hard on his friends ned bowed his head.

        "Je; ;w lies before us? s arise in my    . If we oday we should have been happy.”

        "Yes," said Je;e oo long. t t; tood like t for a minute or t on.

        Before long timber,    t because t of    top of it t into Lantern aste itself.    And turned we w.

        Rig a forest - t forest ree of Prote - a broad lane    he river.

        t cro raining as t    t t struck t about    talkis    but Men.

        t t t t great and cruel try t lies    beyond Areet a ene or t tirian could not    uand . ig arm. the men.

        t as    t stu a bad muddy place.

        "Get on, son of slot; cried their whips.

        training h foam.

        "ork, lazy brute," sed one of truck t    thing    happened.

        Up till noiria fra tless animals like the horses of our    own world.

        Ao see even a dumb    trees. It     anyone o alking o use    a w.

        But as t savage blo;Fool and tyrant! Do you not see I am doing all I ?”

        iria kno up, t dooget    moment botirians s by Jewels horn.